Hey Mods, Why had there been an uptick in Lurkers in the past Few Months? And also if you are Lurking and reading this, please get an account and take part of the Conversation here at Subliminal Talk.
Best Regards,
Not sure.. there always seems to be a few guests. It makes sense that over time more people find the forum.
But yes guests are welcome to sign up and join in.
There used to be like 30 guests Max but now 120+ Guests are Common.
This is because of the forum getting better and better rankings in search engines like Google.
It happens because of the quality content posted, because of getting a lot of attention (e.g. I told 4 friends about IML and this forum already and as they were excited everyone did check out products and post) but also some other technical things like the age of the domain, age of information, the updating of content and the time we stay on the forum giving it a better ranking.
In summary, guests will increase and increase as they are people that land here from google searches and check out information. Most of them don't register an account until they need to post something.
Echoing stefioan, SEO (search engine optimization) has been improving due to increased content, quite possibly from the release of the 5.5 G technology not too long ago (in the scheme of the internet.) I dont have access to the site analytics but I would like to see where these guests are coming from. Whether it be from a google search or if a handful of specific back-links are giving us extra juice.
There is still a great room for improvement in regards to SEO. I have a few ideas. I used to work at a website design / marketing company as the SEO strategist for 50+ clients. I knows a thing or two
In regards to so many lurkers vs members... there has to be a way to reach them to encourage them to sign up. Some way to provide incentive... quickly make them aware of the free 5G programs and 2) encourage them to make a journal. There are far more poeple who use Shannon's subs than there are members on this board. Some folks just dont like posting.