Shannon might be interested in this
Basically its a study which found that when a certain region of the brain is stimulated in mammals, it activates an alpha circuitry.
Would be useful for AM7 sub to target this region and induce increased activity in said area
I also recently read that among chimpanzees, the alpha male is the one with the most dopamine receptors.
This came from a NoFap thread, since porn and masturbation totally wipe out dopamine levels.
They talk about activating this part of the brain, then suggest 'just adopting the mindset can do this'. But that's not deep enough, as we're doing with subliminals it's changing your internal programming which then leads to mindset shifts. Trying to force yourself to switch the mindset on top of all the 'baggage' under that just leads to stuff like the pua guys overcompensating and being weird and not really coming from a real place with it.
I don't think much of fake it until you make it either, it never helped me with proper or long term change and under it was always the same insecurities and such.
(07-29-2017, 02:32 PM)RisingSon Wrote: [ -> ]I also recently read that among chimpanzees, the alpha male is the one with the most dopamine receptors.
This came from a NoFap thread, since porn and masturbation totally wipe out dopamine levels.
Cigarettes/nicotine also mump it up quite severely.
Other addictive substances too, most probably.
(07-29-2017, 05:02 PM)Benjamin Wrote: [ -> ]Interesting.
They talk about activating this part of the brain, then suggest 'just adopting the mindset can do this'. But that's not deep enough, as we're doing with subliminals it's changing your internal programming which then leads to mindset shifts. Trying to force yourself to switch the mindset on top of all the 'baggage' under that just leads to stuff like the pua guys overcompensating and being weird and not really coming from a real place with it.
I don't think much of fake it until you make it either, it never helped me with proper or long term change and under it was always the same insecurities and such.
I agree with you 100% there, any long lasting change needs to be made at the subconscious level. If indeed it's true that stimulating this area of the brain leads to more alpha qualities, then it would be valuable to Shannon in his research with regards to AM7 as another piece of the overall package, designed to create natural and organic alpha males (not the fake pua type)
(07-29-2017, 09:46 PM)Have at ye Wrote: [ -> ] (07-29-2017, 02:32 PM)RisingSon Wrote: [ -> ]I also recently read that among chimpanzees, the alpha male is the one with the most dopamine receptors.
This came from a NoFap thread, since porn and masturbation totally wipe out dopamine levels.
Cigarettes/nicotine also mump it up quite severely.
Other addictive substances too, most probably.
Correction, addictive substances cause a "release" of larger than normal amounts of serotonin. What RisingSon is referring to is the physical architecture of the brain in alpha males among chimpanzees who supposedly have more "receptors".
Well more receptors would mean more dopamine which could then effect 'alpha' behavior. Over time the brain can restructure itself so anyone can heal and recover from bad habits and addictions.
After being down and stressed from masturbating, I would binge on packs of American Spirit cigarettes. That didn't help.
(07-30-2017, 06:39 AM)RisingSon Wrote: [ -> ]Well more receptors would mean more dopamine which could then effect 'alpha' behavior. Over time the brain can restructure itself so anyone can heal and recover from bad habits and addictions.
After being down and stressed from masturbating, I would binge on packs of American Spirit cigarettes. That didn't help.
More receptors would make a person more sensitive to a serotonin/dopamine release.
You are absolutely right in saying the brain can restructure itself, there is a mechanism called long term potentiation ("fires together, wires together"). So neural pathways which are constantly stimulated get thicker, more efficient in signal transduction and increases in receptivity.
I would suspect that large releases of dopamine/serotonin would actually
decrease the number of receptors (as the bio-mechanical feed back signals for a need to reduce sensitivity).
I would also suspect that in the aforementioned more "receptors", having more receptors would enable a human to have a much richer experience of life. For instance many of the smaller/ normal day to day releases of serotonin/dopamine such as eating a nice meal, doing your favourite hobby or spending time with a cute girl you like would be much more pleasurable and wholesome. Such a person would be quite grounded in day to day life which does fit with the "alpha" type.
And if you ever find yourself again in a serotonin low, take some 5-HTP. Its a serotonin precursor, widely available. I keep some in my drawer just in case. Popping one before bed helps prevent the depressive aftermath after a big release.
(07-29-2017, 05:02 PM)Benjamin Wrote: [ -> ]Interesting.
They talk about activating this part of the brain, then suggest 'just adopting the mindset can do this'. But that's not deep enough, as we're doing with subliminals it's changing your internal programming which then leads to mindset shifts. Trying to force yourself to switch the mindset on top of all the 'baggage' under that just leads to stuff like the pua guys overcompensating and being weird and not really coming from a real place with it.
I don't think much of fake it until you make it either, it never helped me with proper or long term change and under it was always the same insecurities and such.
A Good Suggestion for Shannon would be to Make these points in the program
--- Having The Brain Wired like an Alpha Male
--- having a Leadership and Dominance Mindset
--- Having the Body Launguage, Movement Patterns, Speech tonality and pacing of an alpha male.
Also CDP Citicholine Helps increase Dopamine receptor sensitivity for those of yall who have desensitized Brains. It's Hella expensive though. Like 30 dollars for a small bottle at the Vitamin Shoppe.
Also Increasing Test levels with the sub along with increasing the bodys sensitivity to T will help massively in creating alpha behaviors.
Am 7 is going to be insane!!!!!! can't wait for that journey.
Pretty sure AM7 will have few stuff From DMSI.. But it would be cool if AM7 also had MLS type of thingy
Celebrity Effect and Auric Sheilding is Gonna be in AM7 for sure. Along with all the new tech.