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JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - Printable Version

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RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - Jake2015 - 06-05-2016

(06-04-2016, 05:50 PM)DisneylandUSA Wrote:
(06-04-2016, 01:05 PM)Jake2015 Wrote: And a Question for you all due to an insight I just had:

Before I begin I wasn't sure if this could be posted anywhere else in the forum for Shannon and others to answer, so Ben if you want to move it please do.

I have realised that I'm a night owl. I have always known this but as I procrastinate all day from studying, the time here is now close to midnight and now finally I sit to study. In fairness sleep or drowsiness does enter my eyes so no idea if this is a subconscious defence stopping me from studying haha

So my question is, is there a sub to repel this night owl function and help me to function at my best during the day and sleep during the night?

If you are wondering why, then allow me to shed more light on this first, before you answer:

Basically my university functions like all on a daytime schedule. Lectures are in the very early hours of the morning. Exams are also in the very early hours of the morning.

Coffee shops to post offices/mail rooms to shops and stores all function predominately on a day time schedule.

To be a night owl is great and fun but its not conducive for the day time world. It means I'm like a night shift worker sleeping or being tired in the day when others are out working. I need to change this, rescript my mind so that I function in the day at my best and sleep at night as nature intended.

perhaps my night owl is due to me believing the night is quiet and serene, or perhaps its a false belief and really is simply a bad habit that I created which I think could be the real case, or even a far bigger truth could be that this is a safety net and in actual fact I believe am a night owl when perhaps all I am is a day time procrastinator?

I however do know that I am working now at night because I have wasted all day avoiding work, fear probably and now must work!

so any insights and help please to see what you all think?

EPHRA 2.0; It will be working on Avoidance behaviors especially, Fears. Different Fears including, Fear of Success, Fear of Failure, Etc..
Majority of Procrastination behavior is Avoiding Unpleasant tasks Smile

Disney omg thats it, I procrastinate because I want to avoid unpleasant tasks. From an early age I have the same image in my head of being woken as a kid early, feeling tired and wondering how my father ever woke so early for his shifts. I also procrastinate after an intense bout of motivation.

Ill start a task with high goals, lofty ideals and motivation to do it and believe in my heart that I can, but then life, obstacles and procrastination all get in the way and derail me. I then find it a struggle to get back to it and when I do the cycle repeats.

I now have no obstacles and yet the fear of learning so much material I think keeps me from moving forward.

The greatest of all time Muhammad Ali, (boxer) passed away and the tributes are coming in. This man had no subliminals, he had nothing and yet he got on and did what he needed to, in the most brutal of professions at the most disgusting of recent times, facing fear at every turn.

I live in the now, I have not half of the struggles that man had and yet I can't seem to get up and do things. Why is this the case?

RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - DisneylandUSA - 06-05-2016

Glad it helped about Procrastination and Avoiding Unpleasant Tasks. Good insight and Revelation Smile

RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - Jake2015 - 06-07-2016

EHPRA 2.0 Has Begin - - - Mortal Kombat "test your might" -------------> See Pic


Ok so here it is, day 1 of the rest of my life Smile

(I am listening to the trickling stream track as I write this)

Goal: To Listen to this track for 1 hour today on day 1.

I am listening to this track using wired Headphones.

Looking Forward:
I will increase my listening to 2hours on Day 2
I will increase my listening to 3hours on Day 3
I will increase my listening to 4hours on Day 4
I will increase my listening to 5hours on Day 5
I will increase my listening to 6hours on Day 6
I will increase my listening to 7hours on Day 7
I will increase my listening to 8hours on Day 8
I will keep to 8hours minimum from day 9 onwards.

Why this strategy?
After reading testimonials and then reading the product page for this subliminal:

it became clear that 1 hour of this subliminal was equal to 6.5hours of a standard 5G subliminal:
Quote:HyperCompression Technology #1: This backport 6G technology allows the program to achieve word-per-minute rates that average about 650% of standard 5G, meaning each hour of listening is the equivalent of listening to about 6.5 hours of a standard 5G program.

You can read the discussion here:

Also on the same products page it says:
Quote:If it is possible for you to do, it is recommended that you ease yourself into using this program. Start by using it for an hour, then give yourself several hours to observe any effects it may have. Then do two hours, and so forth, until you are using it for the intended amount of time per day. Expected optimal usage per day will be between 8 and 12 hours for most people. Your mileage may vary.

As you will thus understand, my future will depend on how my mind feels after each day of listening. If I need to I will reduce and maintain that hour per day listening for an extra day and then increase. Once I have reached 8hours a day then its smooth sailing on ahead I hope.

Today I felt it best to begin with headphones as this is by far the best way to listen to subliminals and its day 1 so start with the best.

As I progress I may use headphones and may not.

(Please refer to the first post of this journal to understand my overall strategy, thank you)

Quotes and references have been provided with links in this journal to help all of you - thank you
No Stuffed Animals, empty bottles of coca cola or scraps of kitchen aluminum/foil were damaged during the writing of this journal Big Grin

I have finished my 1hour/1st hour of listening.
I felt a little tired at times, and feel little tired now. Headphones were either getting warm or I was feeling tickle in &/or around my ears, which were probably due to the heat; but otherwise nothing else to report.

RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - Jake2015 - 06-08-2016

Day 1 Continued - Thoughts/Experiences etc.

So I finished my 1hour listening at around 11pm my time.

I was feeling little sleepy as mentioned, but I then didn't want to sleep and wanted to eat something. I also spent much time writing the journal and then spent even longer reading journals and replying to comments here.

Eventually I ate and got to bed at around 3am. I couldn't sleep until 5 or 6am. I know shocking right.

I then woke up a few times during the night. Someone called me at around 10am, I woke, saw their name and decided its best I catch up on my sleep and fell back to sleep.

I woke at 1-2pm today. Its now 3.12am and besides having brushed my teeth and had a hot drink, I'm sat here wanting to get this out before I hit the shower and get on with my day.

At some point between the 10am phone ring and my 1.30pm-ish wake up I had a dream. The dream felt like it was near to 1pm time to be honest.

I don't know if the dream is due to the sub, or significant or not or if its due to my late night snack (4 toast with square slices of cheese) and coca cola (don't judge ok) lol

So in this dream, I go with my family to some relatives home, I think for a wedding celebration get together. It seemed that way from the general vibe though nothing in the dream made it clear and specific.

In this dream I met relatives I didn't like and shook their hands and then went into the kitchen where some of the female relatives and aunts were gathered. I think I went with my sister so I followed her.

I then saw a relative i didn't even know but in the dream assumed she was the sister of an aunt or cousin, as she looked a tiny amount similar to 1 of them but if you asked me now who she was I wouldn't really know.

Anyway as she saw me she looked me up and down and immediately commented on my weight and said how has this happened. He was so slim and whatever and now, what happened.

I felt conscious as she was looking my up and down as I know myself I am not the way I was in my prime (and even now I have no real understanding of how I got to this shape, since my eating habit hasnt really changed and yet I was once slim and in shape). For me losing hair too has had an effect on my esteem for sure I'm sure which then has probably contributed to comfort eating which has contributed to me losing shape and sex appeal for sure.

Anyway during her looking me up and down I felt self conscious, but when she made the comment, I let out a laughter in the dream at her. My laughter was at her audacity and rudeness as well as her seemingly pointing out a flaw rather than just being happy to see me. Obviously I know if I was in her place then id think the same about someone who looks totally different and fatter than how I once knew them, but to vocalise it I doubt I would be so rude or want to affect their esteem in this way.

Anyway in the dream, i felt my sister was quiet and embarrassed. She didn't or couldn't stick up for me and I didn't say anything else, my laughter was enough and it was a genuine laugh not something just for a rebuttal but a genuine laugh at her even mentioning it lol

Then a cousin or some kid I don't know called me over to go with him to someone else's home down the street, where all the fun kids and adults were gathered playing xbox etc. So I went with him, it was night time (maybe 10pm maybe 11pm) in the winter/autumn seasons as it was dark and the street lights/lamp posts were lit. As we walked down the street....I woke from my slumber.

When I woke, I immediately had a feeling of embarrassment of being this heavy weight and embarrassment of thinking "is this how my immediate family, and now my friends and peers at my new university see me, and the girl at uni that I simply can't take my eyes off too?".

I felt like my weight has to go and change. I know this, I have hope that this summer I can put into effect my new daily lifestyle plans of eating right and exercising as well as learning better study skills and habits for year 2 of uni.

I also felt that these feelings will eventually go, because I realised this is my immediate feeling after this dream, but there are 24hours in the day and I know from living life already that my feelings will change as the day progresses.

Rightly so, maybe 2hours since waking up I'm more relaxed again and more in tune with what I'm doing now...yeh right now...yeah typing this lol and also with my plan of eating something then hitting the shower. Yeah I'm gonna eat first I think.

So what do you all think? is this the way the sub works? or any of the subs work when they make you dream etc? is this a clearing of some kind?

I haven't had any experience with a sub working and this now is the first time as you all have read where I will be able to listen for 8hours a day every day I hope without fail so I'm expecting my life to improve in many ways.

I also know that my reason for picking this sub was because many here had kindly guided and advised I start on this but I agree and so my reason really is because I want to clear my procrastination and any fears ....yes any fears, or avoidance issues or obstacles in my path to studying and achieving high grades at uni and later in life.

However I'm fully aware that this is my reason for this sub, but this sub will work on what it works on which is everything and anything within my subsconcious that it sees are garbage, sticky residue or, sticky tar I think and slabs of wood and broken concrete that need shifting to allow the inner me to glow (I should be a writer lol).

So after just 1 hour listening I'm wondering, was this the subs effect on me, or was this dream just me? what do you all think?

1 thing I love about this sub and why I'm also using it, indirectly, and I mean this sincerely, since my primary aim is what I listed above but something that i know this sub will work on anyway, though its not a primary concern for me, is my self esteem, self worth, self responsibility and all that jazz that self help gurus and guys that regurgitate metaphysical marketing all say in what makes us our ideal I'm all for that!!!!

Ill be beginning day 2, 2hours listening later today..... The Saga Continues.

RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - DisneylandUSA - 06-08-2016

It will be interesting to see how each hour of EPHRA 2.0 5.5G, will make your dreams more comfortable to deal with and especially, process your feelings Smile

RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - Jake2015 - 06-08-2016

(06-08-2016, 10:04 AM)DisneylandUSA Wrote: It will be interesting to see how each hour of EPHRA 2.0 5.5G, will make your dreams more comfortable to deal with and especially, process your feelings Smile

That would be great Smile as long as it deals with things quickly ill be a happy monkey. I keep reading journals here and sometimes its concerning. No matter how the generations increase it still seems that people have to listen for 9months to get results or face resistance, so wondering if 6G will really be the holy grail or just another step towards that elusive pie in the shy hmmm.

RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - Jake2015 - 06-08-2016

Day 2 : Wednesday 8th June 2016

Today I listened for approximately 2hours. I listened to the Silent Track, this time through my laptops speakers, whilst watching a movie. If you want to know which movie, feel free to ask as long as its not violating the forums rules lol

Why Approximately?
Well, I planned on listen to all 2hours in 1 go, however a few times I had to walk away from the laptop. This caused me concern, as to whether I may walk away from the ultrasonic reaching my ears.

So what did I do?
I paused the track and thus my stop watch and tried to do this at all times. I also once or twice tweaked the volume - by making it louder. I was concerned if this would burst/pop my eardrum or cause pain lol

Luckily nothing happened, I'm still here people, so no need to whisper haha

Estimated listening
In actual fact, I believe I listened near to 2.5hrs today, whether that be little below or above this number but definately not 3hours.

Besides the eardrums lol my only concern was whether I would really get any benefit from the US (ultrasonic silent track for any newbies) and also this while watching the movie, but I have to have faith. After all being able to play the US on my laptop was what gave me such hope in the start (refer to my first post on this journal).

Nothing at the moment, zilch, nada, etc

I will be sleeping soon, so lets see what happens tonight

Additional thoughts

This is just something on my mind, not a big deal at the moment but could become if I don't get it off my proverbial chest and lay it at your feet (or should it be feets since there's so many of you here, then again as only YOU, the singular YOU, yes you, reading this right now, yes I'm talking to you, don't look behind you, I'm referring to you, the person, alone at this screen reading my words right you, thats right you, ahem YOU, is a singular you so perhaps you should be the reason the feet are singular....ponder on that while I give you my additional thoughts to ponder on).

As I read the journal entries from each of you (no don't worry not going to go into the whole YOU business again lol) my esteemed fellow elves that are here as part of this fellowship. I seem to come across a common thread. Now I may be absolutely wrong and I hope I am which is why I'm putting this here to get your take on the matter, rather than hold it within and allowing it to fester deep with my subconscious, countering the benefits of E2, or making its work that much harder.

So what is it thats entered my fold of thought?

Well it is this. There are so many of you now using 5G subliminals. I presume its too early to validate 5.5G of course, however those of you that are on 5G i can't help but feel are getting the same effects as if it was a 4G or even 3G. Why do I say this? Its because what I have read seems to be the same, that either they haven't got every thing that is listed to be gained from the product on its product page, or that the listener (yes YOU) has decided its best to listen for 6month, 9months, or longer.

I recall a year ago reading journals from those using 4G subs saying the same and it seems the same.

Now I'm not sure what you are all going to say to this but I'm eager to hear.

I also can't help but notice that all of you fail at some point and call it resistance and decide to then jump onto the EHPRA subliminal to clear this resistance. So I'm now wondering whether its better and of benefit to us all if for every single sub, whether a single sub or even a 6stage sub, whether it has ERPHA in there or not, that there is a strong advice to being ERPHA and for the listener to be on that irrespective of their own personal feelings and to clear all resistance before jumping onto another sub.

What do you all think? - I guess ill also guess to see how many of you are even reading my journal this way hahahaha

Big Grin

RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - Catman - 06-08-2016

EHPRA has become SOP for multi-stages. AM6 has it, as well as BASE 2.1. Future versions will have EHPRA 2.0 or whatever is most current, perhaps a tweaked version of EHPRA 3.0, depending on when they are built.

The reasons why most have issues getting massive results from multis generally boils down to fear. Even in the cases of AM6 and BASE 2.1, which include EHPRA 1.0. EHPRA 1.0, while being a great program, compared to EHPRA 2.0, doesn't do nearly as good of a job processing fears, or deep rooted issues. In the cases of multis like SM3 and WM2, who do not have EHPRA 1.0 even, the issue of garbage removal is even more difficult. SM3 has OGSF as well as AM6 and BASE 2.1, WM2 has OF as it's a bit older. Each will greatly benefit from the latest version of EHPRA when the time comes.

It's definitely not "too early" to validate 5.5G, it's validating itself if anything. If this is an indicator of the future with subs here, then the future is very bright, indeed.

I hope that helps you. Enjoy your E2 run, it should make some major changes for you.

RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - Benjamin - 06-08-2016

Quote:So what do you all think? is this the way the sub works? or any of the subs work when they make you dream etc? is this a clearing of some kind?

Yes definately. Shannon has programming where it processes through dreams. Especially if you wake up with those feelings it is a sign it is working. Usually when it is working on something you will have those emotions come up and even related memories. Sometimes I have memories come up I haven't thought of for ages.

Usually it's symbolic and not totally literal but that definately is something being worked on from what you described.

RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - Jake2015 - 06-09-2016

(06-08-2016, 03:35 PM)CatMan Wrote: EHPRA has become SOP for multi-stages. AM6 has it, as well as BASE 2.1. Future versions will have EHPRA 2.0 or whatever is most current, perhaps a tweaked version of EHPRA 3.0, depending on when they are built.

The reasons why most have issues getting massive results from multis generally boils down to fear. Even in the cases of AM6 and BASE 2.1, which include EHPRA 1.0. EHPRA 1.0, while being a great program, compared to EHPRA 2.0, doesn't do nearly as good of a job processing fears, or deep rooted issues. In the cases of multis like SM3 and WM2, who do not have EHPRA 1.0 even, the issue of garbage removal is even more difficult. SM3 has OGSF as well as AM6 and BASE 2.1, WM2 has OF as it's a bit older. Each will greatly benefit from the latest version of EHPRA when the time comes.

It's definitely not "too early" to validate 5.5G, it's validating itself if anything. If this is an indicator of the future with subs here, then the future is very bright, indeed.

I hope that helps you. Enjoy your E2 run, it should make some major changes for you.

Hey CatMan

Thank you. I meant sub such as single subs as well as the multi but your answer I think can be applied to any sub. I really hope now that this E2 version does the job of helping me so that not only I get moving on my life and not procrastinate or self sabotage but also that other subs work way better for me.

RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - Jake2015 - 06-09-2016

(06-08-2016, 05:24 PM)Benjamin Wrote:
Quote:So what do you all think? is this the way the sub works? or any of the subs work when they make you dream etc? is this a clearing of some kind?

Yes definately. Shannon has programming where it processes through dreams. Especially if you wake up with those feelings it is a sign it is working. Usually when it is working on something you will have those emotions come up and even related memories. Sometimes I have memories come up I haven't thought of for ages.

Usually it's symbolic and not totally literal but that definately is something being worked on from what you described.

In that case Ben, WOW! thats awesome!!! in just 1 hour of listening.

RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - Jake2015 - 06-09-2016

Day 2 Continued - Thoughts and Experiences

After listening as I did (read the previous post) I finally got to bed.

It wasn't as late as the night before but again I didn't want to sleep or didn't feel the urge to sleep immediately which is always the case with me. Whenever I get into my bedroom and the lights go off I wake up (so if any of you know why let me know).

But anyway so I may have fallen asleep around 4am I don't know, I think it was and woke up around 1pm today. I have no uni, its just exams now and I should really get myself up earlier but anyway its not happening.

So what happened, is what you all eagerly want to know right?

Well not much to be honest with you. I do remember waking up and falling asleep quite a few times, and each time there was a dream. I don't remember any of the dreams and every single time I woke i recall wondering if a dream was significant, even ..... omg as I type this I can finally hear my neighbour moaning with pleasure haha She had told me that her and her hubbys bedroom was next to my living room but I never heard her. She's a hot milf for sure but anyway back to my journal because she's slowed it down lol.

so yes... even in my sleepy drowsy state, I recall waking up and trying to see if the dream I just had was significant, but I didn't think so each and ever time and fell back to sleep. I don't know how many times I dreamt or woke, I'm guessing atleast 3times and maybe 3 was all it was I really don't know.

When I did wake, it felt more drowsier and sluggish than norm and norm for me is drowsy and sluggish anyway lol

Has this happened to anyone and is this significant?

My thoughts

I have only 1 thought and that is, is my US via my speakers even remotely effective. Clearly if from what Ben and maybe others have said, the dream I had a night ago was the subs effect, so what about today? It only felt as if I was constantly trying to sleep or waking up nothing else.

So yeah my thoughts are now whether the US was effective via the speakers. I know they are or will be but still it does make me wonder since the 1hour on the headphones seems to have started something.

I was tempted to play a 'moaning' porn clip I quickly found online and on loud to see if it went back to my moaning hot milfs ears, as a way to show I'm here and yup were adults. haha naughty I know. So I did when I was typing the post. There is just silence lol

so i just played it louder again now and held my laptop right next to the wall and yes there is now someone there and I think they're having a shower or something no idea haha as it sounds like water then as if a cable is being pulled lol

either way that was funny Cool

RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - Jones - 06-09-2016

(06-08-2016, 02:56 PM)Jake2015 Wrote: ...There are so many of you now using 5G subliminals. I presume its too early to validate 5.5G of course, however those of you that are on 5G i can't help but feel are getting the same effects as if it was a 4G or even 3G. Why do I say this? Its because what I have read seems to be the same, that either they haven't got every thing that is listed to be gained from the product on its product page, or that the listener (yes YOU) has decided its best to listen for 6month, 9months, or longer.

I recall a year ago reading journals from those using 4G subs saying the same and it seems the same.

Now I'm not sure what you are all going to say to this but I'm eager to hear.

I also can't help but notice that all of you fail at some point and call it resistance and decide to then jump onto the EHPRA subliminal to clear this resistance. So I'm now wondering whether its better and of benefit to us all if for every single sub, whether a single sub or even a 6stage sub, whether it has ERPHA in there or not, that there is a strong advice to being ERPHA and for the listener to be on that irrespective of their own personal feelings and to clear all resistance before jumping onto another sub. [/color]

What do you all think? - I guess ill also guess to see how many of you are even reading my journal this way hahahaha

Big Grin

I will be following your EHPRA2 journal closely, as you seem to be one of the better journalists I have read to date here... and E2 is my next phase.

I like the way you give details that are, or should be, pertinent to your experience with the subliminal, and relevant to the reader (even if your journal is purely for your own edification).

Further, pursuant to the quoted material above, I appreciate your thorough research, observations, and the connecting of dots.

I do not have enough knowledge about subliminals to answer your question. but I am certainly interested in whatever theories more experienced users may have.

RE: JAKE'S EHPRA 2.0 - cashmerecat - 06-09-2016

(06-08-2016, 02:56 PM)Jake2015 Wrote: This is just something on my mind, not a big deal at the moment but could become if I don't get it off my proverbial chest and lay it at your feet (or should it be feets since there's so many of you here, then again as only YOU, the singular YOU, yes you, reading this right now, yes I'm talking to you, don't look behind you, I'm referring to you, the person, alone at this screen reading my words right you, thats right you, ahem YOU, is a singular you so perhaps you should be the reason the feet are singular....ponder on that while I give you my additional thoughts to ponder on).

As I read the journal entries from each of you (no don't worry not going to go into the whole YOU business again lol) my esteemed fellow elves that are here as part of this fellowship. I seem to come across a common thread. Now I may be absolutely wrong and I hope I am which is why I'm putting this here to get your take on the matter, rather than hold it within and allowing it to fester deep with my subconscious, countering the benefits of E2, or making its work that much harder.

So what is it thats entered my fold of thought?

Well it is this. There are so many of you now using 5G subliminals. I presume its too early to validate 5.5G of course, however those of you that are on 5G i can't help but feel are getting the same effects as if it was a 4G or even 3G. Why do I say this? Its because what I have read seems to be the same, that either they haven't got every thing that is listed to be gained from the product on its product page, or that the listener (yes YOU) has decided its best to listen for 6month, 9months, or longer.

I recall a year ago reading journals from those using 4G subs saying the same and it seems the same.

Now I'm not sure what you are all going to say to this but I'm eager to hear.

I also can't help but notice that all of you fail at some point and call it resistance and decide to then jump onto the EHPRA subliminal to clear this resistance. So I'm now wondering whether its better and of benefit to us all if for every single sub, whether a single sub or even a 6stage sub, whether it has ERPHA in there or not, that there is a strong advice to being ERPHA and for the listener to be on that irrespective of their own personal feelings and to clear all resistance before jumping onto another sub.

I agree that it would be very beneficial to run EHPRA before any other subs. I only saw tangible results with my 4G sub after running EHPRA for a short 32 days.