RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - UniversalMan - 07-10-2021
(07-10-2021, 10:45 AM)Shannon Wrote: (07-10-2021, 09:39 AM)Watermelon Wrote: Well so far im listening to Aura of Love as it seems fitting (this one im wondering if it actually effects your counterpart too considering the shared energy field and all)
but mostly cause Overcoming fear 1 that i used to listen to became to hard to listen to
it removes other fears really well. but tends to blow my emotions up like a balloon lately
probably because its more trauma based
so i was always planning to run overcoming fear 3 but haven't as my situation changed so heavily
before that i was listening to LTU6 and i kinda do wanna listen to stage 7 again
but unfortunately im on some medication now to dampen the anxiety that goes with this new experience
so the detox module this time isn't my friend
hence i was asking about the upcoming E5
So let me get this straight. You got results from OF v1, and you don't want to use OF3 or LUTv6 because you're taking meds for anxiety control, when OF3 would target the source instead of just masking it? That makes no sense to me. If I were you, I'd be on OFv3 and not on the meds. But that's just me.
E5 is also potentially going to be a very good choice, since it will deal much more thoroughly with trauma than before.
Yup I have the same oppinion,meds mask, E(x) heals
And, I dare to say I would do first OF(x) followed by E(x) followed by LTU(x) ...... the (x) would be any Generation...
But,the thing is I would do that to myself, cause I know myself the best, so you have to think what is the best for you, and what are you prepared to do in order to achive what you want.
I appologize for hijacking I just felt the urge to parcipate.
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Watermelon - 07-10-2021
If only used OF1 as a test the last 2 days to see how i handle it now, and mostly 1 loop in the moment
which reminded me how good it was at removing my other fears, even just a single loop
gives much more clarity
i like the idea of letting it help me get off the meds as due to withdrawel effects thats abit rough (benzo's are quite known for that)
but my emotions seem to be the bigger issue atm
thus im drawn more to E5
i forgot the usage instructions of OF1 tho so if someone can be kind enough to let me know that would be appreciated
all i can see in the playlist is its 6 loops but i have no idea how many days on or off
i do like the idea of OF3 aswell but its long usuage term
and if it has no effect on my emotions -> physical pain sensations
then E5 again is more attractive
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 07-10-2021
(07-10-2021, 10:50 AM)UniversalMan Wrote: (07-10-2021, 10:45 AM)Shannon Wrote: (07-10-2021, 09:39 AM)Watermelon Wrote: Well so far im listening to Aura of Love as it seems fitting (this one im wondering if it actually effects your counterpart too considering the shared energy field and all)
but mostly cause Overcoming fear 1 that i used to listen to became to hard to listen to
it removes other fears really well. but tends to blow my emotions up like a balloon lately
probably because its more trauma based
so i was always planning to run overcoming fear 3 but haven't as my situation changed so heavily
before that i was listening to LTU6 and i kinda do wanna listen to stage 7 again
but unfortunately im on some medication now to dampen the anxiety that goes with this new experience
so the detox module this time isn't my friend
hence i was asking about the upcoming E5
So let me get this straight. You got results from OF v1, and you don't want to use OF3 or LUTv6 because you're taking meds for anxiety control, when OF3 would target the source instead of just masking it? That makes no sense to me. If I were you, I'd be on OFv3 and not on the meds. But that's just me.
E5 is also potentially going to be a very good choice, since it will deal much more thoroughly with trauma than before.
Yup I have the same oppinion,meds mask, E(x) heals
More specifically, (x) instructs your subconscious to do what is required to heal, clear and process. It's just a set of instructions, remember.
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - UniversalMan - 07-10-2021
(07-10-2021, 10:52 AM)Shannon Wrote: (07-10-2021, 10:50 AM)UniversalMan Wrote: (07-10-2021, 10:45 AM)Shannon Wrote: (07-10-2021, 09:39 AM)Watermelon Wrote: Well so far im listening to Aura of Love as it seems fitting (this one im wondering if it actually effects your counterpart too considering the shared energy field and all)
but mostly cause Overcoming fear 1 that i used to listen to became to hard to listen to
it removes other fears really well. but tends to blow my emotions up like a balloon lately
probably because its more trauma based
so i was always planning to run overcoming fear 3 but haven't as my situation changed so heavily
before that i was listening to LTU6 and i kinda do wanna listen to stage 7 again
but unfortunately im on some medication now to dampen the anxiety that goes with this new experience
so the detox module this time isn't my friend
hence i was asking about the upcoming E5
So let me get this straight. You got results from OF v1, and you don't want to use OF3 or LUTv6 because you're taking meds for anxiety control, when OF3 would target the source instead of just masking it? That makes no sense to me. If I were you, I'd be on OFv3 and not on the meds. But that's just me.
E5 is also potentially going to be a very good choice, since it will deal much more thoroughly with trauma than before.
Yup I have the same oppinion,meds mask, E(x) heals
More specifically, (x) instructs your subconscious to do what is required to heal, clear and process. It's just a set of instructions, remember.
Of course, I was just trying to put it simply....the thing is, we all get stuck sometimes...and do not know in wich way to go anymore cause we stuck. Shannon are doing a pretty good thing here.
Thank you for being here for yourself, and for all of us!
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 07-10-2021
(07-10-2021, 11:08 AM)UniversalMan Wrote: (07-10-2021, 10:52 AM)Shannon Wrote: (07-10-2021, 10:50 AM)UniversalMan Wrote: (07-10-2021, 10:45 AM)Shannon Wrote: (07-10-2021, 09:39 AM)Watermelon Wrote: Well so far im listening to Aura of Love as it seems fitting (this one im wondering if it actually effects your counterpart too considering the shared energy field and all)
but mostly cause Overcoming fear 1 that i used to listen to became to hard to listen to
it removes other fears really well. but tends to blow my emotions up like a balloon lately
probably because its more trauma based
so i was always planning to run overcoming fear 3 but haven't as my situation changed so heavily
before that i was listening to LTU6 and i kinda do wanna listen to stage 7 again
but unfortunately im on some medication now to dampen the anxiety that goes with this new experience
so the detox module this time isn't my friend
hence i was asking about the upcoming E5
So let me get this straight. You got results from OF v1, and you don't want to use OF3 or LUTv6 because you're taking meds for anxiety control, when OF3 would target the source instead of just masking it? That makes no sense to me. If I were you, I'd be on OFv3 and not on the meds. But that's just me.
E5 is also potentially going to be a very good choice, since it will deal much more thoroughly with trauma than before.
Yup I have the same oppinion,meds mask, E(x) heals
More specifically, (x) instructs your subconscious to do what is required to heal, clear and process. It's just a set of instructions, remember.
Of course, I was just trying to put it simply....the thing is, we all get stuck sometimes...and do not know in wich way to go anymore cause we stuck. Shannon are doing a pretty good thing here.
Thank you for being here for yourself, and for all of us!

Thank you for your appreciation of my efforts.
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - ncbeareatingman - 07-10-2021
Stage 2 of UMSv2 coming out on the 17th 'er 18th, and if so then that wil be standard procedure ,as in next months ,release around the 18th,as well???
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Raykon - 07-10-2021
(07-09-2021, 09:57 AM)Shannon Wrote: (07-09-2021, 06:40 AM)Johannesbrst Wrote: (07-08-2021, 08:53 PM)Shannon Wrote: (07-08-2021, 10:17 AM)Johannesbrst Wrote: Shannon, I need to ask you something about love that I hope you can help me shed some light upon. I know this girl who I have been in love with sinse high-school, but at the time I was to afraid to make a move and when I did things didn't work out, possibly due to me not being mature enough. High school was 10 years ago and it was 5 years we last met, but we met again today and even though I though I forgot the feelings I have for her, I know they have lingered on and was rescindled today. I'm more in control of my emotions, and can keep my cool around her in a new way, but still I sense that there is something there. Something in between us that I just know that it's there and I know we would have a great chance at creating something beautiful together. I now know that the only way to attract someone is to work on yourself and stay open to whatever shows up, rather than being obsessed with things as I was in the past. However, I don't know how to look at this situation. What is it so deeply inside of me that have this unwavering attraction toward everything about her and how should I deal with it? She lives in another city and have a boyfriend, but I still in some way feel (wishfully or not) that she may feel the same way to.
From my point of view, this sort of thing can result from unresolved karma. It does not mean she will necessarily feel the same, but mirror souls frequently find each other unbelievably attractive, and that will either remain until they play out that relationship and conclude it, or it will show up once they are supposed to start such a relationship.
If she does not feel the same, then it is unlikely she is a mirror soul.
There are of course other possible explanations. I don't know enough to say beyond this.
Thank you for introducing me to the topic, I was not familiar of twin flames. I got the understanding the even one of the souls may realize they are, but the other one can be "locked in" to their current life and be afraid of change or not even spiritually aware enough to understand the underlying attraction or willing to acknowledge it. Then the other one can just as you say wait and see, and perhaps help the other one to develop spiritually by offering supporting nudges and unconditional love, not expecting anything to happen but trusting it will, at some point. However I'm not fully sure of how karmic debt work in relation to this, from what I read karmic debt is something else, where you are attracted to one person to make "remedy" for bad decisions in a previous life?
I said nothing about Twin Flames. Those are so rare to encounter each other in a given lifetime that you may as well just presume they don't exist. That is why I said Mirror Souls. Those are not really actually soul mates, but their particular karmic bond holds them in attraction to each other in ways that is easy to mistake for that case.
The subject of karma is a complex one, and most sources do not understand it well enough to try to explain it. So don't be surprised if it takes you a lot of time to research it well enough to understand it well enough to really get the gist of what it is.
Mirror Souls are karmically bound to be attracted to each other for the purpose of doing what Mirror Souls do: showing one another their weaknesses and flaws. The goal is not an easy one, so to get these two together in any meaningful way the attraction has to be off the charts. This holds them together in a relationship that starts off with bliss and ends up in one of two outcomes. 98% of the time, one party will see the flaws and work to improve themselves, eventually outgrowing the other party who is not willing to do the same, and then leaving to find someone at their current level.
1% of the time, neither is willing to do the work to grow past the flaws their mirror soul has or shows them about themselves, so they live in misery together, hating each other and life after a while.
1% of the time, both realize what is going on, and the work together to grow together, steadily dealing with and growing from their flaws and doing so at a relatively even pace so they are constantly happy together, working together, growing and improving as they enjoy the process (challenging through it is) and the attraction that brought them together in the first place.
Information on Mirror Souls is very scarce compared to "information" on Twin Flames, because everyone wants the icing on the cake, and nobody wants the ugly truth. I would estimate that for every million (and it might be a much higher number) Mirror Soul relationships you encounter, you *might* encounter a real Twin Flame. So just forget about Twin Flames. If that person is your Twin Flame, you'll end up in a life locked relationship if it's supposed to happen. Most times, Twin Flames don't (aren't allowed to) recognize each other if they ever encounter one another, and they almost never encounter each other in a life where they're not supposed to bond in a significant relationship because they are so distracting to one another's reason for being here in the first place otherwise.
If there is some sort of soul bond, bet your money it's a Mirror Soul bond, and be ready - if you get together - to have this person show you your flaws and weaknesses. And get ready to hit the ground running, because in one of these relationships there are only those three options: You both try to hide from the growth and remain miserable; one of you grows while the other hides and then ends the relationship after they outgrow the stagnant one; or they both grow together, and that can indeed resemble a soul mate relationship. But for every real Twin Flame relationship there are thousands that will be mistaken for one because the mirror souls chose to grow together, and millions that will be mistaken for one because the people involved don't really understand what a Twin Flame is, or what the relationship is like.
Sad but true. You're almost never here to have fun. You're almost always here to learn something. And most people are only willing to learn the hard way, through pain and discomfort.
I think my first girlfriend 3 years ago, was my mirror soul, she was born the same day as me dec 26 but 8 years later, our astrological chart was identical, & personality wise we were the same, she had more trauma then me and vibrated at a lower frequency, but when we initialy met our frequencies were very similar, but as time went on I grew and worked on myself and she didn't. She got back into her bad habits, and I broke up with her.
I think about her allot & love her as a person, but she's an addict now & is not the same person, her addiction changed her personality (shes not the same as when she is sober.)
Can you have more then one mirror soul?
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 07-10-2021
(07-10-2021, 01:06 PM)ncbeareatingman Wrote: Stage 2 of UMSv2 coming out on the 17th 'er 18th, and if so then that wil be standard procedure ,as in next months ,release around the 18th,as well???
It should have been released on the 8th. The issue I am having is that the models are very unstable recently. I am about half way done with the last step before publishing, which is to determine the usage patterns. I have loops per day, am working on days on per ASRB2 cycle and do not know days off at all yet. There is no standard procedure when this is a possibility. The stages will be released when they are finished correctly, as always.
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 07-10-2021
(07-10-2021, 01:37 PM)Raykon Wrote: (07-09-2021, 09:57 AM)Shannon Wrote: (07-09-2021, 06:40 AM)Johannesbrst Wrote: (07-08-2021, 08:53 PM)Shannon Wrote: (07-08-2021, 10:17 AM)Johannesbrst Wrote: Shannon, I need to ask you something about love that I hope you can help me shed some light upon. I know this girl who I have been in love with sinse high-school, but at the time I was to afraid to make a move and when I did things didn't work out, possibly due to me not being mature enough. High school was 10 years ago and it was 5 years we last met, but we met again today and even though I though I forgot the feelings I have for her, I know they have lingered on and was rescindled today. I'm more in control of my emotions, and can keep my cool around her in a new way, but still I sense that there is something there. Something in between us that I just know that it's there and I know we would have a great chance at creating something beautiful together. I now know that the only way to attract someone is to work on yourself and stay open to whatever shows up, rather than being obsessed with things as I was in the past. However, I don't know how to look at this situation. What is it so deeply inside of me that have this unwavering attraction toward everything about her and how should I deal with it? She lives in another city and have a boyfriend, but I still in some way feel (wishfully or not) that she may feel the same way to.
From my point of view, this sort of thing can result from unresolved karma. It does not mean she will necessarily feel the same, but mirror souls frequently find each other unbelievably attractive, and that will either remain until they play out that relationship and conclude it, or it will show up once they are supposed to start such a relationship.
If she does not feel the same, then it is unlikely she is a mirror soul.
There are of course other possible explanations. I don't know enough to say beyond this.
Thank you for introducing me to the topic, I was not familiar of twin flames. I got the understanding the even one of the souls may realize they are, but the other one can be "locked in" to their current life and be afraid of change or not even spiritually aware enough to understand the underlying attraction or willing to acknowledge it. Then the other one can just as you say wait and see, and perhaps help the other one to develop spiritually by offering supporting nudges and unconditional love, not expecting anything to happen but trusting it will, at some point. However I'm not fully sure of how karmic debt work in relation to this, from what I read karmic debt is something else, where you are attracted to one person to make "remedy" for bad decisions in a previous life?
I said nothing about Twin Flames. Those are so rare to encounter each other in a given lifetime that you may as well just presume they don't exist. That is why I said Mirror Souls. Those are not really actually soul mates, but their particular karmic bond holds them in attraction to each other in ways that is easy to mistake for that case.
The subject of karma is a complex one, and most sources do not understand it well enough to try to explain it. So don't be surprised if it takes you a lot of time to research it well enough to understand it well enough to really get the gist of what it is.
Mirror Souls are karmically bound to be attracted to each other for the purpose of doing what Mirror Souls do: showing one another their weaknesses and flaws. The goal is not an easy one, so to get these two together in any meaningful way the attraction has to be off the charts. This holds them together in a relationship that starts off with bliss and ends up in one of two outcomes. 98% of the time, one party will see the flaws and work to improve themselves, eventually outgrowing the other party who is not willing to do the same, and then leaving to find someone at their current level.
1% of the time, neither is willing to do the work to grow past the flaws their mirror soul has or shows them about themselves, so they live in misery together, hating each other and life after a while.
1% of the time, both realize what is going on, and the work together to grow together, steadily dealing with and growing from their flaws and doing so at a relatively even pace so they are constantly happy together, working together, growing and improving as they enjoy the process (challenging through it is) and the attraction that brought them together in the first place.
Information on Mirror Souls is very scarce compared to "information" on Twin Flames, because everyone wants the icing on the cake, and nobody wants the ugly truth. I would estimate that for every million (and it might be a much higher number) Mirror Soul relationships you encounter, you *might* encounter a real Twin Flame. So just forget about Twin Flames. If that person is your Twin Flame, you'll end up in a life locked relationship if it's supposed to happen. Most times, Twin Flames don't (aren't allowed to) recognize each other if they ever encounter one another, and they almost never encounter each other in a life where they're not supposed to bond in a significant relationship because they are so distracting to one another's reason for being here in the first place otherwise.
If there is some sort of soul bond, bet your money it's a Mirror Soul bond, and be ready - if you get together - to have this person show you your flaws and weaknesses. And get ready to hit the ground running, because in one of these relationships there are only those three options: You both try to hide from the growth and remain miserable; one of you grows while the other hides and then ends the relationship after they outgrow the stagnant one; or they both grow together, and that can indeed resemble a soul mate relationship. But for every real Twin Flame relationship there are thousands that will be mistaken for one because the mirror souls chose to grow together, and millions that will be mistaken for one because the people involved don't really understand what a Twin Flame is, or what the relationship is like.
Sad but true. You're almost never here to have fun. You're almost always here to learn something. And most people are only willing to learn the hard way, through pain and discomfort.
I think my first girlfriend 3 years ago, was my mirror soul, she was born the same day as me dec 26 but 8 years later, our astrological chart was identical, & personality wise we were the same, she had more trauma then me and vibrated at a lower frequency, but when we initialy met our frequencies were very similar, but as time went on I grew and worked on myself and she didn't. She got back into her bad habits, and I broke up with her.
I think about her allot & love her as a person, but she's an addict now & is not the same person, her addiction changed her personality (shes not the same as when she is sober.)
Can you have more then one mirror soul?
Your astrological chart was identical when you were born 8 years apart? I think not. And remember that astrology is not for the main forum.
In a single lifetime, if you have chosen to use mirror souls to help you grow, it is clear that since the vast majority of the time only one of the pair will actually grow, that mirror souls part when the inactive partner is outgrown. At that point, you have the option to replace them with another mirror soul later if you wish. I have had relationships with at least four mirror souls so far in my life.
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Raykon - 07-10-2021
(07-10-2021, 02:05 PM)Shannon Wrote: (07-10-2021, 01:37 PM)Raykon Wrote: (07-09-2021, 09:57 AM)Shannon Wrote: (07-09-2021, 06:40 AM)Johannesbrst Wrote: (07-08-2021, 08:53 PM)Shannon Wrote: From my point of view, this sort of thing can result from unresolved karma. It does not mean she will necessarily feel the same, but mirror souls frequently find each other unbelievably attractive, and that will either remain until they play out that relationship and conclude it, or it will show up once they are supposed to start such a relationship.
If she does not feel the same, then it is unlikely she is a mirror soul.
There are of course other possible explanations. I don't know enough to say beyond this.
Thank you for introducing me to the topic, I was not familiar of twin flames. I got the understanding the even one of the souls may realize they are, but the other one can be "locked in" to their current life and be afraid of change or not even spiritually aware enough to understand the underlying attraction or willing to acknowledge it. Then the other one can just as you say wait and see, and perhaps help the other one to develop spiritually by offering supporting nudges and unconditional love, not expecting anything to happen but trusting it will, at some point. However I'm not fully sure of how karmic debt work in relation to this, from what I read karmic debt is something else, where you are attracted to one person to make "remedy" for bad decisions in a previous life?
I said nothing about Twin Flames. Those are so rare to encounter each other in a given lifetime that you may as well just presume they don't exist. That is why I said Mirror Souls. Those are not really actually soul mates, but their particular karmic bond holds them in attraction to each other in ways that is easy to mistake for that case.
The subject of karma is a complex one, and most sources do not understand it well enough to try to explain it. So don't be surprised if it takes you a lot of time to research it well enough to understand it well enough to really get the gist of what it is.
Mirror Souls are karmically bound to be attracted to each other for the purpose of doing what Mirror Souls do: showing one another their weaknesses and flaws. The goal is not an easy one, so to get these two together in any meaningful way the attraction has to be off the charts. This holds them together in a relationship that starts off with bliss and ends up in one of two outcomes. 98% of the time, one party will see the flaws and work to improve themselves, eventually outgrowing the other party who is not willing to do the same, and then leaving to find someone at their current level.
1% of the time, neither is willing to do the work to grow past the flaws their mirror soul has or shows them about themselves, so they live in misery together, hating each other and life after a while.
1% of the time, both realize what is going on, and the work together to grow together, steadily dealing with and growing from their flaws and doing so at a relatively even pace so they are constantly happy together, working together, growing and improving as they enjoy the process (challenging through it is) and the attraction that brought them together in the first place.
Information on Mirror Souls is very scarce compared to "information" on Twin Flames, because everyone wants the icing on the cake, and nobody wants the ugly truth. I would estimate that for every million (and it might be a much higher number) Mirror Soul relationships you encounter, you *might* encounter a real Twin Flame. So just forget about Twin Flames. If that person is your Twin Flame, you'll end up in a life locked relationship if it's supposed to happen. Most times, Twin Flames don't (aren't allowed to) recognize each other if they ever encounter one another, and they almost never encounter each other in a life where they're not supposed to bond in a significant relationship because they are so distracting to one another's reason for being here in the first place otherwise.
If there is some sort of soul bond, bet your money it's a Mirror Soul bond, and be ready - if you get together - to have this person show you your flaws and weaknesses. And get ready to hit the ground running, because in one of these relationships there are only those three options: You both try to hide from the growth and remain miserable; one of you grows while the other hides and then ends the relationship after they outgrow the stagnant one; or they both grow together, and that can indeed resemble a soul mate relationship. But for every real Twin Flame relationship there are thousands that will be mistaken for one because the mirror souls chose to grow together, and millions that will be mistaken for one because the people involved don't really understand what a Twin Flame is, or what the relationship is like.
Sad but true. You're almost never here to have fun. You're almost always here to learn something. And most people are only willing to learn the hard way, through pain and discomfort.
I think my first girlfriend 3 years ago, was my mirror soul, she was born the same day as me dec 26 but 8 years later, our astrological chart was identical, & personality wise we were the same, she had more trauma then me and vibrated at a lower frequency, but when we initialy met our frequencies were very similar, but as time went on I grew and worked on myself and she didn't. She got back into her bad habits, and I broke up with her.
I think about her allot & love her as a person, but she's an addict now & is not the same person, her addiction changed her personality (shes not the same as when she is sober.)
Can you have more then one mirror soul?
Your astrological chart was identical when you were born 8 years apart? I think not. And remember that astrology is not for the main forum.
In a single lifetime, if you have chosen to use mirror souls to help you grow, it is clear that since the vast majority of the time only one of the pair will actually grow, that mirror souls part when the inactive partner is outgrown. At that point, you have the option to replace them with another mirror soul later if you wish. I have had relationships with at least four mirror souls so far in my life.
I don't remember exactly but we had basically every aspect of our chart identical, the most significant being our main sign and Venus house (Venus In Scorpio) & Okay I apologize I won't speak about astrology anymore on this side of the forum.
If I wanted to help my future mirror soul grow with me & us not grow apart? Is that possible? Can I change the outcome/Destiny?
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 07-10-2021
Unfortunately not without breaking one of the cardinal rules, which would be to take away their free will. The best you can do is suggest ways to overcome the fears that hold them back.
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Raykon - 07-10-2021
(07-10-2021, 02:54 PM)Shannon Wrote: Unfortunately not without breaking one of the cardinal rules, which would be to take away their free will. The best you can do is suggest ways to overcome the fears that hold them back.
This is a really fascinating subject, and I don't want to take too much of your time because I know your busy, so I'll just ask one last question.
When your referring to Cardinal rules, What do you mean? & Are you suggesting, that you would have to use something like Magik? ( I Hope this isn't against the rules, I will go read the rules tonight.)
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 07-10-2021
Rule #4:
Quote:Religion and Astrology
You may not make mention of or discuss religion or any concepts commonly incorporated into religious belief systems. You may not make mention of or discuss tarot, astrology or any other specific metaphysical predictive system on the main forum. With the sole exception of creative visualization and common manifestation methods, you may not make mention of or discuss magick or magickal methods and techniques on the main forum. (Spells, sigils, talismans, rituals, etc. is out of bounds.) If you wish to make any mention of religion, magick or metaphysical predictive systems, please do so in the chatter box section of the forum. You may not "preach your religion" on this forum, overtly or through private message - even in the religion thread. Meditation, mindfulness methods, chi and chakras are acceptable topics of discussion. Please avoid any aspects of these that cross over into magickal methods.
That would mean I am also violating Rule 4 by discussing karma and reincarnation on the main forum. So this little refresher was a good idea, and we will have to continue this discussion in the chatter box. Ask me there.
RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Raykon - 07-10-2021
Okay I did, & can't believe I'm just finding out about the Chatter Box now, (7 1/2 years later aha) It's right up my alley the knowledge / discussions in there.
(07-10-2021, 04:11 PM)Shannon Wrote: Rule #4:
Quote:Religion and Astrology
You may not make mention of or discuss religion or any concepts commonly incorporated into religious belief systems. You may not make mention of or discuss tarot, astrology or any other specific metaphysical predictive system on the main forum. With the sole exception of creative visualization and common manifestation methods, you may not make mention of or discuss magick or magickal methods and techniques on the main forum. (Spells, sigils, talismans, rituals, etc. is out of bounds.) If you wish to make any mention of religion, magick or metaphysical predictive systems, please do so in the chatter box section of the forum. You may not "preach your religion" on this forum, overtly or through private message - even in the religion thread. Meditation, mindfulness methods, chi and chakras are acceptable topics of discussion. Please avoid any aspects of these that cross over into magickal methods.
That would mean I am also violating Rule 4 by discussing karma and reincarnation on the main forum. So this little refresher was a good idea, and we will have to continue this discussion in the chatter box. Ask me there.