07-14-2016, 11:54 AM
I think tholt wrote this: It just keeps getting better and better with the technology. I can't even begin to imagine where 6G will be in 6 months
Me: I Know right? this technology is amazing to say da least... what an upgrade to E2 will look like is astonishing to think about,or dream your best solution,or combo ultra-success/Luck Magnifier/Money-Magnet/Success-Oppurtunity Attractor..where theres scripting to direct what you desire and intend to come to you,manifest the way to 'it',doors of oppurtunity and succes to flow to you,active,passive manifestation,soultion realization quickly,and tapping da genius within. flippin phenomial stuff man and possiblities. energy follows intention,energy flooding in the direction of success and courage,building-re-creation oneself self...ect. higher purpose stuff. it gets deep !! Keith.
Me: I Know right? this technology is amazing to say da least... what an upgrade to E2 will look like is astonishing to think about,or dream your best solution,or combo ultra-success/Luck Magnifier/Money-Magnet/Success-Oppurtunity Attractor..where theres scripting to direct what you desire and intend to come to you,manifest the way to 'it',doors of oppurtunity and succes to flow to you,active,passive manifestation,soultion realization quickly,and tapping da genius within. flippin phenomial stuff man and possiblities. energy follows intention,energy flooding in the direction of success and courage,building-re-creation oneself self...ect. higher purpose stuff. it gets deep !! Keith.
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"