Not here to stay too long but came back to check it out.
So after a year of absence
-Still DMSI is a popular sub shannon is continously updating
-New names for technology increasingly happening with pretty much the same results since 2 years ago.
- 6G subs are still a dream away..
- Shannon is still sick 20 times a year, and has computer issues kick in every 3 months or so
-Lots of old users are gone, and the new users are waiting for the glory 6g subs that was talked about since years ago.
Alright, take care everyone, message me when this "promising" 6G sub comes out.
And oh, after a year of no subs, I've got promoted at work, starting dating a girl who I'm now planning to get married with, feeling better then ever in life. Yet I still wanna get suckered into 6g so i'll come back in 6 months or so to see if any progress at all to 6g subs.
Rant over. This is just being critical of Shannons progress. That's all. I respect his work that he did. However the lack of progress with the promising 6g technology is why a lot of people left.
Agreed. He should just focus on building 6G and DMSI or just focus on updating the subs that we requested but don't create new subs or try to do both at one time.
He is doing whatever he can. We don't know what it's like to be Shannon. People will come can go u can't stop that.
The tone of your post sounds a lot like a petulant child. We get it, you disappeared for a while (7 months) and came back hoping there'd be all these new developments but you were thoroughly disappointed.
Understand this, Shannon doesn't owe you anything. He puts products out to the public and if people like them enough, they'll buy them. He could very well walk away right now and never produce another sub, as is his right. So stop feeling entitled to any of Shannon's progress.
As for 6G. He's put a price estimate at $1200 for a multi stage 6G sub. For that kind of money, combined with his goal of becoming a billionaire, I'm sure he's working as fast as he can.
That's a pretty unusual post to go for som long and come back with that and it strikes me as a post that is of no use at all.
The way you've written it isn't simply 'being critical of his progress'. It's more than that.
Basically your post is offering nothing constructive at all, and instead of simply coming back after not contributing for a long time to start conflict.
I have a feeling you don't really want to know the answer, but in fact some of the development and creation of other programs are helping with DMSI and 6g development.
I understand the frustration of some things not being released myself, but the way you're coming across isn't very positive.
Your expectations are just too high. 6G won't likely come out this year nor next year.
If you get disappointed you can only blame yourself for having unrealistic expectations.
And by the way, 6G isn't supposed to be mandatory, 4G and 5G subs are fine. In fact, any sub is fine. I believe it's a matter of time.
When 6G will come out don't have high expectations again by thinking 100% of the user will execute the script at 100%. This is unrealistic. So for now just enjoy what's available.
However, yes, it's arguable that Shannon is so many times unable to work, repeatedly. I've read his journal, he gets sick really, really frequently. This is arguable but at the end of the day I think he's doing his best, at his own pace. You don't really know what he's going through in his daily life.
Quote:And oh, after a year of no subs, I've got promoted at work, starting dating a girl who I'm now planning to get married with, feeling better then ever in life
What are you trying to imply ? Billions of people don't know about subliminals but this doesn't prevent them having a happy life.
If subs don't give you real results, you're free to move on. And this applies to me to.
Plouf, ideally the sub is used as a tool to improve a person's life (as opposed to a crutch).
Here's the difference:
As a tool: A person would continue to improve all areas of their life with the sub running in the background
As a crutch: A person's sole hope of making it in the world rests upon the sub
Most people here usually fall somewhere in between the two. It's a dangerous trap to only have the sub as one's sole means for self development.
In response to this comment
"And oh, after a year of no subs, I've got promoted at work, starting dating a girl who I'm now planning to get married with, feeling better then ever in life"
Judging by the comment, it seems OP was once a "crutch" user.
The ideology of a crutch user also goes hand in hand with the search for a "magic pill to fix it all" which is delusion. It takes significant time to ingrain one's beliefs, it'd also take significant time to transform out of them. You're right in identifying the unrealistic expectations that also characterises this group.
Evidently, those who use it as a tool succeed in life because they have personal responsibility and self accountability. Nothing to blame but themselves. Which is possibly why OP may be upset at the lack of progress by Shannon.
Shannon said (I hate playing the Shannon says game) that the Subliminal shouldnt require any extra participation from the user if executed properly. The problem is that many of us have resistance in our mind when exposed to subs.
Well, I think most people here don't rely entirely on subs. When you run a Attraction sub for instance, obviously you're going to go out and hang out around girls as much as you can.
Now, I feel like you do not believe that subliminals can produce real results solely by themselves. But they do of course. Real result = having something that you didn't have before. And the conscious effort has very small to do with it. Either the sub does it job, or it doesn't.
If you have a subliminal that claim to makes girls approach you, either the sub works and indeed you notice being approached more, or it doesn't and nothing changes in spite of you going out and being approachable.
There is no use for a tool that already does what you can by yourself. So I don't think your analogy is really pertinent.
Also, subliminals change beliefs. And those beliefs define your behavior and many others things. So either the sub works indeed and there is a shift of belief, either it doesn't and you stay the same.
For me real results are all about shift and changes.
Sorry but why would I ever want to wear glasses, when I can already see pretty well? Glasses are efficient tools because they indeed alow some people to see more clearly when they couldn't before. They get real results. Real shift and real changes.
But as far as OP was concerned I was more advising him do approach the 6G tech without expectations.
Don't bring up the "crutch vs. tool" thing again.
Taken from google:
a long stick with a crosspiece at the top, used as a support under the armpit by a lame person.
1.a device or implement, especially one held in the hand, used to carry out a particular function.
A crutch IS a tool.
"There is no use for a tool that already does what you can by yourself."
That's the whole point. The purpose of a tool is to make life easier. Using a sub to change one's own beliefs is much faster than the older way of affirmations or a daily hypnosis protocol.
What I'm getting at is a difference in paradigm. I'm by no way saying those people who use it as a "crutch" aren't getting any benefits at all. I'm saying they're getting it at a snail pace compared to those who use it as a tool and here's why;
For the sub to truly work, the user needs to accumulate reference experiences of their new behaviours. If a person were to continually tell them self that they are an "alpha male", without any external evidence/ experiences to base this belief upon, the subconscious mind would disregard this statement. However, if the statement goes "you are starting to behave in more alpha ways" followed by "you are becoming an alpha male" (as Shannon uses in his scripts) the user is encouraged to obtain these reference experiences by behaving in these new ways.
People who view it as a tool take responsibility for themselves. They accept their current beliefs and understand they're in a process of transforming them. These people are much more likely to go out and expose themselves to the kinds of situations that allow for these reference experiences to accumulate and hence transform much faster than a crutch user whose likely to do F*** all beyond what they normally do.
I should add in here, a belief by definition is a statement about the self which has had emotion sunk into it.
By the same token, crutch users turn around and blame Shannon when his product isn't working when in reality the user hasn't exposed them self to enough reinforcing experiences to hard code "ok this is my new way of being now"
As for resistance, hypnosis is a 3 step process. 1. Get the person's attention, 2. Bypass the critical factor.
It's at step 2 where the first form of resistance occurs. I've seen some people on here who seem to perpetually be in critical factor mode, looking at all new information as either "agree or disagree". If you're agreeing with it than its nothing new for you, if you're disagreeing with it, you're discarding it. A person operating from this point won't be allowing any new information in and hence won't make very many new changes.
The second form of resistance relates to reference experiences. If a person has gone through life accumulating a whole heap of dis empowering reference experiences (or framing them to be like that) then these are going to conflict with the programming of new beliefs. Without acquiring new empowering experiences, the user will remain stuck. Which is why the tool approach is much faster than the crutch.
You should understand now why the guys who've had success/ prior experience with women in the past, do really well really quickly on DMSI, because their subconscious has plenty to draw upon. In effect their SubC mind is saying "yes, you are irresistibly attractive to women and here are numerous reasons why".
I think he was more trying to say that the problems that were around back then are still around. For me the forum has just become redundant. Just feels like I'm watching people run in a circle. I'm just here for DMSI updates and any progress towards 6G.
Yes I actually agree with you Determined in that of course users who aren't doing anything but blame Shannon have no justification for doing so.
But then you have guys like me who have approached countless women on dmsi and am and SM but have also gotten a snail's pace.
A tool isn't much good if it doesn't do what it's supposed to.
If I have a power saw and sit staring at it saying " why doesn't it cut the wood?" I agree, that person is being unrealistic, but if I use it as I'm supposed to but it doesn't work. Then the tool is faulty. I think that's more than reasonable.