(11-08-2018, 10:03 AM)SargeMaximus Wrote: [ -> ] (11-07-2018, 05:58 AM)Greenduck Wrote: [ -> ]I don't share your opinion on that. He actually has a lot of deeper stuff that can be really valuable to read if you just let it sink in and don't let yourself be swayed by your first impressions.
On the Alpha-beta comparison in the field of intellectuals, he is someone who stand his ground regarding his core-beliefs, can listen emphatically to others viewpoints, never looses his temper even under high pressure situations, has a lot of followers who genuinely enjoy listening to him. What do you make of that?
None of those things signal an alpha imo.
Why not? Just curious. Sure there are other things that you can strive for to be a full man, but I surely think that the things above is part of that subset.
(11-08-2018, 10:03 AM)SargeMaximus Wrote: [ -> ] (11-07-2018, 05:58 AM)Greenduck Wrote: [ -> ]Yes sure thing that is has gone on for a while. But just because it has carried on since the 60's doesn't mean that we shouldn't challenge it, quite the contrary. It's no biological "thing" that have arised as some sort of natural selection, it's the work of people with low self-esteem that try to change the cultural norms. That must be challenged, because otherwise we have a cultural system that enforces victimhood and less individual responsibility in various life-areas.
It is biological. It came from people, and people are biological. Trying to change it is like trying to change gravity. It won't happen.
As for the victim thing, you NEVER have to be a victim. I remember my grandpa told me a few weeks ago something about some politician. He was like "That guy doesn't care how hard it is for people like us to make a living" and I was ashamed at the level of beta in that remark. I don't expect anyone to care how "hard" it is for me and I always make my own way without expecting handouts.
It's the same with this PC BS, trying to "change the system" is just another beta method to try and get your needs met. Instead, do everything yourself and forget about the system!
I agree with that you don't have to see yourself to be a victim. But just because you are talking about that someone doesn't care about how hard it is for some people to make a living, don't make you a victim. Life is hard for some people. They may not have the opportunity to discover their own potential, or have different burdens to carry. But it doesn't give someone a reason to look down on them.
Victimhood is for me someone who don't want to get support from people around them, who refuse to see a better future,
in all situations. That is someone who has taken the stand as a "victim" just to get people to pity them, because of emotional immaturity. But this isn't really something to judge someones real character from, it's just a emotional-disability (even if it may be self-imposed over time).
Well, they argue for their position because in some way they feel that it is legitimate to do so. And I believe that PC stems from an emotional immaturity, and the more I learn about it, and my own psychology, the more convinced I am about that as a fact.
But just to "live outside the system" doesn't really work. We all live in a culture, and are affected by the people around us, and have the responsibility to stand up for what we believe, and to develop our beliefs trying to get in line with reality as much as we can. So I don't believe that we just should "get out of the system" and "go our own way". We need to take responsibility, to debate, argue, learn. Otherwise, going outside all of that is just a cop-out and dodging your social responsibility.
But to not be succumb to stupid people in your workplace, and become self-assertive and able to pursue your goals, that I can agree on, and that is everyones responsibility to stand up for your own authority in life, but those two shouldn't be confused with each other.