06-04-2016, 04:25 PM
(06-04-2016, 03:39 PM)Jake2015 Wrote:(06-04-2016, 03:34 PM)Shannon Wrote:(06-04-2016, 03:32 PM)jonathan4all Wrote:(06-04-2016, 09:27 AM)Shannon Wrote:(06-03-2016, 02:39 AM)jonathan4all Wrote: Shannon
is it possible for you to update MLS 5G to MLS 5.5G. You have already skeleton script. I believe you won't need to start from scratch. All the technologies you have used in AOS 5.5G can easily be fit in this new MLS. Also you can put few lines on Overcoming procrastination along with the old script. My brother and gf are using MLS 5G and none of them agrees so far it works for them. My brother had used MLS 4G then he nailed his bachelor and got admission to a pharmacy school. My gf has used IYGH and scored 4 As straight in her Microbiology major . But both of them said MLS 5G wasn't that good. Please look on this issue. MLS is one of your flagship products which has been helping learners all over the world. It is supposed to be better.
Yes it is. I do have plans to upgrade that program.
Wowo. It will be really awesome.Can you update it soon like within few weeks. I firmly believe, it wont take you more than 2-3 weeks at best. I am really keen to use it too.
I'll do what I can. As always, I have a very full plate. 6G dev and testing is getting crazy too. But I think that we need to start being productive in 5.5G land here.
shannon you missed my reply, let me find it and copy it
okay here it is
Firstly I never really paid attention to this thread and I'm so glad it exists and that I came across it just now Smile and hope shannon will read this.
I do agree with upgrading MLS 5 to 5.5 (no idea what 5.5 is or does though but I'm sure its an improvement - if anyone know please explain to me).
I also agree if procrastination can be added to it too.
BUT is there any way that IYG&StudyHabits can be upgraded to 5.5 please and include procrastination and motivation and overcoming anxiety or fears.
Most of all can there be a super sub that includes MLS, IYGSH, Procrastination, Motivation, Anxieties and fears all into 1?
I ask because MLS didn't do anything for me in regards to fears and procrastination for the little I did listen to it but it was the one advised to me to help me with university. However study habits sub is another good one but its a separate sub. I do believe for those of us at school, college, uni etc, (and maybe there are many of us here) could really benefit from a super sub that does it all in 1. Maybe with EHPRA 1 or 2 added in for safe measures too? lol I am leaving MLS 5 and now going to start E2 to clear my garbage but I am at uni and time is unfortunately a luxury I don't have.
pps: If you can make MLS 5.5 quickly as you said in your reply to the other members (above in the post) then should I still use E2? My issue is procrastination and that could be due to fear I'm unsure but I also want good study habits, and now that you said you want to be productive with 5.5 lol then is there anything you can make that will help me, Jonathan, his brother and his gf all with all i said above?
Jake I understand what you are worrying about. On the hand, you cannot expect Shannon to update a whole new sub the way you are demanding. If MLS + OP (overcoming procrastination) combined in 5.5G, it will do wonder. MLS script is already 5G so technically it won't take longer time compared to IYGH which is 4G. MLS with OP can solve most of your problem with grades. Another thing you can do run OP 4G combined with MLS 4G/IYGH. (You can check Ktrain's journal or even ask him)But this root usually takes you at least 4 to 6 months to gauge good result. That's what I had seen when my gf and brother were using. MLS is more general so it can be used not only for students but also for business, traders , programming, golf, street dancing etc. It can serve your purpose as a student but on the other hand IYGH cannot serve others