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RE: AM experiences - SexyMofo - 06-15-2013

Hey Lk why not you do Women Magnet next then go back to doing Alpha. I believe that would really help you with the socialization, make you more extroverted and chip off some old traits that you want to get rid off. Just my two cents

RE: AM experiences - Lkawakita - 06-15-2013

My plan is quite similar. But instead of WM, I was going for SM next, since I got it at the last sale.

After SM, I'm thinking on running AM again and then, I'll try my hand with WM.

How SM compare to WM in terms of charisma and socialization?

RE: AM experiences - SexyMofo - 06-15-2013

I believe WM is a rather all around product compared to SM which is focused specifically to make you a highly charged sex guru. Most of your interactions would be based on you being a piece of meat that women would want to devour. lol WM makes you more of a playful social alpha. It enhances your ability to handle and lead groups, have women all over you(not just for sex but for company because your one cool guy to be with and because of this everybody else thinks and believes that your cool) and a lot more.

RE: AM experiences - Lkawakita - 06-15-2013

Ok. You bought me.

Will be saving to get WM then. But it seems I won't be able to get the money until I finish AM, so I'm hoping that it gets a huge discount on the next sale. In worst case, I'll buy it to use in next year.

RE: AM experiences - Shannon - 06-17-2013

The only way a 5G program will ever be discounted is if it is a product that falls into the category of being eligible for a 50% discount of you purchased the previous version. Never will a 5G program be discounted during a sale.

RE: AM experiences - Lkawakita - 08-01-2013

That's a bummer.

Anyway, been a while since I finished AM and here's the results:

AM helped me be more confident, assertive and self-reliant. But it also made me less social. It's not shyness anymore. I can talk to anyone and have fun, be confortable around people and without the need to seek their approvation. However, since I need no one's approvation anymore, my standards rose as result, to the point where sometimes I see no reason to even begin to socialize with some people. Also, it made me very introspective. To the point that more often than I would like, I caught myself thinking "What's the purpose of my life?", and getting angry with myself because of the answer I can give right now.

So, in a way, it's made me love more, much more, raising my standards. But also made me hate myself for not being able to met these standards.

Will be running it again in the future. Hope by then a new version of it becomes avaiable. Will then put the 50% discount at good use.