Hello, I am very excited to have found these products and this community and am eager to benefit and evolve.
I reviewed the forum over a couple of days, reading testimonials and such, of which I found many that claimed EPRAH 2.0 was the best place to start in order to clear the baggage and heal from the past issues that we all seem to have.
In my personal journey, I have looked for and put into practice a number of different modalities to overcome my negative patterns which affect my health, relationships (personal and professional), and the outcome of my life in terms of career and finances. I have come a long way, with yoga, meditation, and NLP becoming very self empowering tools for addressing the present and my conscious mind.
Believing that it could be the unresolved subconscious wounding from as early as in utero, my childhood and teens, that is preventing my success, I purchased EPRAH 2.0 and have listened for parts of the day yesterday and through my sleep last night.
But now I'm concerned that my limited budget could have been better spent on Life Tune Up instead. To achieve balance in my life with health (first and foremost), career and finances and relationships, would I have been better off going with Life Tune Up?
Depends on you personal priorities. What I'll say also is that E2 or even E1 are good starter subs in order to help clear out the junk and set a good foundation for other subs you'll be using in the future. Run E2 for at least 32 days at a minimum of 8 hours daily. See what effect it has, if you feel you've come far enough in that 32 days, then run life tune up.
From what I gather, E2 is if someone has any past hurts, pain/suffering, grudges, unforgiveness, etc...All that has to be cleared out to make way for something positive to be able to manifest.
LTU is overall feeling good about yourself via self-validation, self worth, self esteem, and self confidence. And in doing so, other aspects of your life becomes more positive (relations with others, social situations, etc...)
E2 has way more healing modules that LTU... Infact E2 will clear all ur emotional baggage much deeper level than LTU.. E2 is way more advance than LTU..
Use E2 for 3 months and then after that u can use LTU for another 3 months.. Keep repeating the cycle
For healing and subconscious wounding as you call it, emotional baggage, healing from past issues E2 is ideal compared to LTU.
Though it can kind of seem like you're stationary at times while on it, because you're healing. That's what I found.
To move forward in several areas that LTU covers, LTU is better for that but doesn't have the comprehensive healing.
Really you wrote 2 different things. For the things earlier in the post that I mentioned E2 is better, for the last part LTU is likely better.
Wow! It's a pleasant surprise to find so many speedy replies to my inquiry. All of your feedback is greatly appreciated :-)
I do suffer severe lows with my depression, or at least in the past 1.5years that has been the case. Previous to that it had not been this bad since my early 20s and then before that, my teens. My main concern for healing the past subconscious wounding is because of how I believe it is negatively affecting the areas which I mentioned. I am able to consciously accept the past circumstances which have helped to shape who I am and the experiences that I have had. By trying to be diligent with my healthy habits, routines and mindfulness practices I have gotten better at intentionally creating positive outcomes in my life. But I can still step back and see how I continue to self sabotage myself with career/business/finances, relationships and my dietary health. This I believe is why I need to heal past emotional wounds and separate myself from how closely I identify myself with the traits of my mother who is basically crazy and suffering from PTSD, trapped in her own miserable world, procrastinating and unhealthy, and unable to take responsibility for her life.
Should I take DavisMind91's suggestion and continue listening for 8 or more hours for 32 days and see? Or, alternatively I could put LTU on my credit card and fast track the results that I am desperate to experience particularly in regards to finance/business/career, which I feel is a great source of shame for me at the stage I am at in my life. Or, would it make sense to continue E2 for 32days or 3 months, and then begin AF?
I agree with all these responses, as I've done both.
The main difference between E2 and LTU is their ability to remove what's been dug up. E2 is a 5.5G sub, and is very, very useful in clearing out what's been dug up. That is one of its main goals.
LTU, in contrast, is a 5G sub. Shannon has made numerous statements that 5G have the ability to dig up (old resentments, scars, wounding), but don't necessarily have enough power to remove them once they're out. I've had those same results myself when running LTU for longer periods. Memories I've had for years are hardly touched by LTU.
So, if you know you have even a smidge of old resentments, woundings, and emotional scars, stick with E2. It'll clear out stuff much quicker and easier, many times you being unaware it's even being worked on. You'll soon notice......you're different. You'll FEEL and RESPOND differently. It still happens to me now, and it's a great feeling!
But LTU, from my experience, is just an easy ride (emotionally) to go on. It focuses on your positive stuff, and it feels great. But I've had no healing moments on LTU.
It was a great question, and rarely asked outright :-)
(04-23-2018, 05:51 PM)findingme Wrote: [ -> ]I agree with all these responses, as I've done both.
The main difference between E2 and LTU is their ability to remove what's been dug up. E2 is a 5.5G sub, and is very, very useful in clearing out what's been dug up. That is one of its main goals.
LTU, in contrast, is a 5G sub. Shannon has made numerous statements that 5G have the ability to dig up (old resentments, scars, wounding), but don't necessarily have enough power to remove them once they're out. I've had those same results myself when running LTU for longer periods. Memories I've had for years are hardly touched by LTU.
So, if you know you have even a smidge of old resentments, woundings, and emotional scars, stick with E2. It'll clear out stuff much quicker and easier, many times you being unaware it's even being worked on. You'll soon notice......you're different. You'll FEEL and RESPOND differently. It still happens to me now, and it's a great feeling!
But LTU, from my experience, is just an easy ride (emotionally) to go on. It focuses on your positive stuff, and it feels great. But I've had no healing moments on LTU.
It was a great question, and rarely asked outright :-)
Thank you for the feedback. Much gratitude for you sharing your experience.