10-04-2016, 06:16 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-04-2016, 06:26 AM by ncbeareatingman.)
Shannon Wrote:
EHPRA 2 makes full use of energy flooding, and you, sir, are going to frackin' LOVE what it does in that direction. Literally. Cause it's gonna flood you with unconditional, non-directional unlimited and unstoppable love. Smile
I'm so glad everyone is getting such good results from that program. So far every test I have done in 5.5 or 6G has been awesome, although some were more awesome and more obvious than others. I am really looking forward to being able to work in 6G.
Keith's response:
SHannon I think that MY "new-er" additional energy/energies while on E2( over four months into E2),scares the living shit outta some Men,particularlly. Standing n the BRIGHT LIGHT and shining,apparently can freak the living shit outta some folks. last month I experienced two of the nastiest Madderfaker's that I've come across in a long ass time man, I mean down right mean as shit,spiteful,INTENT on Hurting & inflickting emotional pains at length. thank goodness both experiences we kept to a minimum amount of time but felt like a year,in each case. Fuk'um. I;vd cleared my shit, I've moved on and will continue to move on and clear my stuff. these two idiots are still STUCK in that slop swamp of toxic bull crap for the rest of their un-natural lives on earth. They are Living in the spirit & energy of fear, constantly.
Thank goodness that was almost a month ago and feels like 'ages' ago now. Love is powerful. understatement !!
its been said that "Love brings up everything unlike itself over time for the sake of healing".
EHPRA 2 makes full use of energy flooding, and you, sir, are going to frackin' LOVE what it does in that direction. Literally. Cause it's gonna flood you with unconditional, non-directional unlimited and unstoppable love. Smile
I'm so glad everyone is getting such good results from that program. So far every test I have done in 5.5 or 6G has been awesome, although some were more awesome and more obvious than others. I am really looking forward to being able to work in 6G.
Keith's response:
SHannon I think that MY "new-er" additional energy/energies while on E2( over four months into E2),scares the living shit outta some Men,particularlly. Standing n the BRIGHT LIGHT and shining,apparently can freak the living shit outta some folks. last month I experienced two of the nastiest Madderfaker's that I've come across in a long ass time man, I mean down right mean as shit,spiteful,INTENT on Hurting & inflickting emotional pains at length. thank goodness both experiences we kept to a minimum amount of time but felt like a year,in each case. Fuk'um. I;vd cleared my shit, I've moved on and will continue to move on and clear my stuff. these two idiots are still STUCK in that slop swamp of toxic bull crap for the rest of their un-natural lives on earth. They are Living in the spirit & energy of fear, constantly.
Thank goodness that was almost a month ago and feels like 'ages' ago now. Love is powerful. understatement !!
its been said that "Love brings up everything unlike itself over time for the sake of healing".
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"