Maybe you like certain qualities of Angelina and would want to have few or maybe all of her qualities.. We often wish /Dreams what we desire and don't have
What is it that u desire? What do u think she represents to you? What u think about her?
Quote:I hope that this baggage won’t hinder my progress. If the sub can help me with that relationship, that would be something else.
It's likely that something is being worked on around that person, especially since you keep seeing them and dreaming about them since starting the program.
When I used E2 (Emotional Pain Relief & Healing Aid 2.0) I had dreams about a few people who used to be friends, then they suddenly appeared when I hadn't seen them for a long time, and I realized that something had healed in that process.
Usually when you're listening to a subliminal and something becomes more obvious and is really in your mind, then it means that thing is being worked on.
You are using DMSI? Right?
Yeah it's okay to talk about sexual stuff..
Quote:Did your relatlionship with your friends continue after you saw them or was it just a confirmation that a healing had taken place?
First I noticed some healing had taken place.
As for the first thing, a couple of them yes. One of them no. The one where it didn't I realized that he was too much of a negative influence and would try to tear me down, but that I was still really angry about it. On E2 when I seen him I realized that i'd dealt with some anger about it, but then realized that I could make the decision that I actually didn't want him in my life anymore.