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Reality can get bent - DMSI 3.3.1-D Adventures and Musings (USLMaxx Interlude Mode) - Printable Version

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RE: Reality can get bent - DMSI 3.3.1-D Adventures and Musings (USLMaxx Interlude Mode) - Have at ye - 07-04-2019

I'm finding very useful stuff of the "wow, I really, really could use this!" pretty much at least once per day while running USLMaxx, it would appear. F. in. just yesterday I got my hand on something that is of amazing usefulness to my bardic practice. I was totally, like, *wow*.

Break day today, resuming tomorrow. I usually run my USLMaxx loops around midnight.

RE: Reality can get bent - DMSI 3.3.1-D Adventures and Musings (USLMaxx Interlude Mode) - Mystic Pymp - 07-04-2019

(07-02-2019, 12:37 AM)Have at ye Wrote: As far as my bookish plans are concerned, well, there's no other way around it - I'm going have to do something I've always been a little bit too intellectually lazy to do - I'm going to have to read Hegel. *sigh* Oy. Good thing though that I actually found a pretty rare book available in the Interwebz about Hegel and rule 4 stuff, which I shall be aiming to procure swiftly (which could be costly, but it's all in the name of progress, helping humanity or whatever).

I'm also going to have to re-read Aristotle, and read up something fierce on the Greek bastard, lol, for the other book. Really should have had taken some courses on those guys back when I had the chance to do so, but I was too busy chasing skirt and drinking myself stupid back then. At least the little background I have in semiotics and anal philosophy (by which I mean "analytical", *wink wink*) makes reading Lacan waaay easier on the brain. Still triggers me to no end, though - I remember failing that exam... twice. Hahaha.

I will read Hegel.

I will not read Hegel.

I will listen to audiobook of Hegel.

RE: Reality can get bent - DMSI 3.3.1-D Adventures and Musings (USLMaxx Interlude Mode) - Have at ye - 07-06-2019

(07-04-2019, 01:16 PM)Mystic Pymp Wrote:
(07-02-2019, 12:37 AM)Have at ye Wrote: As far as my bookish plans are concerned, well, there's no other way around it - I'm going have to do something I've always been a little bit too intellectually lazy to do - I'm going to have to read Hegel. *sigh* Oy. Good thing though that I actually found a pretty rare book available in the Interwebz about Hegel and rule 4 stuff, which I shall be aiming to procure swiftly (which could be costly, but it's all in the name of progress, helping humanity or whatever).

I'm also going to have to re-read Aristotle, and read up something fierce on the Greek bastard, lol, for the other book. Really should have had taken some courses on those guys back when I had the chance to do so, but I was too busy chasing skirt and drinking myself stupid back then. At least the little background I have in semiotics and anal philosophy (by which I mean "analytical", *wink wink*) makes reading Lacan waaay easier on the brain. Still triggers me to no end, though - I remember failing that exam... twice. Hahaha.

I will read Hegel.

I will not read Hegel.

I will listen to audiobook of Hegel.

Lolz. Big Grin

No audiobooks for me, thank you very much, hahaha. I'm going to need Hegel for the sake of references, too. would be immeasurably funny if they did have audiobooks of Hegel's works, though.

RE: Reality can get bent - DMSI 3.3.1-D Adventures and Musings (USLMaxx Interlude Mode) - Have at ye - 07-06-2019

Went to a little social gathering tonight (as well as last night... I'm having a very active social life lately), had the opportunity to talk with a chick who specializes in Aristotle and actually knows her stuff (f. in. she can read ancient Greek). Pretty much got an entire lecture out of her, hahaha.

Good stuff.

Also everything seems to be pointing towards the fact that the Greeks of old (you know the ones I mean Wink ) had a pretty friggin' good idea on how the world actually operates, or at least had very good intuitions in a great many cases. Trouble is, their ideas - as they are currently taught and/or function in a "common sense" type of way - had been *direly* misinterpreted and misrepresented by 1) at first, medieval scholasticism, 2) later on, by the Renaissance and Enlightenment guys. Also, as it tends to happen, quite many of the simplifications that have been made of these guys are the direct result of mistranslations, lawlz.

Interesting trivia fact (which kinda agrees with an intuition I've been having for quite some time): it kinda seems that a lot of New Age-y notions, which employ terminology borrowed from bastardized Eastern religious and philosophical stuff, are pretty much an oversimplification of Plato and Aristotle, lol.

So, since I can't read ancient Greek, I'm now going to the ol' academic trick of "comparative study of as many translations in as many languages you know, fool!" of Aristotle's "Metaphysics", heheh. I also have someone to consult with. Big Grin

RE: Reality can get bent - DMSI 3.3.1-D Adventures and Musings (USLMaxx Interlude Mode) - Have at ye - 07-07-2019

By the by, it would appear that the recent, let's call it "crisis", I've had was also a result of getting hit with SHITTONS of negative energy from the outside. All's good in the end, though, as this has pushed me to try to resolve, once and for all, whatever issues I've left that allowed this to happen.

It's funny, because right before the onset (when I was still feeling good and pretty badass, TBH), I found myself listening to the "I get knocked down" song by that funny-named band (you probably know it: "I get knocked down, but I get up again, you're never gonna keep me down!" etc.) pretty much on loop.

I am *still* clearing out that outside negativity that I got hit with, though. Whoo boy. Anyroad, it's why I need to meet with my little aristocrat face-to-face without any onlookers; once we talk things through and work out a consensus, it should be smooth sailing from there on out and nobody will be able do shit to mess it up. Ain't gonna happen until at least August, though, as she's pretty far out abroad doing her thing until that time.

The good news is - I got knocked down, but I got up again. Big Grin

RE: Reality can get bent - DMSI 3.3.1-D Adventures and Musings (USLMaxx Interlude Mode) - Have at ye - 07-08-2019

Lost my wallet today, lol. There wasn't much money in there, but all my IDs and stuff. Also an Item I paid good money for. Crap. Sad

It's gonna be a whole to-do.

RE: Reality can get bent - DMSI 3.3.1-D Adventures and Musings (USLMaxx Interlude Mode) - Have at ye - 07-09-2019

Been feeling rather crappily since yesterday. Weird, haven't felt like this in a long time. Anyroad, trying to continue doing what I've been doing. I think I'll wait for the v. 4.1 update for USLMaxx and test it out for a bit.

RE: Reality can get bent - DMSI 3.3.1-D Adventures and Musings (USLMaxx Interlude Mode) - Have at ye - 07-10-2019

I got my wallet back, with everything more or less intact within (maybe some 20 potato shorter), including the Item. Smile (Fortunately, it does not look like much, heheh).

Anyhow, I have decided this morning that I shall be purchasing UMS, and switching to it right now (or at least until USLMaxx gets an update). Why, you might ask? Auric shielding!

Seriously, I am unable to keep up with clearing and shielding myself right now. I need to perform at least 20-30 minutes of additional shielding protocol *every couple of hours or so*, or otherwise I get hit with so much crappity crap from the outside that I a) feel like barfing, b) get a headache, c) can't focus on anything and start feeling depressed.

So I'll be UMSing, hoping the auric shielding does it job, and doing more stuff related to my other goals on the off days from the sub. Gonna be a bit experimental on my part.

I'll set a "My goal is to have a stable monthly income of 10.000 potato or more" as the UMS goal. 10.000 potato is easily within reach (I sometimes pulled more than that when working full-time as a freelance translator per month), and it's a decent enough "fuck you" amount of money (so it's enough to basically have the capacity to tell anyone trying to sabotage/scare/intimidate you with financial matters to go stuff themselves). That's a bit less than 3000USD/month per the current exchange rate, so it's not anything exorbitant or even exuberant.

So currently waiting for funds to get transferred to my PayPal, and then I'll start a new journal.

RE: Reality can get bent - DMSI 3.3.1-D Adventures and Musings (USLMaxx Interlude Mode) - Benjamin - 07-10-2019

I can't help but imagine you might need a wallet similar to this. Tongue 

[Image: Potato-wallet.jpghttp:]