RE: Ricardo's MYPSL 5G Journal - 4Kingdoms - 10-17-2015
(10-17-2015, 03:10 PM)Ricardo Wrote: I also read somewhere (from Shannon I think?) that you can encounter very similar ones before the perfect one shows up. I think he called them "Shades" or something like that. It may not be the case for everyone but it shows that the fire and forget principle is not something that's easy to do.
I only think about the sub when anything out of the ordinary or coincidental happens, which isn't that often but it makes you think, and naturally your thoughts turn to the sub as a possible reason for them.
From the product description: The Manifest Your Perfect Sexual Lover program is based in nearly two decades of research into the laws of how the universe works, how we interact with those laws, and how to make the process of manifestation possible and effective through subliminal influence. It is designed to help you manifest your perfect sexual lover, as quickly and obviously as possible.
MYPSL is using the Law of Attraction which is well documented.
For some reason, we meet some “close but not quites” on the journey.
Those are the men and women in our lives who give us glimpse of possibilities of a fabulous love, but for some reason it doesn’t pan out.
Thanks for pointing out things out of the ordinary and coincidences. That is exactly what I am reporting when I post on this Journal. Not writing just for the sake of writing.
RE: Ricardo's MYPSL 5G Journal - 4Kingdoms - 10-19-2015
TheRealJustin makes a good point about the unrealistic expectations of subliminals...
(10-19-2015, 11:32 PM)TheRealJustin Wrote: (10-19-2015, 10:52 PM)FrostedFake Wrote: (10-19-2015, 08:37 PM)Benjamin Wrote: Some people have had great success and alot of sex on both of them, then other people who have done SM and WM (I don't mean the same person who has done both) have got not many results or sex.. I don't really know what the missing part is there.
Yeah, that is the mystery I, and probably everyone else here, is trying to figure out.
It's no mystery. Guys that get laid without the subs get laid with the subs, and guys that don't get laid without the subs think the sub is going to be a magic pill, so they run the sub and never try to get laid the whole time, they just 'wait for the sub to work', generally speaking.
Like right now I'm running Exercise Motivation & Enjoyment. If I just wait for results I'm not going to get any, and it's the same with WM and SM. The exercise sub isn't going to magically make me healthy and give me a great body, I have to put in work. WM and SM aren't magically going to make women hop on peoples dick. They have to put in work.
Basically people that put in effort get results and people that use subs as a magic pill don't get sh*t. Well, I shouldn't say that because these subs basically are magic pills, but what I mean is we still have to put in effort and try to get what we want. We can't run SM or WM and think we're going to be swimming in pu**y without doing anything besides sitting around waiting for it to happen.
It's like running BAMM for 8 years and not doing sh*t and being like "I ran this sub for 8 years and I still don't make any more money than when I started" it's like no sh*t you have to work with the sub not just sit and wait.
Maybe we can sit and wait actually, I'm sure if we listen to something long enough it will fully take over and our subconscious minds will force us to change and to take action, but why wait? Just start now. I've never once thought about using a sub and just waiting for something to happen. I use subs to fuel what I'm already working towards anyways. I don't understand people that just wait and wait and wait for something to happen, 6 months goes by and they're like "this is bullsh*t give me a refund."
To me, it's like buying a book on starting a business, reading the book, and then saying "I read this book and I still don't have a business. This book is ***** I want my money back. I read the whole damn thing and I still don't have a business."
That's how I see it. Too many people think they can spend a little money and then magically everything is fixed and done for them.
You and I (4Kingdoms) are running the same subliminal and we started the same day. The product description says it's passive, yet obvious and keep running it until 'BAM' she appears.
What TheRealJustin wrote makes a lot of sense. You won't get in shape if you just listen to 'Exercise Motivation & Enjoyment', you need to actually take action and exercise!!!
My question to you is... now that you've read what TheRealJustin wrote, Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Should we be going up to random women we find attractive and ask them out until we get laid? or Just sit on our butts and keep waiting for 'BAM' when she shows up? (I really don't know what you are doing, that's why I'm asking, please don't take offense.)
I've just been patiently waiting for the woman to pounce me like a cat does to a mouse.
RE: Ricardo's MYPSL 5G Journal - Ricardo - 10-20-2015
There is some truth to the notion of making things happen but it also works both ways and in the case of an AYP even more so. The person who is your ideal lover or sex partner will appear in your life and be attracted strongly to you. She will at least give off signals which you can easily act on. It might be through conversation or actions.
From what Shannon has said on the subject this person will be quite unmistakable when they come into your life. If you feel the need to go and chat up every women you see then none of them will be "the one". The law of averages will come into play and you'll meet someone who does want to have sex with you then you'll be 'amazed' at how well the sub works!
My advice is to be patient but open to new experiences and people.
RE: Ricardo's MYPSL 5G Journal - 4Kingdoms - 10-20-2015
Soaring asked...
Would my perfect petite female romantic lover... be classed as a 'soul mate' ?
Shannon's profound answer...
(10-20-2015, 07:28 PM)Shannon Wrote: I'll share what I believe to be correct at this time.
Point 1: Soul mates exist.
Point 2: There are three kinds of soul mates, and only two of them are really soul mates.
Point 3: Not all types of soul mates are the kind you stay with.
As best I understand right now based on my experiences, observations and research, the types of soul mate are:
1. Primary soul mate. This is what everyone is looking for. This is the true type par excellence, and it is both very rare to encounter this type and very obvious when you do. It is possible to meet your primary soul mate and not know it if you are not ready for them or they are not ready for you.
2. Mirror soul mate. Not true soul mates. These souls are those who share with us a specific need for learning, and the two souls act as mirrors to each other in order for that growth to be forced. To make this challenging process work, an extremely strong sexual and/or romantic attraction is created between them which holds them together while they try to learn from their own flaws and weaknesses as presented to them by the other person acting as a mirror for those flaws and weaknesses. Mirror souls rarely end up together because it is extremely rare for them to grow at equal rates. In almost all cases, therefore, mirror souls separate, usually after a period of several years, and usually because one person outgrows the other. It is possible to meet any number of mirror souls in a lifetime.
3. Companion soul mate. The companion soul is a true soul mate, but these are souls who share a bond of love that is usually not sexual or romantic in nature. It is most common to encounter companion souls as friends, parents, siblings or extended family. These souls support one another and help each other. Not just any friend, parent, sibling, etc. will be a companion soul. Such a bond will be obvious as to it's power and strength compared to other similar such relationships.
Now, what you are most likely to encounter from an attraction program is a mirror soul, if they are a soul mate at all. Primary soul mates can find one another this way, but it is only when they are both ready that they will recognize one another and feel the fireworks. Otherwise they would be too distracting to each others growth.
Could she be your primary soul mate? Sure. Is it definite? Hardly.
This is what I currently believe to be the best information I can give. As for proof, well... good luck.
RE: Ricardo's MYPSL 5G Journal - jonathan4all - 10-21-2015
4kingdoms just let u know mate some of your post clipping from Shannon quote is very helpful. Sometimes we miss some points he has said here and there. Keep up the good work.
RE: Ricardo's MYPSL 5G Journal - 4Kingdoms - 10-21-2015
Quality females do exist...
(10-21-2015, 04:31 AM)Shannon Wrote: Quality females do exist. Trustworthy females. Worthwhile females. Valuable females. Loving females. Caring females. Females worth being in a long term relationship with. But until you stop with the PUA crap, you're unlikely to meet that kind of female because you're only looking for the wrong kind. And what's the wrong kind? Basically young, exceptionally attractive and shallow. They have a lot of options, and very rarely do they get called out on bad behavior. When they do, they usually just turn left and say, "Next," because they know some other guy will do whatever it takes to get between her thighs. They don't have to learn or grow up because guys let them get away with too much, instead of refusing to deal with her ***** en mass.
To find quality females, you have to first understand that they exist, and second, understand that they will not respond to PUA crap. It is manipulative, and you reap what you sow. Start sowing the seeds of love, kindness, genuineness and trust and that's what you'll attract as a result. But you have to BE it, not just act it.
You want the ones who you don't find in clubs. You want the ones you don't find in bars. You want the ones who don't worry too much about fashion. You want the ones who are more mature. You want the ones who either wear no makeup, or wear it sparingly. You want the ones who have good self esteem, good self respect, and a good sense of self worth without being selfish, arrogant, etc.
Stop looking only for the "hotties". Most guys are interested only in "hotties" and they don't even realize that this is more because those females are a way to impress other guys and buy social status, than it is they are really attracted to such females. Every guy wants those females, and because of that they tend to be shallow, immature, one trick ponies who can be selfish, thoughtless and behave badly. The 7s and 8s are therefore a better goal; they're good looking, without usually being badly behaved.
Consider also that some of the chubby girls might be worth considering. They have to try harder to get and keep a man's interest, and they are therefore typically much more willing and eager to be well behaved, considerate, thoughtful, etc. They also tend to make better lovers, for that reason and for other reasons as well. In my life, I have only one woman who wasn't chubby who ranks in my top five best lovers. She happened to be my "perfect lover". The rest of the skinny or athletic or slender women were either just plain bad lovers, too skinny to have painless sex with or were users, cheaters, liars, etc. Not saying this is always the case, but it's common. Most guys overlook the best lovers and the best girlfriend/wife material because of this.
The ones who have a little meat on their bones? They also make great relationship material because they tend to have that extra meat on their bones because they have an emotional focus to their personalities. That means she wants an emotional connection with you, and that means she's interested in a relationship and a mutual exchange of genuine love and caring. You want a woman who will go out of her way to make you happy? Start looking at the ones who are a little less skinny. You don't have to get into overweight for this, either. Thick and/or voluptuous, curvy and soft-but-defined females are great picks.
I have had multiple times where I had a girlfriend who was thick, voluptuous or soft-but-defined and I would have them treat me like a king. Without asking for it or expecting it, I would frequently get foot massages, back massages, b js, frequent requests for sex, food cooked for me, and even have them clean my house and do laundry. You know what these women want in return? They want to know you really care and love them, and that their emotions are safe with you. They want a stable relationship. They want to know they can trust you. They want to know you're honest, and if you choose to be with only her, they want to know you're faithful. Treat her with decency, and she'll do wonders for you.
Now of course this is not to say that there are no good females who are hot, skinny, what have you. But they are the exception and not the rule. And that's not to say that all thicker chicks or 7/8's are like I described. But when you stop with being manipulative in trying to pick women up and start genuinely looking for someone who is worth more than just a ****, you'll find they come to you naturally. The females you've experienced for the last while are reflections of what you are putting out there, and you are attracting what you are expecting and believing to be true. Change that, and you'll see a lot of difference.
RE: Ricardo's MYPSL 5G Journal - Ricardo - 10-21-2015
Shannon's over simplifying things again Taking women at face value is not indicative of their quality. A lot of the young girls with excess make-up and seemingly little self respect often turn out to be acting a part that they think men want them to be. Once they attract the guy they want they scrub off the war paint, settle for some nice clothing and are quite happy to forego clubs and bars for a night in with their fella.
Chubbiness is also not a reliable indicator as a lot can have inflated views of themselves (pardon the pun) and think they're hot.
RE: Ricardo's MYPSL 5G Journal - 4Kingdoms - 10-21-2015
(10-21-2015, 08:33 AM)Ricardo Wrote: Shannon's over simplifying things again Taking women at face value is not indicative of their quality. A lot of the young girls with excess make-up and seemingly little self respect often turn out to be acting a part that they think men want them to be. Once they attract the guy they want they scrub off the war paint, settle for some nice clothing and are quite happy to forego clubs and bars for a night in with their fella.
Chubbiness is also not a reliable indicator as a lot can have inflated views of themselves (pardon the pun) and think they're hot.
What you say is true about women getting comfortable and spending a night with their fella.
Yes, most chubby women think they are the bomb.
If you read between the lines of what Shannon wrote, he is trying to get men to change their beliefs about women.
A quality belief about women will manifest a quality woman.
I believe that MYPSL is changing our beliefs about women.
The petite woman that started me on this journey to purchase MYPSL and manifest a lover into my life is no longer talking to me, unless I speak to her first and when she answers you can feel the chill in the air. Before MYPSL, I would be angry about her behavior towards me and keep silent. Now I smile and sound like an old friend when I say "HI petite woman!!! " It sounds like I am singing when I speak it...
Today, I was in the waiting room while my Mom was with the Dentist. I was unusually polite in the waiting room, opening the door for the senior citizens, getting them the key to the restroom and returning the key when they were done. Usually I just watch what is on tv or read a magazine and mind my own business. When my Mom and I left she told me the girls in the office wanted to know if I was dating someone.
RE: Ricardo's MYPSL 5G Journal - 4Kingdoms - 10-26-2015
I've been keeping an offline journal of MYPSL and I was reluctant to share this (just being superstitious I suppose) because I don't want to jump the gun.
I'll keep it brief. On Day 54... I was 'nudge/pushed' (what a surprise ) and ended up at the grocery store/pharmacy. Saw a young girl, more than half my age. We exchanged phone numbers. Believe me, the short version sounds boring. Should this work out, the details will blow your mind; I still think I'm dreaming.
She's on my mind, but I held back from contacting her because of our age difference. She's 23, I'm 49. 26 years difference. Day 58... while I was at work, she texted me 'Dinner? Wednesday?' Naturally, I am going to meet her. Will let you know how it turns out.
RE: Ricardo's MYPSL 5G Journal - Ricardo - 10-27-2015
(10-26-2015, 08:12 PM)4Kingdoms Wrote: @Ricardo
I've been keeping an offline journal of MYPSL and I was reluctant to share this (just being superstitious I suppose) because I don't want to jump the gun.
I'll keep it brief. On Day 54... I was 'nudge/pushed' (what a surprise ) and ended up at the grocery store/pharmacy. Saw a young girl, more than half my age. We exchanged phone numbers. Believe me, the short version sounds boring. Should this work out, the details will blow your mind; I still think I'm dreaming.
She's on my mind, but I held back from contacting her because of our age difference. She's 23, I'm 49. 26 years difference. Day 58... while I was at work, she texted me 'Dinner? Wednesday?' Naturally, I am going to meet her. Will let you know how it turns out.
That's excellent news 4Kingdoms. I hope she's the one, that would be a real endorsement of these AYP's (that Catman keeps knocking )
Even if she's not the one, she's a good example of the "close but not quites" you mentioned earlier.
I suppose the big question now is..Does she currently fit your idea of a "perfect"? (even before the sex starts)
RE: Ricardo's MYPSL 5G Journal - Dzemoo - 10-27-2015
(10-21-2015, 08:33 AM)Ricardo Wrote: Shannon's over simplifying things again Taking women at face value is not indicative of their quality. A lot of the young girls with excess make-up and seemingly little self respect often turn out to be acting a part that they think men want them to be. Once they attract the guy they want they scrub off the war paint, settle for some nice clothing and are quite happy to forego clubs and bars for a night in with their fella.
Chubbiness is also not a reliable indicator as a lot can have inflated views of themselves (pardon the pun) and think they're hot.
Very true
RE: Ricardo's MYPSL 5G Journal - 4Kingdoms - 10-27-2015
(10-27-2015, 12:36 AM)Ricardo Wrote: Even if she's not the one, she's a good example of the "close but not quites" you mentioned earlier.
I suppose the big question now is..Does she currently fit your idea of a "perfect"? (even before the sex starts)
First, yes the 'close but not quites' are a necessary learning experience to get what we really want. So, I'm hopeful but I'm not holding my breath.
Fit my idea of 'perfect'. I like her voice, that can be a huge turn off if her voice is deeper than your own. She's petite, a physical type I was wishing for. And her looks, generally that's what men are most attracted to, physical looks. So yes so far she fits my idea of 'perfect'. We both know you and I aren't listening to 'MYPSL' to just go on dates , so where, when, and if we have sex, who knows??? 
I'll keep listening to 'MYPSL' until sex does happen. In the meantime, I'll meet her for dinner and keep what you said in mind... "My advice is to be patient but open to new experiences and people"
RE: Ricardo's MYPSL 5G Journal - 4Kingdoms - 10-28-2015
Manifest Your Perfect Sexual Lover 5G WORKS
RE: Ricardo's MYPSL 5G Journal - 4Kingdoms - 11-09-2015
It's not our imagination!!!
(11-08-2015, 09:02 PM)Shannon Wrote: Quote:The 'nudges/pushes', whether people think it is my imagination or it really is part of the subliminal script; seems to be a very important aspect to encountering your lover. Shannon will tell you the script is proprietary, so we will never know... Undecided
On the contrary, I'd be glad to explain the nudges.
They are absolutely not your imagination. They originate from one of the statements that comprise the Optimus Engine. It's designed to allow your conscious mind to benefit from all of your subconscious abilities to know things that your conscious mind cannot and does not. For instance, the subconscious apparently can perceive time as more of a smear than a point, allowing it to know ahead of time what will happen if you do Z instead of X. It also appears to have access to information about other times, places and people, and can coordinate events this way. You met her because somehow, it apparently coordinated the request with the woman. How does it do these tings? I don't know. I just know that it can do them, and given the right instructions, will.
You have inspired me to build a few more AYP in 5G, since that should not be terribly time consuming.