(01-24-2018, 02:42 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ] (01-24-2018, 07:23 AM)Jake2015 Wrote: [ -> ]I remember on E2 I did get dreams twice or 3 times but no more. So this is an effective then but after this I felt and noticed nothing.
At the time Shannon said maybe I had deeper issues that needed clearing but I had to use MLS which was a far more advanced tech to get benefits for university.
I now think maybe to deal with my procrastination and fear I need to clear the crap from inside me even though I dont know what that is or what trauma I have had ever.
What I do know is that I have suffered from fear as any child, such as fear of swimming and I have had anxiety when I have had to perform in tests and exams from the age of 11.
I also feared/anxiety going to school from age 11-18, every day. I hated it.
I would spend my recess/break times in the toilet cubicles where I was alone and safe.
I wasnt part of any large social group at this school.
So wow im admitting alot here but would this have effected me so deep? outwardly im very confident and social.
I should post this on shannons thread and ask what is the most powerful sub to clear inner issues - maybe the next DMSI is what I need?
You're making progress, Jake. Now you need to explore specifically why those things were true. Trace them back to what caused them. The root cause is what you've gotten stuck with, and what you need to dig up and deal with to move past this issue of resistance.
thank you so much Shannon for replying to this and saying what you have had. I honestly am trying. How can I do what you asked, by sitting and thinking? and which is the most powerful sub that can help me smash through these issues please, is it DMSI 2.1 or the new one which will be 2.2 I think - the one with 'the wall' because I will buy that if it is and until then what shall I use please. A sub that can help smash through my past issues is what I will listen to. (I am planning not to go home at all from Feb-June so I will have no excuse now not to play a sub daily automatically.)
I was going to start with ARA and stick with that but what do you think? and again thank you.
And when i explore I dont know why at the age of 11 I went down with studies/grades and increased anxiety and fear but I wasnt happy in my new school. As any teenager I became very self conscious of my looks, and also became depressed i think but not majorly just was always angry. Omg yes I was always angry and always angry I think from age 6 on wards too I cant really remember but I was always angry and always fought my brother. he always teased me always got under my skin but in school i was conscious of my looks, my smell everything.
Prior to this from age 6-11 I was top of my class and didnt know why (was a small class of 12 kids). I still was afraid of swimming and this may have come from a time age 4 or 5 when I went under the water at the deep end of the pool during swimming class at school.
What I do remember is watching at that age an EWOKS movie (those bears from star wars) and there was a scene where the main actor was trapped under water and the surface was like glass and he couldnt break throw.
Prior to this I dont remember much except I do always think of a man, an old man with odd yellow coloured long nails and I dont know I just dont know if thats a real person or a figment of my imagination.
thats all I can think and not sure where the root is.
Tha above was yesterday, today on fri26th im adding to this post....
So last night I slept for 1 hour due to my exam being today and being stressed.
I realised that all of the above is on my mind and ive made a decision that the best thing for me to do is NOT to focus on furture goals but to look inside myself and deeper and to the past and clear and heal those issues.
Shannon do you agree?
If so, ZANE, has been tremendously helpful and insightful and suggested I use ARA which makes complete sense to me and hope it does to you.
So the question is is DMSI 3.1A still the best most powerful sub for healing and clearing?
and will DMSI 3.2 have a track A for healing and clearing that is even more powerful?
I am currently thinking to use ARA and then at some unknown point when im ready, move to another.
Ive just realised that there is OF too that deals with fear but is an older tech sub, so what do you think shannon please?
thank you again.