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Conqueror's X4A-1000 Run - Printable Version

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RE: Conqueror's X4A-1000 Run - Benjamin - 04-15-2023

If what you're telling us now is the case, then X4a-1000 isn't the program for you, atleast not right now.

It's not designed to get past that deep level of baggage and fear. Nor does it pretend to do so, it even directly states that getting over these fears is not it's designed purpose on the page.. several times.

Until you deal with that then you will derail these efforts. I understand this all too well, I used to generally be sleeping with a woman until I had some full on stuff happen and it took me quite a while to get back to where i'd allow myself to be with somebody again because of the fear and trauma generated from that situation, which I won't go into detail about.

It was Universal Healing that got me there. But now there's OGSF which is likely better for this. I can't speak from personal experience of using OGSF like I can for UH though. But soon I will use it.

I also understand how shit this is! It sucks, you just want women NOW.. it's like "no fuck this, I just want sex now".

It's tempting to think that would fix everything, but it won't. Say you suddenly start getting heaps of sex but haven't healed that deeper trauma inside yourself, I can tell you from experience of when I used sex and constantly meeting new women to try to fill up that hole, it didn't make me happy. It was like I wasn't happy with my life or myself, but I was distracting myself from that with tons of sex even with women I wasn't that attracted to.

Of course this will sound like the same old cliched bullshit.. but I understand it now. I was much happier seeing 1 woman I really connect with, have sex with regularly, go places with etc than just chasing the next woman, the next woman etc. That took going through alot of shit and having no choice but to face my own internal crap and get to a certain level of healing to even attract that into my life.

Sadly that seems to be over with her as of today which I have to deal with emotionally now, but that doesn't discount that I enjoyed my time with her more than those random women I didn't give a fuck about other than just having sex with.

RE: Conqueror's X4A-1000 Run - samba99 - 04-15-2023

Hey man, Shannon definitely can advise you better. But I can comment on your last post.

Based on your interest currently, and without directing your self away much from your interest. I believe you honestly need DMSI and not the X4a, don’t get me wrong the X4a is a fantastic sub but it’s not great with dealing what you experience.

Either you suck it up and go approach them, or check better alternative sub like DMSI.

I’m one of the very few people who have used DMSI from version 2.3 all the way to version 3.5 on continuous basis. After using this sub for so long, when I tried X4a it was just as if I already reached the middle sea and now taking a speed boat to different islands nearby.

But how I see in your case is that you still in your foreign country (beliefs) and you haven’t left that place yet, and you need a titanic (DMSI) to get you at least far in the sea.

DMSI deals with a wide range of things. Not sure about the latest version not having fear removal for user side, so here where Shannon input is better needed for you.

Since I used all versions from 2.3 to 3.5 I can’t really tell which one got me there, but I all work to improve certain area.

These religious imposed beliefs will be dealt with, also including any issues with self esteem, masturbation, porn etc all these will be washed away with DMSI.

Good luck!

RE: Conqueror's X4A-1000 Run - Conqueror - 04-15-2023

(04-15-2023, 02:18 AM)Benjamin Wrote: If what you're telling us now is the case, then X4a-1000 isn't the program for you, atleast not right now.

It's not designed to get past that deep level of baggage and fear. Nor does it pretend to do so, it even directly states that getting over these fears is not it's designed purpose on the page.. several times.

Until you deal with that then you will derail these efforts. I understand this all too well, I used to generally be sleeping with a woman until I had some full on stuff happen and it took me quite a while to get back to where i'd allow myself to be with somebody again because of the fear and trauma generated from that situation, which I won't go into detail about.

It was Universal Healing that got me there. But now there's OGSF which is likely better for this. I can't speak from personal experience of using OGSF like I can for UH though. But soon I will use it.

I also understand how shit this is! It sucks, you just want women NOW.. it's like "no fuck this, I just want sex now".

It's tempting to think that would fix everything, but it won't. Say you suddenly start getting heaps of sex but haven't healed that deeper trauma inside yourself, I can tell you from experience of when I used sex and constantly meeting new women to try to fill up that hole, it didn't make me happy. It was like I wasn't happy with my life or myself, but I was distracting myself from that with tons of sex even with women I wasn't that attracted to.

Of course this will sound like the same old cliched bullshit.. but I understand it now. I was much happier seeing 1 woman I really connect with, have sex with regularly, go places with etc than just chasing the next woman, the next woman etc. That took going through alot of shit and having no choice but to face my own internal crap and get to a certain level of healing to even attract that into my life.

Sadly that seems to be over with her as of today which I have to deal with emotionally now, but that doesn't discount that I enjoyed my time with her more than those random women I didn't give a fuck about other than just having sex with.

Yeah, I know. I read the description. Personally, I wouldn't be running this sub if it wasn't for one thing going on right now: college. What I mean by that is, when reading everyone else's experiences with the sub, they had to make an effort to leave their home and go to a bar to test out how well their aura was working for them. For me, I can just step outside my room and will always see girls. Since there was only one month left until school was over, I decided this was something I had to try out.

My original plan was to run OGSF after this, regardless, over the summer since I'll be at home around family during that time and then DMSI when school is back in session. By doing this 1-2 punch, I believe I will start having much more success with girls since a lot of my baggage will be gone.

At the time of choosing whether or not to run this, I felt like I would regret not running it since I felt like I could leverage the part of the sub where the aura's effects on a woman build up over time. I was (and still am) thinking that if I can just be myself and be around women, then they will feel more inclined or willing to take some kind of action in order to get closer to me. While a nice theory, not sure how it will turn out just yet. My intuition tells me to increase by 1 loop this next cycle and see how it goes. All in all, I try to not live by regrets but I'm also hoping I don't waste a month running a sub that won't get me results.

RE: Conqueror's X4A-1000 Run - Conqueror - 04-15-2023

(04-15-2023, 03:01 AM)samba99 Wrote: Hey man, Shannon definitely can advise you better. But I can comment on your last post.

Based on your interest currently, and without directing your self away much from your interest. I believe you honestly need DMSI and not the X4a, don’t get me wrong the X4a is a fantastic sub but it’s not great with dealing what you experience.

Either you suck it up and go approach them, or check better alternative sub like DMSI.

I’m one of the very few people who have used DMSI from version 2.3 all the way to version 3.5 on continuous basis. After using this sub for so long, when I tried X4a it was just as if I already reached the middle sea and now taking a speed boat to different islands nearby.

But how I see in your case is that you still in your foreign country (beliefs) and you haven’t left that place yet, and you need a titanic (DMSI) to get you at least far in the sea.

DMSI deals with a wide range of things. Not sure about the latest version not having fear removal for user side, so here where Shannon input is better needed for you.

Since I used all versions from 2.3 to 3.5 I can’t really tell which one got me there, but I all work to improve certain area.

These religious imposed beliefs will be dealt with, also including any issues with self esteem, masturbation, porn etc all these will be washed away with DMSI.

Good luck!

I appreciate you chiming in. My plan, regardless what happens, is to run OGSF in the summer when I'm not in school and run DMSI when I'm back. This way i can remove the baggage/ fears, shame, doubt, etc that's holding me back.

However, I believe hope isn't all lost. I think if I can start talking to girls more (at least the ones I already know on some level), then maybe something can come out of this.

For example, yesterday I was working at my job (college job) and there was a girl that I have always been attracted to but just have never made any kind of effort to get to know her. Anyways, while I was working I was thinking about how I'm always limiting my opportunities with girls. For example, I'll have a really good 1-2 min conversation with a girl but then I'll end it or go do something else because I feel so much pressure for whatever reason. And usually after that, I don't speak to them much again. So after having another short conversation with another girl in the office, I started getting mad. I pulled myself into a space where I could be alone for a minute and decided that I can't keep doing this. So, I walk back out and when I see this girl that I mentioned earlier, I decided to talk with her. She seemed much more open to conversation than usual and her body language indicated that she wanted to talk with me. We made some small talk and then I directed the topic of conversation over to her and her life. During this, I was able to learn some interesting things about her and we just chatted comfortably, with me being totally comfortable. We talked for about 5-10 mins and it was by far the best conversation we've had. After that, I could tell in her body language that she seems more different around me (in a good way) almost like I was a different guy. I wouldn't date her though since she is about to graduate and has a job in place while I still have a few more years to go.

Overall, I feel like if I can approach and talk to more women, then I might be able to do something with this sub. I'm also planning on increasing the loops by 1 this next cycle so we'll see how it goes. Still getting plenty of looks and some girls' tactics are quite interesting to say the least... started to have some smile back. Others just try to get in my line of view and "coincidentally" cross paths with me multiple times. I feel like I have a shot. But we will see.

Can't wait to be like you and get a taste of what DMSI is all about!

RE: Conqueror's X4A-1000 Run - Shannon - 04-17-2023

In my opinion, the best way forward - given that information - is going to be one of the following.

1. Go back to one of these women who has given you obvious interest, and get her contact information, consciously and intentionally. Make it happen. Then consciously assert yourself to move forward with the rest and get to sex. This will likely require spending a little time connecting with and communicating to that younger part of you who still has the beliefs you're trying to overcome, letting him know that current you doesn't believe them to be true anymore, and giving him permission to let go and allow sex to happen.
2. Run OGSF for 6 months or whatever.
3. Hire someone to have sex with you. Normally I would not advise this, but in certain circumstances, this can be a great way to get past your fears.

You're going to find that DMSI 3.5 and X4A-1000 are worlds apart. X4A is like a stripped down DMSI, set to "easy mode". If you're having this sort of issues, DMSI 3.5 isn't likely going to solve them, in my opinion. OGSF... that will. Or just consciously powering through. Or breaking through with Option #3.

RE: Conqueror's X4A-1000 Run - Conqueror - 04-17-2023

(04-17-2023, 07:13 AM)Shannon Wrote: In my opinion, the best way forward - given that information - is going to be one of the following.

1. Go back to one of these women who has  given you obvious interest, and get her contact information, consciously and intentionally.  Make it happen.  Then consciously assert yourself to move forward with the rest and get to sex.  This will likely require spending a little time connecting with and communicating to that younger part of you who still has the beliefs you're trying to overcome, letting him know that current you doesn't believe them to be true anymore, and giving him permission to let go and allow sex to happen.
2. Run OGSF for 6 months or whatever.
3. Hire someone to have sex with you.  Normally I would not advise this, but in certain circumstances, this can be a great way to get past your fears.

You're going to find that DMSI 3.5 and X4A-1000 are worlds apart.  X4A is like a stripped down DMSI, set to "easy mode".  If you're having this sort of issues, DMSI 3.5 isn't likely going to solve them, in my opinion.  OGSF... that will.  Or just consciously powering through.  Or breaking through with Option #3.


I read your post earlier today and have been thinking through how I want to deal with this. I'm currently in my 3rd cycle now and am playing 5 loops. With that being said, I've been getting more looks and results from women so today I tried to go with option #1 and consciously try to initiate conversation and simply be myself. Turns out, it hasn't been working. I've tried with multiple women, even girls who showed significant attraction but for whatever reason, it's like my mind has other plans. Today, I've struggled to be myself. Constant brain fog and trouble just speaking, in general. I know this sounds weird but it's happened to me before.

For example, today I was walking to class and there were many many girls looking and smiling at me so I was feeling pretty good. Later when I get to my building and step into the elevator, I notice a girl walking towards the elevator and hold the door for her. I then ask her what floor. She says, "4th floor" and immediately stops looking at her phone so that she can show that she's wanting to have a conversation. So far so good. So I ask her what class do you have. She said English. She then excitingly asks what class do I have. Then my mind blanked. Literally blanks. I suddenly forget the class I've been taking for 4 months now. We get off the elevator and as I'm a step or two away from the door to my class, I finally remember the word: Philosophy.

I'm honestly laughing about this right now as I'm typing because it's so stupid. This girl was a 6 and I wasn't nervous around her at all. In fact, at the time of her walking in, I was killing it. I could have gotten her phone number easily, especially the way she was looking at me. But, I'm guessing due to the high probability that I could have gotten her number, my mind decided to shut down and self-sabotage due to the fear of sex that may result from this one interaction. This isn't the first time this has happened.

Anyways, I tried all day today but I haven't gotten anywhere. So, as we speak, I'm looking into option #3 since it may be the best (and most time-effective) way to deal with this. Need to make sure I'm being safe about this so I'm doing my research.

I think it's ironic how your intentions can bring about different results than intended. For example, my parents didn't intend on me hooking up with a sex worker when they told me to open my Bible as a kid. They were just trying to make me a morally upright person. But, here we are. Sometimes we have good intentions, especially with our beliefs, but they end up limiting us, or in my case, emotionally tormenting us. 

With that being said, I wanted to say thank you Shannon. Even though I'm still facing problems like these in my life, your subs are helping me deal with them, even if subs like X4A-1000 don't naturally change my beliefs. I'm still taking this area of my life head on and that's important. Also, the results from X4A-1000 and UMS have been pretty astounding, to say the least.

RE: Conqueror's X4A-1000 Run - Shannon - 04-18-2023

I suggest you continue using X4A-1000 and increasing the loops one per cycle until you get to 9, and see what happens and how you feel, respond, and how others respond, and then report it back here. I could always use more data on this sort of thing, and at higher loops, it may break through for you. Who knows?

RE: Conqueror's X4A-1000 Run - Conqueror - 04-19-2023

(04-18-2023, 07:39 AM)Shannon Wrote: I suggest you continue using X4A-1000 and increasing the loops one per cycle until you get to 9, and see what happens and how you feel, respond, and how others respond, and then report it back here.  I could always use more data on this sort of thing, and at higher loops, it may break through for you.  Who knows?

Will do Shannon.

RE: Conqueror's X4A-1000 Run - Conqueror - 04-20-2023

6 loops today (Day 1 of 4 of cycle 4)

I've gotten accustomed to girls looking at me. It's basically a given at this point. Have had some cases where they give a big grin, but mostly, the girls just usually stare for prolonged periods of time, especially on initial eye contact. When far away, they'll exchange eye contact with me for seconds at a time, as if they're mesmerized. When I get closer, they try avoiding eye contact. Likely because a) they have a boyfriend and don't want to risk that relationship and b) so they appear high-status and put me in the position to chase. With the girls I've noticed the most reactions from (staring, frequent peeks while they think I'm not looking), they are almost all in relationships. Otherwise, they are 8s, 9s, 10s who want to be chased and play hard to get. Overall though, I know these girls want me to approach them, I just choose not to. Not because I'm afraid to talk to them (I feel pretty good about my conversation skills) but because I know my mind is going to find a way to get in the way or just simply shut down unexplainably.

With that being said, I don't notice a huge difference from 5 to 6 loops today but usually days 2 and 3 of the cycle yield the best results. Also, I tried exploring option #3 for the past 3 days and... I've got nothing. Either they're too expensive, are scams or simply don't respond (outdated phone numbers). Also, ever since exploring option #3, my days have been miserable. Didn't want to talk to anyone, very antisocial, decreased confidence, etc. Almost like a storm was brewing in my head. But today ever since taking a break from exploring option #3, I've felt back to my normal self again. It's crazy the lengths your mind will go to to try and stop you from the things you fear... At this point though, I am working to save enough money to make this happen. I'm hoping I can get this to happen before the school year is over so I can see a before and after effect of my fears around sex dissolved when using X4A-1000. Hopefully I can make it happen. We will have to see... On a side note, I've made an extra unexpected $90 the past couple of days so maybe UMS is trying to help...

@Shannon I'm interested to hear your theory on a possible "breakthrough" you were talking about. If I were to "breakthrough by increasing to 9 loops how would that work?

RE: Conqueror's X4A-1000 Run - Shannon - 04-21-2023

(04-20-2023, 01:03 PM)Conqueror Wrote: 6 loops today (Day 1 of 4 of cycle 4)

I've gotten accustomed to girls looking at me. It's basically a given at this point. Have had some cases where they give a big grin, but mostly, the girls just usually stare for prolonged periods of time, especially on initial eye contact. When far away, they'll exchange eye contact with me for seconds at a time, as if they're mesmerized. When I get closer, they try avoiding eye contact. Likely because a) they have a boyfriend and don't want to risk that relationship and b) so they appear high-status and put me in the position to chase. With the girls I've noticed the most reactions from (staring, frequent peeks while they think I'm not looking), they are almost all in relationships. Otherwise, they are 8s, 9s, 10s who want to be chased and play hard to get. Overall though, I know these girls want me to approach them, I just choose not to. Not because I'm afraid to talk to them (I feel pretty good about my conversation skills) but because I know my mind is going to find a way to get in the way or just simply shut down unexplainably.

With that being said, I don't notice a huge difference from 5 to 6 loops today but usually days 2 and 3 of the cycle yield the best results. Also, I tried exploring option #3 for the past 3 days and... I've got nothing. Either they're too expensive, are scams or simply don't respond (outdated phone numbers). Also, ever since exploring option #3, my days have been miserable. Didn't want to talk to anyone, very antisocial, decreased confidence, etc. Almost like a storm was brewing in my head. But today ever since taking a break from exploring option #3, I've felt back to my normal self again. It's crazy the lengths your mind will go to to try and stop you from the things you fear... At this point though, I am working to save enough money to make this happen. I'm hoping I can get this to happen before the school year is over so I can see a before and after effect of my fears around sex dissolved when using X4A-1000. Hopefully I can make it happen. We will have to see... On a side note, I've made an extra unexpected $90 the past couple of days so maybe UMS is trying to help...

@Shannon I'm interested to hear your theory on a possible "breakthrough" you were talking about. If I were to "breakthrough by increasing to 9 loops how would that work?

It is possible that you might have the program get enough speed, so to speak, to break through the resistance and cause you to get the results regardless of fear based resistance if you use enough loops.  I don't know if that will happen, or how many loops it would take.  My 24 year old virgin tester showed success at 9 loops in the models.

RE: Conqueror's X4A-1000 Run - London1 - 04-22-2023

(04-21-2023, 10:17 AM)Shannon Wrote:
(04-20-2023, 01:03 PM)Conqueror Wrote: 6 loops today (Day 1 of 4 of cycle 4)

I've gotten accustomed to girls looking at me. It's basically a given at this point. Have had some cases where they give a big grin, but mostly, the girls just usually stare for prolonged periods of time, especially on initial eye contact. When far away, they'll exchange eye contact with me for seconds at a time, as if they're mesmerized. When I get closer, they try avoiding eye contact. Likely because a) they have a boyfriend and don't want to risk that relationship and b) so they appear high-status and put me in the position to chase. With the girls I've noticed the most reactions from (staring, frequent peeks while they think I'm not looking), they are almost all in relationships. Otherwise, they are 8s, 9s, 10s who want to be chased and play hard to get. Overall though, I know these girls want me to approach them, I just choose not to. Not because I'm afraid to talk to them (I feel pretty good about my conversation skills) but because I know my mind is going to find a way to get in the way or just simply shut down unexplainably.

With that being said, I don't notice a huge difference from 5 to 6 loops today but usually days 2 and 3 of the cycle yield the best results. Also, I tried exploring option #3 for the past 3 days and... I've got nothing. Either they're too expensive, are scams or simply don't respond (outdated phone numbers). Also, ever since exploring option #3, my days have been miserable. Didn't want to talk to anyone, very antisocial, decreased confidence, etc. Almost like a storm was brewing in my head. But today ever since taking a break from exploring option #3, I've felt back to my normal self again. It's crazy the lengths your mind will go to to try and stop you from the things you fear... At this point though, I am working to save enough money to make this happen. I'm hoping I can get this to happen before the school year is over so I can see a before and after effect of my fears around sex dissolved when using X4A-1000. Hopefully I can make it happen. We will have to see... On a side note, I've made an extra unexpected $90 the past couple of days so maybe UMS is trying to help...

@Shannon I'm interested to hear your theory on a possible "breakthrough" you were talking about. If I were to "breakthrough by increasing to 9 loops how would that work?

It is possible that you might have the program get enough speed, so to speak, to break through the resistance and cause you to get the results regardless of fear based resistance if you use enough loops.  I don't know if that will happen, or how many loops it would take.  My 24 year old virgin tester showed success at 9 loops in the models.

How did that success look like exactly?

RE: Conqueror's X4A-1000 Run - Shannon - 04-22-2023

(04-22-2023, 08:41 AM)London1 Wrote:
(04-21-2023, 10:17 AM)Shannon Wrote: It is possible that you might have the program get enough speed, so to speak, to break through the resistance and cause you to get the results regardless of fear based resistance if you use enough loops.  I don't know if that will happen, or how many loops it would take.  My 24 year old virgin tester showed success at 9 loops in the models.

How did that success look like exactly?

It looked like the predictive models were telling me he would probably get laid or come darned close if he ran it for 9 loops.

RE: Conqueror's X4A-1000 Run - Conqueror - 04-23-2023

Well, hopefully that will be me.

I was at a restaurant today and there was one girl at the cashier who was always looking at me. Literally couldn't take her eyes off of me. I would always catch her staring at me. There were 2 other girls who were sort of doing the same but not so obvious.

I'm starting my next cycle tonight and will be playing 7 loops. I'll try to get more sleep so I can be able to give my brain more time to process everything. Been getting 7 hrs a night as of late so I need to do better.

RE: Conqueror's X4A-1000 Run - Conqueror - 04-24-2023

7 loops (Day 1 of Cycle 5)

Number of looks have been steadily increasing. As far as the girls I'm attracted to, I'm not getting any different reactions than the ones they've been giving me. Today, there was an attractive girl in the gym who has eyed me before. She went from the rowing machine over to my area of the gym and was doing some cable work. When I got done with my set, I headed over to the pull up bar which was right next to the cables she was using (literally 1-2 feet max). I just barely looked in her direction and she immediately looked at me and asked if I was wanting to use the cables. I then told her no and that I was going to use the pull up bar. At this point, I was doing some muscle ups (a pretty rare thing to see in the gym) and a lot of guys (some I didn't even know) started getting around me and tried to start a conversation out of the blue complimenting me on how many muscle ups I could do. After having some small talk with 3 or 4 guys, one guy came up to me and asked "Is that cable taken?" He was referring to the one that the girl was using. At this point, the girl was about 10 feet away doing some other exercise so I naturally looked over to her and asked if she was done with the cables and she said yes. Again, it seemed like she was expecting me to look at her and talk to her. 

Ever since about loop 6, I feel like I've had an increased level of confidence. This is very deceptive to me since I haven't initiated a real conversation with an attractive girl since running 6 loops so not sure if this is real or not. But, I know that the girl felt my confidence. I could tell she was nervous to be around me, yet wanted to. (edit) She was nervous when we were in conversation, but her body language and facial expressions showed that she was wanting me to talk to her. To be honest, I felt like I was the alpha male in the gym. Guys would talk and look at me nonstop. Girls secretly trying to sneak in looks. It would be interesting to see if this level of confidence carries over into real conversation with attractive women because barring any self-sabotage, it would look to be real easy to get a girl's number.