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Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Printable Version

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RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - LionMonkey - 07-21-2021

(07-20-2021, 04:32 PM)Shannon Wrote:
(07-20-2021, 03:53 PM)LionMonkey Wrote:
(07-19-2021, 05:31 PM)Shannon Wrote:
(07-19-2021, 04:53 PM)LionMonkey Wrote:
[quote="Shannon" pid='247431' dateline='1626739007']

Let's just say that it's going to be real interesting to watch how E5 plays out.  

And E5 will be absolutely free of charge for all US first responders (police, sheriffs, state troopers, EMTs, etc.), all US medical doctors (including dentists) and nurses, all US military personnel including National Guard and Reservists (with proof of occupation, of course).

I love that! Also should be implemented as a "after duty" tool to use for veterans recovering from what they've experienced to be able to live in society again normally!!

Military veterans get it free also, and for that exact reason.    I guess I should have specified active and retired.

Quote:Btw. What are your thoughts on stopping a 5G subliminal suddenly? Like WM 5.0.

I've used it 10 nights by now, 8 hours per night. 

I'm thinking if I should switch over to some other Subliminal that would be more in alignment with what I'm committed to in my spare time.

Which is meeting lots of girls and start dating multiple high quality girls with no strings attached.. 

I really want to enjoy my next 3-5 years, just living my life and dating gorgeous chicks who are just right for me and enjoying socializing and pushing my comfort zones...

Do you know anything about stopping a 5G subliminal and also if there's a subliminal better suited for what I'm looking for? 



WM isn't AM so you can stop before the end without bad results.  But you'll want to give yourself a week off at least.

As for something to achieve that goal... well that depends on how you want to achieve it and what your definition of "dating" is.  There's Aura of Love, which might be useful for attracting women, there's DMSI (next version is going to be quite interesting, I'm sure), there's LTU, OF, and others all making that easier in various different ways and directions.

If you haven't run through OF v3, I suggest that that is going to be a great option because women are very attracted to fearless men, and because it will improve your life and your future subliminals runs so much, as well as unlocking past subliminal runs as well.

That's good news! (I did stop a AM 4G after 2 weeks and switched to WM. Hopefully nothing too serious)

Actually, that is pretty serious.  You obviously didn't read the instructions.  AM works by pushing you off balance in specific ways that force growth in steps in each stage.  You are to never stop AM until it's finished once you start.  But seeing as how you ignored the instructions, and then did WM for a short period of time, I'm guessing you're just going to do whatever you want regardless.  I wouldn't start the multi-stage subs if that is the case.  It won't be good for you.

I used AM 5.0 btw with 4G tech - the old one.

I was asking around in my AM thread about stopping AM and switching to WM.

Got the impression that it was no biggie.

I guess Biggest thing I noticed when switching to WM was the first few days, I could feel my mind was very active with something. 

I had no idea what was going on in my head.

Could just sense massive activity in my mind and later it stopped.

Also while that happened, I felt I needed more sleep than usual.

Quote:I mean dating is pretty simple for me.

I actually really LIKE to go to bars, socialize and meet chicks. 
There's excitement, lots of not giving a fuck, lots of fun and lots of the unknown.
It's new every night and filled with possibilities and I find it very refreshing from the everyday life.

I'm an addict to high emotions

(Although I'm definitely not closed to meeting chicks in the daytime and setting up hangouts later. I'm just not very experienced with success on that front and therefore probably also find it less fun and interesting. Plus I'm mostly busy working in the daytime)

I think big part of it comes from a sense of anonymity amongst lots of people.

Q1: So yeah.. a good subliminal for utilizing that kind of environment.
Like WM I feel is quite amazing with voice change , more abundance feeling etc. but lacks proactiveness/desire to meet chicks you have never met. 
Do you think DMSI is the best for that?


If you want to be irresistibly sexually attractive.  Presuming you 

Yes but I also want to pull the trigger when opportunities appear. Most chicks are only going to go so far... 95-99% of the time, you gotta initiate contact for the possibility to escalate the interaction with chicks.

Chicks giving indication of interest might give guys more balls to take action but not being the playerboy growing up or having a lot of experience going out and meeting chicks, lots of guys will not pull the trigger when needed to make something happen.

Quote:Sounds like I should go for OF v3 and then DMSI.

Much more likely to actually execute DMSI if you do that.  But it won't matter if you don't use OF for the instructed amount of time.

I came back from many years away from the forum and from using subliminals. I was doing what I believed to be the best at the time.

Quote:Q2: But I'm wondering if DMSI also lacks the desire of proactiveness/desire to meet chicks and escalate the interactions with chicks.

Maybe OF v3 is the missing key?

Gotta mention that while being on AM 4G (yes I bought it way back but just recently returned to the forum and decided to try Subliminal's again. My life situation is also very different now, what a coincidence to be back huh!)

At first on AM, it was a desire towards chicks but then when I went out at night to socialize and meet some chicks, I felt nothing.

Then I focused on seeking discomfort and I started to feel something again. I also had more drive to meeting chicks suddenly. Right around that time I switched over to WM...

I feel like I just wanna jump right into another subliminal. I feel so ready to do something about my life in whatever ways that has proven effective without damaging myself. 

DMSI is about you being the prize, and her doing something about it.  There's no "Go hunt her" in it at all.  AM is good for "hunt her down", and so is SM.  But you can't start and stop and start and stop.  If it's been more than about 6 months using AM, you'll need a full run through before you do SM, both of which you actually have to finish.  But again, by the sounds of it you're not in a place right now where long runs are going to work.

Do you think going for DMSI would be better than OF v3 for me then? 
My current life situation is, I'm very focused and committed to going out and socializing 4-5 nights a week.

I enjoy it a lot as it's refreshing, challenging and new every night. Sometimes just being around a crowd by myself but most of the time meeting chicks.

Catch my drift?

Quote:Q3: Do you need to take a week off? 

Quote:If you don't like turbulence.

I like turbulences. I enjoy them! Feel like I'm in an urge to go and do things.. to rock some boats.. to be more outspoken.. to go for what I really want.. 

Quote:Q4: I only know about 5G with WM. How long do you run OF v3? And can you combine it with for example the new ME? 

OFv3 is 5.75.7G.  That is to say it's at least three major steps up from 5G.  Because it is dealing with the most difficult of all goals, it takes as much time as it says to use it in the instructions on the product description page.  I think that's 6 months per run through for this version.

You couldn't combine 5G programs, so why would one three generations down the line be any different?  Unfortunately, the only way to make these work better is to increase focus, not decrease it.  Using multiple programs decreases focus.

I see. Things have changed a bit since the 7-8 years I frequented here.

I just can't fathom the thought of spending half a year on one subliminal, when they work so powerfully from the get go. Like with WM and the voice change when interacting with women, is weird to think about but normal in the moments.

It's some powerful stuff and honestly thank you for your work.

Btw. I see there are sales right now on a few subs.. is it because they are experimental and when will the sales stop?

Also saw a testimonial about a guy whose brother has schizophrenia and used OF v3 that has helped him a lot! 

Quote:Hi Shannon. Perhaps you don’t recall my posts about this issue. I can add some perspective here. My brother has Schizophrenia. I’ve spoken about it before here, as well as his use of subs. He is followed by a doctor, medication etc.

That said, as I’ve mentioned before, OF 5.75G is the first sub to finally show real progress with his paranoia, that has derailed more things than I can count. E2, E3, OF4G, OF5G, ARA, all of them did not help beyond at times stopping an attack or lessening it. Even then, that was pretty rare. When OF 5.75G debuted, I hesitated getting it for him for awhile, remembering how hard we tried with the other subs with getting the loops in and just huge hours of listening daily with the earlier versions. But, I thought the money to me is nothing…having a chance to rid my brother of this horrible paranoia is worth it! At present, OF has given him over a month of zero paranoia. Which has been unheard of, since the attacks began over 15 years ago when I took him out. They’ve happened ever since…for 15 years. Awful, wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Hopefully now, this will hold and he will be rid of them for good. I plan to keep him going on the 8 month run. Excellent response to this one, at last. I told him I’m jealous of his results with a sub, haha! undefined
Anyway, just wanted you to know. All the best.

Are there more cases of people diagnosed with schizophrenia, on medicine that have had good results with OF v3?

My concerns are that a person with schizophrenia might do crazy things, when the fear is gone and they are hearing voices...

Thx for everything!!


PS. is it recommended to play the FLAC files instead of mp3 if available?
Also what does 1 loop mean?
1 playthrough of the 1 hour file? or 1 playthrough of 8 hours? Bc. I was using the 5G and older tech for 8 hours nightly, so this confuses me

Lastly.. why do you use Paypal when there are so many other really good online payment processors that charges much less fees? Like Stripe, authorize dot net, or maybe skrill...

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Z-Man - 07-21-2021

OMG Shannon E5 sounds like the monster everybody needs. It is off the charts. It is going to do some major healing for anybody running it. Good luck on finishing it.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - ncbeareatingman - 07-21-2021

OMG Shannon E5 sounds like the monster everybody needs. It is off the charts. It is going to do some major healing for anybody running it. Good luck on finishing it.

Ncbeareatingman: I know right,Z-Man. He is one bad mfk'er.....this stuff is kicking asses and taking names,too. UMS v2 in terms of energy drain and energy usage is kickin my ass. I know most of it is fear/resistence/being processed thru and out. Sooo I KNOW that E5 is gonna be a smokin',of the charts. yes sir Z-Man,you nailed it.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Raykon - 07-21-2021

How's everything going with NSLW, I know you've had personal matters / life to deal with, so no pressure just curious.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Catman - 07-21-2021

LionMonkey...that post you referenced about Schizophrenia is my post about my brother.

Zero issue as long as proper medications are taken as prescribed and a psychiatrist is being properly followed. Any deviation to that is YMMV, as with a lot of health things and a doctor. There is at least one person on this forum who has the same disorder that I know of personally.

That is also outside the scope of the forum and IML, in a place I know Shannon doesn't want to go and why.

Welcome back after such a long absence. I noticed your name popping up again recently and smiled.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 07-21-2021


Quote:I used AM 5.0 btw with 4G tech - the old one.

I was asking around in my AM thread about stopping AM and switching to WM.

Got the impression that it was no biggie.

I guess Biggest thing I noticed when switching to WM was the first few days, I could feel my mind was very active with something.

I had no idea what was going on in my head.

Could just sense massive activity in my mind and later it stopped.

Also while that happened, I felt I needed more sleep than usual.

AM 5.0 does not allow you to use SM or WM.  Those were designed with the use of AM6 as requirements.  You might as well have tried to use them without running AM at all, which will definitely not give you the same results.

WM is a 5G program, which is a lot more powerful than 4G.  If you're not used to that level of power, then it's going to make you tired.  Massive activity in  your mind is your mind scrambling to try to process it.

Quote:Yes but I also want to pull the trigger when opportunities appear. Most chicks are only going to go so far... 95-99% of the time, you gotta initiate contact for the possibility to escalate the interaction with chicks.

Chicks giving indication of interest might give guys more balls to take action but not being the playerboy growing up or having a lot of experience going out and meeting chicks, lots of guys will not pull the trigger when needed to make something happen.

If you want to pull the trigger, then DMSI is not for you.  The goal of DMSI is to cause you to become so sexually attractive to her that she initiates.  We had this discussion years ago with other guys saying the same thing.  Being stuck in the "she will never initiate, so I have to" mindset is neither accurate nor helpful if you're running DMSI.  Trust me, you present a man who is sufficiently attractive to a woman and she will initiate.  Based on that belief, I say that OF v3 is what you would do best with in your goals.  It will remove the fears that hold you back from initiating and when you stop having fear in your aura, women are naturally much more attracted.

You need to use OF v3 for the 6 months that the instructions state, however, because fear removal is the most difficult challenge any subliminal ever had, and even with the latest technology, it still takes that long.

Quote:Do you think going for DMSI would be better than OF v3 for me then? 

My current life situation is, I'm very focused and committed to going out and socializing 4-5 nights a week.

I enjoy it a lot as it's refreshing, challenging and new every night. Sometimes just being around a crowd by myself but most of the time meeting chicks.

Catch my drift?

No, I think you're going to do better removing the fear.  Not only will it make it easier for you to approach women and initiate, it will make you more attractive because you have less fear in your aura and body language, which has proven to be a noticeable game changer for some of the guys.  On top of that, it will make past subliminal runs work better and make future programs work better too.

Quote:I like turbulences. I enjoy them! Feel like I'm in an urge to go and do things.. to rock some boats.. to be more outspoken.. to go for what I really want.. 

I don't think you're thinking of the same thing I mean when I say "turbulence".  When you use a powerful subliminal and then try to switch to another powerful subliminal without spending 1 to 3 weeks resting your mind, you get turbulence, which is two programs trying to do different things and use all of the resources, which tends to overload your subconscious and result in a lot of frustration by it because it cannot do what it's being told to do.  It results in things like exhaustion, confusion, headaches, irritability, anger, depression, etc.

Quote:I see. Things have changed a bit since the 7-8 years I frequented here.

I just can't fathom the thought of spending half a year on one subliminal, when they work so powerfully from the get go. Like with WM and the voice change when interacting with women, is weird to think about but normal in the moments.

It's some powerful stuff and honestly thank you for your work.

Btw. I see there are sales right now on a few subs.. is it because they are experimental and when will the sales stop?

Things have changed a lot, indeed.  But if you think they work so powerfully for you and therefore why use them for half a year, you're missing some serious points.  The whole reason we use them for that long is so that they don't just affect your conscious mind and shallow subconscious.  The whole reason I went beyond 5G was that 5G only managed to scratch the surface of real change, and it revealed that real change was frequently being stopped by deep subconscious fears.  5.5G, 5.75G and the 7 variants after that have all made major progress towards making the change real and permanent by going all the way down and making all the changes necessary to achieve that real, deep, permanent change so you can get the results for good - if you use the program properly.

Fear is what stands in the way of everything you want from subliminals and life.  It took ne 5 years of work to figure out that the previous method I was using to try to get rid of fear wasn't the right approach, and it's been 3 or 4 years working on the current approach, which has resulted in Fear Removal Module 5.0 and Overcoming Fear v3, which is based on it; but even with all this, fear is still the most challenging thing I have ever attempted to change in a person, and while OFv3 is making progress where I couldn't go before, it still requires 6 months per run to make the changes necessary to keep your accomplishments.

Trust me.  If you start OFv3, you want to finish it.

Quote:Are there more cases of people diagnosed with schizophrenia, on medicine that have had good results with OF v3?

My concerns are that a person with schizophrenia might do crazy things, when the fear is gone and they are hearing voices...

If there are, they haven't told me about it.

If you are worried about people with schizophrenia doing crazy things because of OF, don't.  The program has safeties in it.  Those safeties are to prevent people from turning their fearlessness into harmful, stupid or regrettable choices.  

Quote:PS. is it recommended to play the FLAC files instead of mp3 if available?


Quote:Also what does 1 loop mean?

It started off that all my subs were 30 minutes long.  Then they went to 60 minutes, predominantly.  It was easy to specify needed listening time in hours because of that.  When the tech got too high powered for the subconscious to handle without a break, I started adding what is known as an ASRB - an Audio to Silence Balancer Ratio.  It lets your brain rest for a bit, process whatever input it couldn't process, and execute better.  Prevents (or minimizes) exhaustion.  This was calculated for each title, and was different amounts of time for audio to silence, meaning the length of each track changed from title to title.  So I started calculating how many times you had to listen to a track as the amount of time required, with each play through being one "loop".  1 loop means you play the program one time through on that day on.  

Quote:1 playthrough of the 1 hour file? or 1 playthrough of 8 hours? Bc. I was using the 5G and older tech for 8 hours nightly, so this confuses me

1 playthrough of the 1 hour file.  If you thought that my efforts to improve my programs ended when you stopped paying attention, I hate to dissapoint.  lol  Now you can get more out of a single loop of a 5.75.7G sub than you could get out of 23 hours of listening to a 5G sub.  It's vastly more powerful.  

Quote:Lastly.. why do you use Paypal when there are so many other really good online payment processors that charges much less fees? Like Stripe, authorize dot net, or maybe skrill...

There are various reasons why things are the way they are.  Changes are on the way, but they're happening a lot slower than I'd wanted.  

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 07-21-2021

(07-21-2021, 04:33 PM)Z-Man Wrote: OMG Shannon E5 sounds like the monster everybody needs. It is off the charts. It is going to do some major healing for anybody running it. Good luck on finishing it.

E5 sounds like the monster I literally cannot build the way it is currently configured.  It breaks my software.  I'm working on finding a solution or a workaround.  I didn't expect to hit this limitation, so I never bothered to take that into account in the modeling runs for how to configure it.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 07-21-2021

(07-21-2021, 06:48 PM)Raykon Wrote: How's everything going with NSLW, I know you've had personal matters / life to deal with, so no pressure just curious.

I haven't had a chance to do anything new on NLSW yet.  That was planned for after E5 comes out.  So far it looks like the limits I have hit trying to build E5 may take all of the time figuring out a solution, which would leave me the option of releasing E5 and then building Stage 3 of UMSv2 instead.  But let's hope that I can find a solution later today and get on with publishing E5 in time.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Raykon - 07-21-2021

(07-21-2021, 08:56 PM)Shannon Wrote:
(07-21-2021, 06:48 PM)Raykon Wrote: How's everything going with NSLW, I know you've had personal matters / life to deal with, so no pressure just curious.

I haven't had a chance to do anything new on NLSW yet.  That was planned for after E5 comes out.  So far it looks like the limits I have hit trying to build E5 may take all of the time figuring out a solution, which would leave me the option of releasing E5 and then building Stage 3 of UMSv2 instead.  But let's hope that I can find a solution later today and get on with publishing E5 in time.

Thank you I appreciate it, I'm very much looking forward to it. When I make it in music, I will have to fly you & your gf out to Colombia or somewhere else beautiful & pay for a nice get away for you two, & finally meet you. If you have the time to go on a vacation.

I would come to Florida , but I'm Banned from the states for like 8 years. 

Of course that's if your willing to meet me. 

I really believe in myself & see myself going places in the next 2-5 years., & I'm always going to be grateful for what you've done for me.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Jake2015 - 07-22-2021

@Shannon Hi mate, thanks for writing on my journal and suggesting Hybrid. Ive replied there and ill give it a shot. Incase you didnt have time to read the reply I asked a question that ill paste here for you.

Question: You have me on 13/15 volume for the US track, what would you like me to do for hybrid please?

thanks mate!

extra: So I just update my journal and had a realisation that im sharing from my journal here incase you want to change any strategy for me @Shannon. As a reminder the strategy was to increase loops to a max of 8 or 9 and then if need be increase days ON. Now you said hybrid and so this is what I realised...

"I have also realised I think, and I emphasise that I think, that usually on the 2nd ON day I feel more fear - maybe because sometimes im unaware of the fear but anyway on the 2nd ON day - I then feel glad and grateful I have 2 off days because today I was thinking the same that thankfully tomorrow is an off day, so this seems to be the case and ill make mention of this to @Shannon incase he wants to change strategy for me."

I wanna smash through this fear whatever is it.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - DMSIuser78 - 07-22-2021

Quote:The script of the E5 program, under its current settings, is so big that we are hitting limits in the software I am using. My TTS can't handle it, apparently. Going to have to find an adjustment...

Does that mean that E5 will end up being less powerful and/or encompassing than it could have been if it wasn't for technical limitations in your build tools?

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 07-22-2021

(07-21-2021, 09:56 PM)Raykon Wrote:
(07-21-2021, 08:56 PM)Shannon Wrote:
(07-21-2021, 06:48 PM)Raykon Wrote: How's everything going with NSLW, I know you've had personal matters / life to deal with, so no pressure just curious.

I haven't had a chance to do anything new on NLSW yet.  That was planned for after E5 comes out.  So far it looks like the limits I have hit trying to build E5 may take all of the time figuring out a solution, which would leave me the option of releasing E5 and then building Stage 3 of UMSv2 instead.  But let's hope that I can find a solution later today and get on with publishing E5 in time.

Thank you I appreciate it, I'm very much looking forward to it. When I make it in music, I will have to fly you & your gf out to Colombia or somewhere else beautiful & pay for a nice get away for you two, & finally meet you. If you have the time to go on a vacation.

I would come to Florida , but I'm Banned from the states for like 8 years. 

Of course that's if your willing to meet me. 

I really believe in myself & see myself going places in the next 2-5 years., & I'm always going to be grateful for what you've done for me.

When the time comes, we'll see if we can't work something out.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 07-22-2021

(07-22-2021, 01:29 AM)Jake2015 Wrote: @Shannon Hi mate, thanks for writing on my journal and suggesting Hybrid. Ive replied there and ill give it a shot. Incase you didnt have time to read the reply I asked a question that ill paste here for you.

Question: You have me on 13/15 volume for the US track, what would you like me to do for hybrid please?

thanks mate!

extra: So I just update my journal and had a realisation that im sharing from my journal here incase you want to change any strategy for me @Shannon. As a reminder the strategy was to increase loops to a max of 8 or 9 and then if need be increase days ON. Now you said hybrid and so this is what I realised...

"I have also realised I think, and I emphasise that I think, that usually on the 2nd ON day I feel more fear - maybe because sometimes im unaware of the fear but anyway on the 2nd ON day - I then feel glad and grateful I have 2 off days because today I was thinking the same that thankfully tomorrow is an off day, so this seems to be the case and ill make mention of this to @Shannon incase he wants to change strategy for me."

I wanna smash through this fear whatever is it.

Jake, I'm getting a little impatient with you.  You are doing the same old shit, again and again, for years now.  Nothing happened... nothing happened... and then we find something that does work, and you immediately find ways to claim again and again that nothing happened.

This is a resistance tactic.  It's called self delusion.  And it annoys the shit out of me, because everyone else can see it's working but the user finds ways, reasons excuses and lies to tell themselves it's not.

I suggested hybrid because I'm just tired of this bullshit.  Listening to you get results, and then "Oh, I guess that wasn't results, nothing, nothing, nothing..." every day, sometimes multiple times a day.

So why don't we skip to the good part.  Let's switch you to hybrid format at 4 loops and just go up from there and save ourselves 5 weeks of this.  And if 8 or 9 loops of hybrid doesn't work for you, then we'll know that nothing I do will ever work for you, and you can find something else to try.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 07-22-2021

(07-22-2021, 02:01 AM)DMSIuser78 Wrote: @Shannon 
Quote:The script of the E5 program, under its current settings, is so big that we are hitting limits in the software I am using. My TTS can't handle it, apparently. Going to have to find an adjustment...

Does that mean that E5 will end up being less powerful and/or encompassing than it could have been if it wasn't for technical limitations in your build tools?

If I can't build it the way it was originally configured, it won't be less powerful, it will just take more time, as in more loops.