I read the description of the sub and instructions but I know this is a no brainer and exercise and diet are required while listening to the sub to lose weight but I didn't see anything that said it was required or maybe I missed something.
Is it required to be on a diet and exercise while listening to the sub or not necessary at all? (I know it should be as optional but I didn't read it anywhere in the description that it was required). Thanks
You're looking at this the complete wrong way, the same way people look at weight loss shakes for example. You're not going to achieve maximum results with weight loss, and especially not keeping it off it you don't develop a new lifestyle of eating healthily and exercising, in whichever way you prefer.
Of course to lose weight and maintain it you will need to chage your eating, but don't think of it as a 'diet' because the problem people have is they do that, lose the weight then go and eat how they used to and wonder why they put it back on.
You want it so it's just how you eat now, and exercising is just something you do regularly. WL6 will help you to develop that and clear out the subconscious reasons why you aren't doing so. When I did that I was able to consistently eat healthily and workout consistently and I still am 5 years in.
You 'can' possibly lose some weight sitting there doing nothing. But it's not 'optional' if you want maximum results or if you want to actually transform how you look and feel.
Anyone who promises that you can just lose weight by doing absolutely nothing, by eating the same and doing zero exercise are bsing you. This is one reason I pretty much hate the weight loss industry because they promise all kinds of crap like magical shakes, get abs in 3 minutes a day, and coffee tights. Yes tights with coffee in them to apparently help you lose fat.
As for exercise and changing your eating. Don't make the mistake of doing it all at once. Just do a little at a time, find a form of exercise you like and start just a few days a week, even if it's only 10 minutes. It's better to DO that than try to do a full on workout and give up after a few weeks.
Same with eating, don't just eat 1 carrot a day or something that extreme. Start small, maybe start reducing the amount of sugar you have, do it a little at a time so you can adjust to it.
Along with doing that WL6 will help guide you to do the right things and build it as a long term habit and lifestyle as that is where the transformation happens.