Thanks both of you for giving me such valued input. There is a famous kundalini instructor out there who apparently runs seminars and offers shaktipa with payments. I am not going to mention names as this might cause flaming on the forum.
He calls it the kundalini awakening seminar he offerers several levels. One has to be completed before moving to the next level.
For now will leave kundalini alone as I dont feel i know enough to immerse myself in this area.
That guy was nice to me when we spoke but he wasn't super helpful either when I was simply looking for a bit of guidance and not making payments...Lol
I wouldn't worry about it Thor. If kundalini is something you're interested in, develop a good meditation habit and do some energy based movements. If it's for you it'll take you where you need to go for it to happen. You're not the only participant in this process and so you'll receive help as it's needed. Just don't rush it. Establish foundations and lifestyle and then you'll begin to know if it's something you really want.
Sorry to hear that he seemed to focus purely on monetary terms when talking to you. I heard some interesting stories of guys in india. Who had attempted to awaken themselves. The biggest challenge for them was finding the appropriate mentor.
(04-20-2017, 04:13 AM)Nox Wrote: [ -> ]That guy was nice to me when we spoke but he wasn't super helpful either when I was simply looking for a bit of guidance and not making payments...Lol
I wouldn't worry about it Thor. If kundalini is something you're interested in, develop a good meditation habit and do some energy based movements. If it's for you it'll take you where you need to go for it to happen. You're not the only participant in this process and so you'll receive help as it's needed. Just don't rush it. Establish foundations and lifestyle and then you'll begin to know if it's something you really want.