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I am still getting some interesting results from what maybe TID from USLM4. It will be nice to run this sub when it comes out but it seems less likely anytime soon. Instead we are waiting a long time in between releases of subs. Hopefully these long waits between programs end with 6G.  Everyone has delays,issues, and cycles in their life but the world/life still goes on and stuff still gets done in spite of it. Hopefully USLM4, E3, UMS will be coming out relatively soon.
So I woke up this morning and was about to leave when my car wouldn’t start. I suspect it’s a bad battery or alternator or something. Anyways I had to have my car towed and taken to a repair shop. I suspect it’s a minor affair but it’s still inconvenient. A stroke of bad luck. This incident precludes me from buying LTU5 as I don’t know how much this will cost. II’m going to buy USLM4 and then UMS when it comes out.
So I will be running USLM3 until USLM4.1 comes out. Hopefully I can get some good results in the interrim period before USLM4.1 comes out.
I will likely run UMS at some point too.
I have run USLM3 for the past two days and I have noticed that I am more productive at work. I woke up really early this morning and got to work and got a good deal of stuff done.
I am looking forward to see the improvements with USLM 4.1

I am wondering if I should take any break?
I don't think you'll need to worry about it.
I have stopped USLM3. I will resume listening once USLM4.1 comes out
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