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Javier's Path to becoming an Alpha Male 5.0 - Journal - Printable Version

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RE: Javier's Path to becoming an Alpha Male 5.0 - Journal - lokko - 05-11-2014

why would anyone not want to masterbate once in awhile...

RE: Javier's Path to becoming an Alpha Male 5.0 - Journal - ImFreeman - 05-11-2014

(05-11-2014, 12:33 PM)lokko Wrote: why would anyone not want to masterbate once in awhile...

It got to do with recovering from an addiction to porn & masturbation. What is a drink once in a while?, for a recovering drinker is a very big fking deal.

RE: Javier's Path to becoming an Alpha Male 5.0 - Journal - lokko - 05-12-2014

(05-11-2014, 04:42 PM)ImFreeman Wrote:
(05-11-2014, 12:33 PM)lokko Wrote: why would anyone not want to masterbate once in awhile...

It got to do with recovering from an addiction to porn & masturbation. What is a drink once in a while?, for a recovering drinker is a very big fking deal.

Yeah but why the "90 day nofap" etc or whatever day..just cut down to like once or twice a week. It's better then suffering, plus you feel better.

RE: Javier's Path to becoming an Alpha Male 5.0 - Journal - Javier Gerardo - 06-12-2014

(05-11-2014, 12:15 PM)ImFreeman Wrote: Hi! my first post is going into your journal. I have some advice concerning nofap.

1) is to try to separate the fap, from the porn, what i mean is that you should concentrate on removing porn completely from your life first, because tackling both porn and extreme horniness from nofap is very difficult, and the binges brutal, i know it. For me porn was a source of constant novelty, i did not go to a pron site to watch porn per se i was going there for 'whats new?'

What i mean is try to get 100+ days with no porn, and if horny hold it as much as you can but when it starts to interfere with your concentration and your ability to be produtive, fap away. But with no porn whatsoever.

2) I found that 20 minutes of simple "concentrate on the breath/vipassana" meditation per day is great for dissipating sexual energy. It also helps clearing away all the emotional junk you might still be holding so more power to you in the end.

Hey man thanks for this. Especially since this is your first post in this board. Welcome aboard.

It's been a month since I last visited my journal. I agree that I need to separate porn from fapping. Yes, I also visited porn sites to see "What's new" the novelty is what I crave. I've been studying my addiction for the past month. I've had a couple of relapses I think. Now I'm on my 10+ day streak. Though I already viewed porn. Sometimes it's so hard to fight myself from watching them.

I plan on doing meditation but instead I took up other things like practicing my guitar more and working on more hours on my job. In that way I can focus the energy on productive things. Also, on trying to buy and sell stuff to earn some money.

For the record I'm on Alpha Male 5.0 Stage 2. It is my second run already.

RE: Javier's Path to becoming an Alpha Male 5.0 - Journal - Javier Gerardo - 06-12-2014

(05-10-2014, 10:01 AM)SargeMaximus Wrote: "NoFap" is definitely hard. I treat it like working out/dieting myself. I'm giving myself a "cheat day" about once a month. It's easier to bear if you know that it's not gone "forever", which can cause a relapse. If you know you'll "see it again", I find it's easier to stick to the "diet".

(05-12-2014, 12:53 AM)lokko Wrote: Yeah but why the "90 day nofap" etc or whatever day..just cut down to like once or twice a week. It's better then suffering, plus you feel better.

To add to what ImFreeman posted I will reply to clear up some issues here.

I myself have only been fapping and watching porn around once or twice a week. On top of that I fap without watching porn about once or twice a week also. But have developed ED and when I already have a boner I cum easily. I also think about porn in my head when I have sex. When I first tried this I thought I wasn't addicted and I can easily surpass days without watching porn. I was shocked that I keep on relapsing. I have experience moments, which are fairly recent, when I couldn't control myself from opening tabs of porn. I see my porn tastes go freaky and I'm afraid it could get worse if I don't stop. Even when I am typing this I get the urge to open at least pictures of cute girls. I now won't be surprise if I end up watching porn after minutes of just browsing pictures.

What I have is a sure sign of porn addiction. I am doing everything I can do fight it. I also try to be spiritual about this and pray to God that he'll help me. I'm a Catholic so I know God is always helping me overcome this addiction.

Thanks for the concern bros.

RE: Javier's Path to becoming an Alpha Male 5.0 - Journal - guilotine - 06-12-2014

Fellow NoFapper here,

I also have experienced ED in the past and still do sometimes. I used to watch porn for many hours a day and I think that messed me up. Things are better now but I still don't enjoy sex as much as I used to enjoy porn and erections are not that hard but things are better so that gives me hope. On day 31 right now.
Keep at it guys we can do this!

RE: Javier's Path to becoming an Alpha Male 5.0 - Journal - Javier Gerardo - 06-14-2014

(06-12-2014, 07:13 AM)guilotine Wrote: Fellow NoFapper here,

I also have experienced ED in the past and still do sometimes. I used to watch porn for many hours a day and I think that messed me up. Things are better now but I still don't enjoy sex as much as I used to enjoy porn and erections are not that hard but things are better so that gives me hope. On day 31 right now.
Keep at it guys we can do this!

That's good to know.
I can relate with watching porn for hours. I remember having almost 10 tabs on porn on my browser. Fuck what am I doing back then. I never thought that porn is damaging as I thought it was.

Yes we can do this. I'm currently around on Day 20.

RE: Javier's Path to becoming an Alpha Male 5.0 - Journal - Raykon - 06-14-2014

I've done no fap for 60 days and no porn for 160 days and it was the most amazing changes ever.. I became more comfortable around women, I saw them all as beautiful & I spoke much clear and with louder voice. Definitely not going to quit this time around and no point fapping, fapping releases all that amazing sexual energy in your body that when stored enhances your throat chakra ( deep voice, better expression)

RE: Javier's Path to becoming an Alpha Male 5.0 - Journal - Javier Gerardo - 10-11-2015

Woah! I never thought I've been away for more than a year from this forum. Over the course of that time I was listening to Emotional Pain Relief & Healing Aid (5G – Type B/D Hybrid). I remember I listened to it for 4 months straight but I didn't get any big changes. Now listening to it was not as consistent as before.

Anyhow, I can't believe that 1 year and around 4 months flew by so fast. For that time I was really active in the No Fap subreddit of the site reddit. I feel that I really need to handle my porn and masturbation addiction. It was a hard time. I came to the point of committing suicide multiple times after numerous relapses. I never thought that my porn addiction was affecting me a lot negatively. That's why I told myself that I need to handle that addiction before I can move on in my life. Now I feel that even though I've not fully recovered from porn addiction, I can proudly say that I am not as addicted as before. I have gone long streaks of not watching porn and it is not as enticing as before. I hope this is a good base for me as I will be starting a new subliminal in the form of Alpha Male Version 6. I will be starting it soon and I will be making a new journal.

Good thing that I happen to see some common usernames in this forum and they are still active. I will do my best to participate like before and not only tell my experiences but to help other people here as well. This is a way for me to giving back to this community and also to Shannon who have constantly helped me in the past. I can't thank Shannon enough not only for the subs that he created but also for the support he is giving us here.

Wish us all the best and cheers!

RE: Javier's Path to becoming an Alpha Male 5.0 - Journal - Benjamin - 10-11-2015

Welcome back man. Good luck with AM6.

RE: Javier's Path to becoming an Alpha Male 5.0 - Journal - Javier Gerardo - 10-15-2015

Thanks for the welcome. I will start with Alpha Male 6.0 tonight and will create a new journal to go with it.

RE: Javier's Path to becoming an Alpha Male 5.0 - Journal - Zane - 10-16-2015

Well I see you guys are struggling with Porn and Masturbation.

Good thing is that Shannon made Sub for Both Porn and Masturbation..

My Issue is that I only masturbate and hardly watch porn.
So I have been using Stop Masturbation Subliminal for Past one month,and its helping me alot.

I plan on using it for about 6 months...So lets see where it goes..

I have High hopes from this sub

RE: Javier's Path to becoming an Alpha Male 5.0 - Journal - Benjamin - 10-16-2015

One thing I learnt is that the issues with porn and masturbation could be connected to other areas in your life.

Mine was food and weight. As I dealt with the issues around food and my weight I stopped masturbating and looking at porn where before it was a big issue. I don't look at porn at all anymore.