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Full Version: Pushin' My Luck to the MAX! USLMax 5.5G
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After my break, lost some ground, as others have reported.

Got triggered by a woman yesterday morning that'd been at my son's swim lessons, and I've been getting to know her over the weeks. She's very attractive - "just my type" - and is going through a divorce. Well, yesterday it was clear to me that she's developed an interest in me. She knows I'm married, hell, my wife was even there yesterday...but the eye contact, body language, flirtatious manner, all clicked.

When I say triggered, I mean my attitude went to shit for the rest of the day. I became irritable, very little patience, and then everything just seemed to "go wrong." I came up against an internal wall when faced with her attraction that feels like the same wall that's been keeping DMSI at arms-length.

I ran the hybrid last night, and today seems a little better, but it still feels like a "dark night of the soul" kind of thing.
USLM3 focuses on whatever your conscious focus and goal is. If your conscious focus and goal is on the natural attraction you feel for a woman other than your wife, well then USLM3 is going to be pushing you in that direction. If you want to stop that, make one of your goals to be faithful to your wife. Simple.
My wife had one of her recurring fire (fear) dreams last night.

She was at the log home she grew up in, and a fire raged - coming for her "on the north side." (Not sure if/how that's important)

Her mom was there, saving the cats, and then her stepdad. When she was growing up in that house, IRL, her late dad would have lived there. Perhaps she now accepts her stepdad into her life as a father role.

Anyway, my wife was fighting the fire with a firehose, and it was not working.

I asked if the dream was any different from the recurring fire dreams before USLM. She said in the other dreams, she always runs away from the fire and it chases her.
I was tired earlier than usual yesterday, so went up to nap around 1 and slept until 430. I was still tired after getting up.

I had a few dreams while napping. The notable dream was...a fire dream. I assume it was a follow-up to my wife's. I ran out of a house (perhaps the log house in my wife's dream?) and started fighting the blaze with a fire hose, alongside others. I took the fire out, section by section, and made sure to soak the surrounding area so that it could not come back.

After I was done, I saw many people standing around, lamenting the loss of their possessions that had been burned and were now soaked. I had a realization that the people had been responsible for starting the fires that had burned their own things they now mourned the loss of...
I'm wondering if the fire in these dreams doesn't represent the change that you are going through...
(11-19-2018, 08:58 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]I'm wondering if the fire in these dreams doesn't represent the change that you are going through...

So you think I'm killing the change? I interpreted it as removing a damaging force (fear) and rewetting the area was keeping the fire (fear) from returning, and the people mourning it were parts of the subconscious lamenting what's been left behind from the damage the fear had caused - but I'm open to other perspectives.
(11-19-2018, 09:31 AM)RTBoss Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-19-2018, 08:58 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]I'm wondering if the fire in these dreams doesn't represent the change that you are going through...

So you think I'm killing the change? I interpreted it as removing a damaging force (fear) and rewetting the area was keeping the fire (fear) from returning, and the people mourning it were parts of the subconscious lamenting what's been left behind from the damage the fear had caused - but I'm open to other perspectives.

Makes sense to Me,RT! Keith.
(11-19-2018, 09:31 AM)RTBoss Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-19-2018, 08:58 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]I'm wondering if the fire in these dreams doesn't represent the change that you are going through...

So you think I'm killing the change? I interpreted it as removing a damaging force (fear) and rewetting the area was keeping the fire (fear) from returning, and the people mourning it were parts of the subconscious lamenting what's been left behind from the damage the fear had caused - but I'm open to other perspectives.

I don't know what the symbolism of this dream is specifically. I do know that fire brings change with it. When you burn something, it changes, and a lot of people think it is purifying too.

Symbolically, fire therefore frequently represents change and purification.

Water usually symbolically represents the emotions.... so if the water represents the emotions, it could effectively reverse the meaning of your dream. If the fire is change and the water is your fear of change, then the dream is showing you trying to prevent change, which is feared.

But if the fire represents fear, or what is feared, then the water would represent you using your emotions and controlling them to kill the fear (likely fear of change and the unknown).

Now I'm not saying that is what your subconscious was intending the symbolism to mean here, but it is a different point of view worth considering at least. Only you can know for sure. I'm rooting for fire representing the fear of the unknown, and the water representing your controlled use of your emotions to kill fear. Go RTB!
On my break. Considering just stopping here for the DMSI 3.3 release. 'Cuz I'm running that on release day.
Two days into my break, I'm feeling awesome. I almost have a morphine drip feeling this morning. Not sure if that's part of things in USLM, but I have a euphoria.

Have also had some small "lucky" things happening for me, which really just translates into a few things happening unconscious/subconsciously that have been convenient for me.

Relationship is going well. Feeling "lighter." It's like the breakthrough-feeling I've had after going through hell on DMSI - mostly DMSI 3.1, as on 3.2 I never felt excited about life like I did on 3.1. I think FRM will get me past whatever held me back on 3.2, with flying colors. I really can't wait to try FRM in combination with H&C. I think it's gonna be somethin' else.
(11-23-2018, 09:27 AM)RTBoss Wrote: [ -> ]Two days into my break, I'm feeling awesome. I almost have a morphine drip feeling this morning. Not sure if that's part of things in USLM, but I have a euphoria.

Have also had some small "lucky" things happening for me, which really just translates into a few things happening unconscious/subconsciously that have been convenient for me.

Relationship is going well. Feeling "lighter." It's like the breakthrough-feeling I've had after going through hell on DMSI - mostly DMSI 3.1, as on 3.2 I never felt excited about life like I did on 3.1. I think FRM will get me past whatever held me back on 3.2, with flying colors. I really can't wait to try FRM in combination with H&C. I think it's gonna be somethin' else.

I totally agree the combination of FRM & H/C is gonna be phenominal Man!! Like with E3! dang!! thru da friggin' roof!! wow. I am so looking forward to following people's results on the new advanced E3,as they post in the future!! While I wont be utlizing this great program,as I Have in the past with E2,I shure look forward to seeing how it changes peoples lives. Ultra Monetary Success and BAMM are on My roster for the next year or more. Rock on RTBoss!!
Just realized today that since starting USLM my wife has picked up an overtime shift every week. I asked her what her goal is today, and she said, "My goal is to be debt free." She's been really motivated to work more, and more work has made itself available to her. That's great, because she makes more in a day than I make in a week!

Today we went out and looked at appliances, and bought a new stainless fridge, double oven, and microwave to complete our kitchen's remodel. Got a great deal, and it's gonna look awesome.

Had a dream that my favorite college football team's coach had taken my son under his wing. I like his philosophy for his team - I've even said, "I want to parent my kids like he coaches his team. 'Expect to win, hate to lose, have a desire to excel with no fear of failure (he never curses players out), teach them how to perform properly until they get it right, and love each other.'" So, symbolically, it's like affirmation that my son is being "coached" right. Good sign for my goal of "being a better parent."

Sex life is also the best it's been in...two years? A little more? Definitely back to where we were on DMSI 2.3 (yes, 2.3!) before my wife got pregnant with my daughter. She'll take a shower and say something like, "I assume you'll be wanting this tonight..." Can't wait to see where this goes on 3.3.
Having some TID from 3.3, both with my wife and in dreams. First, had the best sex in a few years the other night. Totally different behavior from my wife, way out of the norm. I think USLM3 has had a big part to play there, as well.

Dreamed last night two great looking (but decidedly slutty-vibed) gals asked me to a bar. We sat at a table, and started talking sex. The girls said that they've never had a problem asking for what they want, and the one sitting next to me looked me in the eyes and said, "And if anyone wants to get some, just have at it anytime."

I've actually had that happen IRL. One of the last lays I had before meeting my wife was a chick who literally said out loud, while looking me directly in the eye, "I'm need some sex, so if there's anyone here who's going to help me out with that tonight, you better get on with it." Which I did, lol.
(11-28-2018, 09:35 AM)RTBoss Wrote: [ -> ]Having some TID from 3.3, both with my wife and in dreams. First, had the best sex in a few years the other night. Totally different behavior from my wife, way out of the norm. I think USLM3 has had a big part to play there, as well.

Dreamed last night two great looking (but decidedly slutty-vibed) gals asked me to a bar. We sat at a table, and started talking sex. The girls said that they've never had a problem asking for what they want, and the one sitting next to me looked me in the eyes and said, "And if anyone wants to get some, just have at it anytime."

I've actually had that happen IRL. One of the last lays I had before meeting my wife was a chick who literally said out loud, while looking me directly in the eye, "I'm need some sex, so if there's anyone here who's going to help me out with that tonight, you better get on with it." Which I did, lol.

Wow!! Rock 'n Roll,Studly!!
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