08-24-2018, 07:55 PM
A sub that helps you do the following:
Know yourself as an entrepreneur before you start <--- maybe help you atleast build confidence and risk taking skills and foresight to see opportunities and hindsight to learn from yours and other peoples successes and failues.
Generating new business ideas <--- maybe to help you see again opportunities of where there lies a great business idea that you can run with and make huge sums from.
Researching the validity of your ideas
Testing your business premise in the real world
Creating an initial business plan
Setting up the right legal structure for your business
Understanding your financial, accounting and tax obligations
Protecting your business from a legal and disaster perspective (insurance)
Creating an identity for your business including building a brand and website
Get your business essentials sorted including setting up internet and stationary
Funding options for starting your business including investment, grants, loans and more
Devising initial marketing and sales strategies
Building your initial team including recruitment, management and company culture
Starting your business whilst keeping a full-time job
Lots of success, lots of luck, lots of other skills needed too such as time management, stress relief, confidence, huge self esteem, sales and closing, negotiating, etc
Know yourself as an entrepreneur before you start <--- maybe help you atleast build confidence and risk taking skills and foresight to see opportunities and hindsight to learn from yours and other peoples successes and failues.
Generating new business ideas <--- maybe to help you see again opportunities of where there lies a great business idea that you can run with and make huge sums from.
Researching the validity of your ideas
Testing your business premise in the real world
Creating an initial business plan
Setting up the right legal structure for your business
Understanding your financial, accounting and tax obligations
Protecting your business from a legal and disaster perspective (insurance)
Creating an identity for your business including building a brand and website
Get your business essentials sorted including setting up internet and stationary
Funding options for starting your business including investment, grants, loans and more
Devising initial marketing and sales strategies
Building your initial team including recruitment, management and company culture
Starting your business whilst keeping a full-time job
Lots of success, lots of luck, lots of other skills needed too such as time management, stress relief, confidence, huge self esteem, sales and closing, negotiating, etc