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I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Printable Version

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RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - AriGold - 08-29-2016

Interesting point WIP68.
So it might be like "what you are feeling, you are projecting within your aura". So like when you feel attracted, you will project that within your aura. But if you at the same time feel hate or disgust for that woman, she might feel both and be both attracted and pushed away. Interesting theory. Maybe nothing more.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Steven - 08-29-2016

(08-29-2016, 10:11 AM)Kurohawk Wrote:
(08-29-2016, 09:42 AM)Steven Wrote:
(08-29-2016, 09:26 AM)Kurohawk Wrote: So does that make the " too high status " theory solid? Did you try with less exposure? Im doing the best i can to test v2.3 because i want it in its best form. And i hope my testing journal provoides value

That too high status thing... I don't know. Maybe. How would we know? That's the key question. It's possible. But again, how would we know for sure?

In terms of providing information to give value to make DMSI as best as possible... I'm right there with you...

For your reading...

Many users including me are reporting men being more friendly which means our aura is telling them we are high status, and with most females being somedays cold others not they are way more relaxed once i open them, when i dont they just ghost me. Once i open them i make sure to be extra nice and social as apposed to my true self depending on the mood.

Something is both attracting and repelling women on some level thats how i feel,
Since v2.3 my conversations with women die too quickly and i cant make it past small chat.

I think what you said is helpful. Although I've noticed that there have been some attraction/arousal starting to happen, the "repulsion" is overshadowing. Although men have been nice (I know I posted about that), they are much more likely to act weird, squirelly, blushing, nervous, etc.

Your status point is very valid I think. People might act that way if Brad Pitt walked into the store. Weird. Avoidant. Nervous. Scared. Even men might act that way. But some would just walk up and talk to him. Having said that, your status point is still valid. I wish I knew if it was the explanation or part of it, and then what to do about it. Just walking up and talking might help, and so far I think that is a valid and good solution (thanks SargeMaximus).

We also need more, I just don't know what.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Illumi - 08-29-2016

@Steven that's what i mean! The aura is obviously working but the question is how do we make it work to meet our desired goal? As you said if people preseve you as Brad Pitt some might be intimidated but others would be losing thier shit which is not happening.

I thought my sexual inexperiance is the reason im not getting goal 1 because i could be scared ore something. Right now fear is the last emotion i could think of.
But it seems even guys with great sucess like Dzemoo is not getting the desired results of v2.3

So i think it's safe to assume that fear or the need of healing is not the main issue.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Illumi - 08-29-2016

@WIP68 thats would make so much sense.... Im at a loss of words...

I will see if the guys being friendly with me, did go though the same shit we did, and if others who stayed the same are healthy and can not relate to us.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - chaosvrgn - 08-29-2016

I was on the "this is high status" train for a while. Very almost resistant to the idea that it WASN'T high status. But then, I consulted my notes. Remembered how I was treated in S4 of AM6. Felt different. I don't think this is "status," this is more like... crazy, overpowering, overbearing masculine energy.

Here's my theory: If I had to describe it, it's more... "bonk you over the head, drag you away and fill your holes with my essence, and you will give birth to a child made of pure testosterone."

In other words, such an overload of sexual energy that women just can't take handle it. Generally, women don't abuse or ghost low status males unless that male attempts to flirt with her. Low status males are immediately pegged as orbiters and women will give them just enough attention to keep them hooked, only to shame them if they try to progress things further.

This isn't that -- this is, "you don't exist, I can't even look your way because I'm [terrified, nervous, whatever] that you'll act on what you're giving off."

Think about it, when using pheromones, ghosting occurs when your phero-enhanced signature is confusing or incongruent, OR... you overdose on pheros. Ex: Men wearing alpha pheros, with beta body language. For women to be ghosting us now, there's clearly an imbalance somewhere. I think it's just too much masculine, sexual energy -- hence the feeling of being absolutely cold toward women. I'd imagine that's how primal men were. When they were hunting, they weren't thinking about women. When they wanted to f*ck? Well, they bonked one in the head, dragged her off and f*cked her.

This is a good thing though, assuming that this rant's true. We have the v1 aura, which was great in regards to attraction. I mean, sometimes mindblowing in execution. But... it had it's flaws. Was difficult to maintain a steady level. You had to eat, would get a massive peak, but then it'd fade away, so it was inconsistent (which I was fine with, I'd just eat or take L-Glutamine when need).

Now we have an aura that may be too powerful. Means that Shannon can find the "sweet-spot." Because, honestly -- a refined v1 aura, plus the inner effects of v2.3... and Shannon will have his million dollar product (that he'd need to reopen the affiliate program for so I could promote it, wink wink).

Also, obligatory US + UM + LM + OP + EIP in 5.5g reference.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Illumi - 08-29-2016

@chaosvrgn thats one way to put, when i was beta i knew i was beta and kept low profile neutral interactions and body langunge. I was basicslly a ninja hiding my self. I did get attraction mostly because of my looks and because of women not knowing how beta i was.
First year of college i went abnoxious with ASC and AM6 basically opening everyone and forcing myself into stressful situations and i got good solid attraction from women then when im alone with them or when its going well i start acting beta and my cover is blown off.

Now even with me doing or not doing anything people are reacting to my presence. Althou there is no healing is v2.3 maybe just maybe the aggressive ASRB is making me too " high status " or " masculine " althou im now leaning more towards masculine. Thats why even when i was beta women gave me lots of chances, yet now when im alpha and with super aura they are colder.

I will try something out, i read in Way of the Superiour man that the masculine the man, the more feminine he likes women and vise virsa. That would explain why a girl i approached few days ago i call her J was hyper when i talked to her basically running the set herself.
She seemed very feminine.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Dzemoo - 08-29-2016

Yeah the Problem is there are not so many feminine women nowadays

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Illumi - 08-29-2016

But the too masculine theory has one issue, women around the world love 50 Shades of Grey both the movie and the books. Women almost worship the idea of a very dominant masculine man like Christian Grey unless the aura is making us too masculine or women just fantasize about him, not actually liking him in real life or men like him.

Its just a book i guess but still... I dunno

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Bookstacks DC737 - 08-29-2016

To add to your theory Chaos the girl I manifested on E2 told me that she's half scared of me, and half not, and she doesn't know which half to believe.

This was a point before I started running DMSI. I explained to her that I come from a family with a lot of domestic violence and I don't know just how much of that is in me that I've yet to experience.

She was happy that I was honest and we moved forward from there.

Since running DMSI she's continually asked me about other women I'm dating and the fear response seems to have become a much stronger concern for her, although she's very happy when I dominate her and take control.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - chaosvrgn - 08-29-2016

(08-29-2016, 11:13 AM)Kurohawk Wrote: But the too masculine theory has one issue, women around the world love 50 Shades of Grey both the movie and the books. Women almost worship the idea of a very dominant masculine man like Christian Grey unless the aura is making us too masculine or women just fantasize about him, not actually liking him in real life or men like him.

Its just a book i guess but still... I dunno

I'm not saying that women are being turned off. I'm saying that the aura is too profound in whatever direction and it's causing them to react negatively while in public.

Fear, uncertainty, thrill -- whatever you want to call it -- is inherent to sexual attraction. It's what gives women the 'gina tingles. However, too much fear and it's a turnoff. Fear + a low value male... and it's considered creepy, rape-y.

There has to be a balance and v2.3 is clearly lacking that balance.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - chaosvrgn - 08-29-2016

(08-29-2016, 11:21 AM)Bookstacks DC737 Wrote: To add to your theory Chaos the girl I manifested on E2 told me that she's half scared of me, and half not, and she doesn't know which half to believe.

This was a point before I started running DMSI. I explained to her that I come from a family with a lot of domestic violence and I don't know just how much of that is in me that I've yet to experience.

She was happy that I was honest and we moved forward from there.

Since running DMSI she's continually asked me about other women I'm dating and the fear response seems to have become a much stronger concern for her, although she's very happy when I dominate her and take control.

That's because she's recognizing your increasing value and yes, because the aura most likely has some element of fear in it. For those in serious, long-term relationships, I suspect v2.3 will be absolutely awesome because the trust and comfort bond is there -- now it's all sexual attraction. Expecting RTBoss to come back with crazy camp stories.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Breeze - 08-29-2016

(08-29-2016, 11:21 AM)Bookstacks DC737 Wrote: To add to your theory Chaos the girl I manifested on E2 told me that she's half scared of me, and half not, and she doesn't know which half to believe.

This was a point before I started running DMSI. I explained to her that I come from a family with a lot of domestic violence and I don't know just how much of that is in me that I've yet to experience.

She was happy that I was honest and we moved forward from there.

Since running DMSI she's continually asked me about other women I'm dating and the fear response seems to have become a much stronger concern for her, although she's very happy when I dominate her and take control.

She's not scared of you. She's afraid of losing herself in the process of spending time with you.

Translation: I want you, but I have intimacy issues. And the more I want you, more difficult it is to let you go, but I can't commit either. Because issues.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Shadowroamer - 08-29-2016

Hey guys good luck to you all on your new DMSIv3 journey. Hope you all experience excellent adventures.

It is strange, but for the past few weeks I have been dwelling on this high status theory; and here I am now reading this post.

For many years I have had an awful habit of castigating myself. My inner dialogue was filled with endless diatribe and self-deprecation. That is until I discovered this site and Shannon’s subs. I have completed two runs of AM6 tried BIABTW and DAOS.

I always thought that I was much inferior to other guys. Many of my friends , the Alpha’s, the Betas the good looking and not so good looking, would always have much better results with women than me.

I concluded that I was just one of those luckless guys that women would never be attracted to. I have always been in shape, workout regularly, experienced in Martial Arts, can hold my own in a fight. None of my friends were like that growing up. I am athletic and good at sports. I also read a lot and I am naturally curious about the world.

Women would call me handsome and then just ignore me, make awful remarks about me (later I realised these are called shit tests) and generally treat me like crap.

After completing my second run of AM6 I have been venturing out a lot more. Taking long walks. The other day after a long session of meditation I went out to the local mall. I walked around completely grounded, aware of my surroundings, and was in a calm objective state.

I quickly realised that I was glancing at couples. I felt happy for them, joyful even found myself smiling at couples holding hands, or just having a good time. I was on auto pilot. Then I started noticing certain subtleties and characteristics. I discovered that most of the guys walking around with attractive and beautiful women, were just average, ordinary guys. I even saw a big guy with a beard and bald head wearing a Japanese anime t-shirt with a very slim pretty blonde. She looked really happy with him.

I have always taken good care of myself. I remember my ex went through my wardrobe and said “you have really nice clothes, very stylish”. She looked really upset. The next day she practically dragged me out of the house and bought me some awful clothes from a store old men usually visit. Brown cord trousers, brown shoes and a striped shirt. I looked like a guy in his fifties.

Since finishing AM6 I have been purchasing better products. I went through some reviews and most were comments by women buying stuff for their b/f. The comments would read as follows “My bf is useless, he has bad skin I had to buy him this product” “My partner does not look after himself, I bought him this product because he wouldn’t go out and bother.’ Every comment read like the woman was trying to put a stamp on her guy, trying to improve him. Like ‘where would you be without me’ kinda thing.

When I was with my ex I had already been dabbling with self-improvement. I already had a good job, good sense of style, healthy ambition and drive, worked out, best shape in my life. I lived alone at the time and as such I can cook, wash clean and take care of myself. None of this made her happy. We broke up. She is now with a guy who is unemployed, wears dull clothes, walks behind her with his head down and looks like a lost child. She works to support him. He is not an Alpha bad boy drug dealer or anything of the sorts. Just an ordinary guy. For years I thought she hated me because I was a loser.

It appears to me that women don’t want perfect. It makes them feel very insecure. I’m not perfect, never have viewed myself that way, in any period of my life. Yet I’m not the worst either. However, if a guy has all his shit together already, can look after himself, is confident and is a lone wolf type who just does his own thing, then women will be repelled because of their own fears and insecurities.
Yeah fifty shades of grey and magic mike films were very successful, but it was a fantasy. I don’t think most women would be in a relationship with a guy who was very successful, great looks, lots of money, confident ambitious, tough, daring alpha. Unless she is the same. Women want to make a guy, mould him into something, improve him and say ‘hey see what I did, he would be lost without me.’

Generally women are having children later in life. Most guys I know are in unhealthy relationships. They are treated like children, by their g/f and wives. They schedule activities for them, mother them, fuss over them like a mother does with a little boy. I hate it and tell women I don’t want a mum, just a companion. Women don’t like hearing it. Even when a girl accompanies her bad boy b/f to the Police Station she will wrap her arm around him and console him like a child. It’s strange but funny to watch. Like ‘hey you’ve been naughty. Hope you’ve learned your lesson, I will mother you and turn you into a good boy.’

A long post, no to offend or contradict; just a few thoughts I wanted to share with you guys. Most of you on here have your shit together, are articulate, ambitious know what you want in life. Might be just too much for women to handle. With Shannon’s super subliminal programmes thrown in the mix too, it becomes too potent for most women to handle.

RE: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3 - Lucius - 08-29-2016

(08-29-2016, 01:18 PM)Shadowroamer Wrote: I have always taken good care of myself. I remember my ex went through my wardrobe and said “you have really nice clothes, very stylish”. She looked really upset. The next day she practically dragged me out of the house and bought me some awful clothes from a store old men usually visit. Brown cord trousers, brown shoes and a striped shirt. I looked like a guy in his fifties.

My opinion is you dodged a bullet with your ex. It was her way of "hiding" her possession from other girls.

(08-29-2016, 01:18 PM)Shadowroamer Wrote: When I was with my ex I had already been dabbling with self-improvement. I already had a good job, good sense of style, healthy ambition and drive, worked out, best shape in my life. I lived alone at the time and as such I can cook, wash clean and take care of myself. None of this made her happy. We broke up. She is now with a guy who is unemployed, wears dull clothes, walks behind her with his head down and looks like a lost child. She works to support him. He is not an Alpha bad boy drug dealer or anything of the sorts. Just an ordinary guy. For years I thought she hated me because I was a loser.

I recommend you read "Practical Female Psychology For The Practical Man" by Joseph W South, David Clare & Franco. I think she falls under the category of what they define as Low Self Esteem Woman.

If she is insecure about herself, then the only way of not having her bf snatched by another girl is to have an unsnatchable bf.