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Full Version: Reducing caffeine use with DMSI
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I'm curious about something I've seen a number of DMSI users report, and that is how they reduced or eliminated caffeine use. I'm wondering how this happened, but what I really want to know is if I can look forward to this. I've got 2 weeks before I start DMSI.

DMSI does have Anxiety Relief Aid in it, which might quell the fear/anxiety with many daily life events, leading to caffeine use. I've used caffeine mostly for emotional salving since I've been doing personal recovery work these last 6 years or so, and a fear of losing control has been my biggest motive. Lots of fear has equated with lots of caffeine.

But what else might be responsible for losing one's desire for caffeine?

I'd love to hear any success stories eliminating caffeine, and how it's going now. Thanks.
I have not experienced a reduced desire for caffeine. I've gone the opposite way. I have to fight cravings to avoid it.
I know its not related to caffeine but I used to take "Now True Focus"... Supplement. It helped me get motivated and high to get the job done.. But ever since I am on A.. I don't even wanna think about taking it.. Its like I am naturally high or something to push me to do stuff.... When u are naturally high or full of energy then why take caffeine or supplement..
Quote:I have not experienced a reduced desire for caffeine. I've gone the opposite way. I have to fight cravings to avoid it.

I've had a bit of that actually. Some days had 2 coffees instead of 1 which I didn't before except on the weekend. The way it was coming up though is more like it's a resistance thing.

I don't want to stop alltogether. I'm fine with 1 coffee a day. The problem is the old coping mechanisms coming up sometimes like wanting extra coffee.
I had this same thing happen on Universal Detox. It took me to new places emotionally, and my caffeine use was all resistance. I just felt so insecure going where I was going (though I'd said I wanted to go there for years).

I agree with Shannon that though we say we want sex, success, or emotional health, our subconscious may be scared s***less of achieving that. Living in those places are a whole NEW reality.

A newer solution for me: sticking with a sub, despite all my fighting against it. Getting back up when I fall down. This involves a whole new level of self-forgiveness. Since I see it in real life: I can only love people as well as I love myself.

I'll make mistakes. I can learn from them.