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Alpha Male Training (2nd Run) [AM 5.0] - Printable Version

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RE: Alpha Male Training (2nd Run) [AM 5.0] - SargeMaximus - 10-15-2013

(10-14-2013, 10:56 PM)Tiesto Wrote: Yesterday I just broke up with the girl that I really love, we separated on good terms, and I seem to be able to handle this situation in a much stronger manner, perhaps stage 4 of AM5.0 is helping with this, if this break up happens in either one of the 3 previous stages, I would have fallen into a severe and deep depression.

I have 5 more days of stage 4, then move on to stage 5.

Shit man! Is it permanent? How do you view the whole "love" thing?

I, personally, think it's nothing more than a chemical reaction in the brain.

RE: Alpha Male Training (2nd Run) [AM 5.0] - Tiesto - 10-15-2013

(10-15-2013, 03:26 AM)SargeMaximus Wrote:
(10-14-2013, 10:56 PM)Tiesto Wrote: Yesterday I just broke up with the girl that I really love, we separated on good terms, and I seem to be able to handle this situation in a much stronger manner, perhaps stage 4 of AM5.0 is helping with this, if this break up happens in either one of the 3 previous stages, I would have fallen into a severe and deep depression.

I have 5 more days of stage 4, then move on to stage 5.

Shit man! Is it permanent? How do you view the whole "love" thing?

I, personally, think it's nothing more than a chemical reaction in the brain.

The feelings I have for her is unlike anything I ever experienced before, it is so overwhelmingly strong, and I can't understand why I have feelings like this towards her.

At first I wasn't interested in her at all, the thought of us being together never crossed my mind, but as time goes by the feelings starts to appear and it just grows and grows out of control, until I'm just totally crazy about her.

I don't know if it is just a chemical reaction or not, I've read an article about it that says it is because of serotonin in the brain and what not, but if I compared it to taking MDMA pills which triggers serotonin release in large amount, this is a whole different feelings and way more overwhelming compared to any chemicals I have taken in my life. So I don't really know how to explain it.

RE: Alpha Male Training (2nd Run) [AM 5.0] - SargeMaximus - 10-15-2013

From what I've gathered in my life, basically "love" is evolutions way of keeping the parents of a child together, or keeping compatible mates together until they produce children.

This is why it happens for seemingly "no reason" at times.

But yeah, are you two separated permanently or is there still a chance to get back together you think?

RE: Alpha Male Training (2nd Run) [AM 5.0] - Shannon - 10-15-2013

(10-15-2013, 05:07 AM)SargeMaximus Wrote: From what I've gathered in my life, basically "love" is evolutions way of keeping the parents of a child together, or keeping compatible mates together until they produce children.

This is why it happens for seemingly "no reason" at times.

But yeah, are you two separated permanently or is there still a chance to get back together you think?

You make me laugh sometimes, Sarge.

"Science" tries to explain love as a chemical in the brain, because it has one eye firmly shut. You can't know an elephant has a tail if you never see it from behind.

Love is not just a chemical reaction in the brain, although the experience corresponds to chemical presence and changes in the brain and body. Love is not a physical thing, and "science" has no way of measuring it directly, just like life itself, or consciousness. They are forms of energy which cannot be explained by science yet because of the limitations in detecting and understanding those things at this time.

Science does not know what consciousness is... or life... or emotion. There's no detector that can currently detect these things directly. We can see their effects on the body and on the things around us, indirectly... but the energies themselves are not yet detectable "scientifically" in a direct way. Although there is some evidence that they may be close.

RE: Alpha Male Training (2nd Run) [AM 5.0] - Shannon - 10-15-2013

(10-15-2013, 04:35 AM)Tiesto Wrote: The feelings I have for her is unlike anything I ever experienced before, it is so overwhelmingly strong, and I can't understand why I have feelings like this towards her.

At first I wasn't interested in her at all, the thought of us being together never crossed my mind, but as time goes by the feelings starts to appear and it just grows and grows out of control, until I'm just totally crazy about her.

I don't know if it is just a chemical reaction or not, I've read an article about it that says it is because of serotonin in the brain and what not, but if I compared it to taking MDMA pills which triggers serotonin release in large amount, this is a whole different feelings and way more overwhelming compared to any chemicals I have taken in my life. So I don't really know how to explain it.

There are people in the world who represent what we need. Them, their energy, whatever, and it is overwhelmingly attractive until we have what we needed or we separate ourselves sufficiently. That does not mean they're good for us, unless perhaps to teach us something through the pain. I have had to break my heart and walk away from some pretty amazing women, because they weren't good for me. Think of it as a life lesson, and find the gift that it holds for you.

As for your difficulty with AM5 run #2, I'd say you have some things to deal with that absolutely terrify you at a deep level. Trying to push through those things while at the same time subconsciously fighting it isn't going to be easy. I am living proof that it can be done.

RE: Alpha Male Training (2nd Run) [AM 5.0] - Tiesto - 10-15-2013

(10-15-2013, 05:07 AM)SargeMaximus Wrote: But yeah, are you two separated permanently or is there still a chance to get back together you think?

I hope there is still a chance for us to get back together, but I'm not sure, the reason for our break up is not because we are incompatible or because we fought with one another, it is because of religion issues, she's a muslim and I'm a christian, she got pressured by friends and family to only be allowed to marry a muslim man, so if I wanna marry her I have to convert, but I can't convert just for the sake of marriage. I have my own beliefs, and my own ways, I won't allow myself to be dictated on how to do things by others.

The way I see it is, that her friends and family of has their beliefs, and they're trying to force that down on me through her, I simply refuse to be manipulated by these people through someone that I really love.

I do feel that she really loves me, but she can't handle the pressure given by the people surrounding her especially from her own parents, I don't want to put her in a stressful situation like that, if she's not strong enough to handle the pressure, then it is better for us to decide to go on our separate ways.

It is pretty depressing. From all my ex-girlfriends the thought of getting married has never occurred to me, until I'm with her, she's the only one in my life that I'm really serious about, and want to marry.

RE: Alpha Male Training (2nd Run) [AM 5.0] - Tiesto - 10-15-2013

(10-15-2013, 11:38 AM)Shannon Wrote: There are people in the world who represent what we need. Them, their energy, whatever, and it is overwhelmingly attractive until we have what we needed or we separate ourselves sufficiently. That does not mean they're good for us, unless perhaps to teach us something through the pain. I have had to break my heart and walk away from some pretty amazing women, because they weren't good for me. Think of it as a life lesson, and find the gift that it holds for you.

Thank you for the insight Shannon, I'm sure there is a lesson in all this and that will make me stronger in the future.

(10-15-2013, 11:38 AM)Shannon Wrote: As for your difficulty with AM5 run #2, I'd say you have some things to deal with that absolutely terrify you at a deep level. Trying to push through those things while at the same time subconsciously fighting it isn't going to be easy. I am living proof that it can be done.

You're right Shannon, you know me, I have resistant personality, due to fear and other things that I myself may not be consciously aware of, but perhaps with enough repetition, and especially utilizing the new advancement in your latest technology, I might be able to get optimum result from your subs.

From my experiences, I have managed to resist 3G subs quite well, with 4G subs I do get the effects, but not the intended result fully, I haven't tried the 5G's with all the bells and whistles, but I have a good feeling those 5G's will successfully crush my resistance, and I will get the optimum result out of it.

RE: Alpha Male Training (2nd Run) [AM 5.0] - Shannon - 10-15-2013

It's not crushing resistance that is the goal, it's letting go of it. Dissolve the fears creating it, and move on to growth. Remember that it's a part of you that is resisting. You don't want to be crushed, you want to be treated with consideration.

RE: Alpha Male Training (2nd Run) [AM 5.0] - Tiesto - 10-15-2013

(10-15-2013, 01:26 PM)Shannon Wrote: It's not crushing resistance that is the goal, it's letting go of it. Dissolve the fears creating it, and move on to growth. Remember that it's a part of you that is resisting. You don't want to be crushed, you want to be treated with consideration.

Ah I see..

Shannon, for my next sub after finishing AM 5.0, I'm thinking of running OGSF 4G standalone, but with the Life Tune Up 5G containing OGSF, I'm now leaning towards getting that instead, or perhaps I should just save up my money for AM6.0 or BASE2.0 which I'm sure both will contain OGSF, what would you recommend?

RE: Alpha Male Training (2nd Run) [AM 5.0] - Shannon - 10-15-2013

I can't say for BASE 2.0 since I haven't started working on that. But OGSF or LTU are both good options. I suggest that you will have to choose for yourself, but all three will have OGSF in them.

RE: Alpha Male Training (2nd Run) [AM 5.0] - MJ1 - 10-17-2013

muslim women can't marry men who are not also muslim
not saying it's right/wrong it's a law in islam, anyway

i don't know how religious she is but islam and christianity have many major differents
even in things like eating and drinking
real muslim can't drink wine or eat pig meat.

in my opinion,both of you did a wise choice.

RE: Alpha Male Training (2nd Run) [AM 5.0] - jonathan4all - 10-17-2013

(10-17-2013, 04:45 AM)Mojtaba Wrote: muslim women can't marry men who are not also muslim
not saying it's right/wrong it's a law in islam, anyway

i don't know how religious she is but islam and christianity have many major differents
even in things like eating and drinking
real muslim can't drink wine or eat pig meat.

in my opinion,both of you did a wise choice.

Who told you Muslim cant marry non-Muslim Big Grin LOL A muslim can marry to any Christian or Jews since they have Holy book like Quran As far as I know. If you not sure please research it.. Please post carefully this is a pretty normal forum full with abnormal geniuses brothaaa Tongue

RE: Alpha Male Training (2nd Run) [AM 5.0] - MJ1 - 10-17-2013

even Muslims have different beliefs,Shia & Sunni etc
not interested in religious discussions because that's not why we are here,are we?
there are many countries in world that Muslim women "just" can marry Muslim men.

YOUR REALITY DOESN’T CHANGE MINE (The Millionaire Fastlane Page 12)

RE: Alpha Male Training (2nd Run) [AM 5.0] - Tiesto - 10-19-2013

I went out last night with my ex to this fine dining restaurant located on the rooftop of a very tall building, it was to celebrate my belated birthday party, we were supposed to go out on Saturday last week on the 12th, but she was out of town, and on the 14th we decided to split, but she asked if I want to have a last dinner together since we didn't get the chance to do so, so I said "Yes" and we went out last night.

It was the first time me and her went to this place, even though it is kind of expensive, but the place was stunning with great view, the food was great too, I had a really great time yesterday, and all my depression was practically non-existent.

There were also a lot of high class hot women went there as well, and I got checked out multiple times by quite a few of them. That adds up to the good feelings I had last night.

Tonight I begin Stage 5.