Just recently finally saw the movie Inception for the first time. I know a lot of it was Hollywood production value, but I'm now left with a few questions.
1. Knowing how effective IML subs can be, how much did the movie actually get right about the "inception" concept itself, implanting an idea at the deepest possible subconscious level to allow it to take root as if it was the person's own? How much wrong? How much is hype/inconclusive/etc?
2. How likely is the concept of "extraction" to be successfully executed, and what would theoretically be the consequences of such?
3. Knowing that lucid dreaming can exist, what does it take to be lucid and/or in control in multilevel dreams anywhere like those presented in the movie?
I don't have the answers to your questions, but I DO know that I would LOVE a subliminal that trains us to have fully lucid dreams like the 4th or 5th level (whichever) of subconscious in the movie (where the perception of time becomes such that you can experience living what feels like 10+ years in a few hours, then wake up to your normal life). It would feel like you get to live a much longer life, not to mention you could practically do anything you desire.
But, then again, I'd just want to sleep all the time and never get anything accomplished, lol.
(02-23-2017, 05:18 PM)ALI6NMENT Wrote: [ -> ]Who is to say our life is not the real dream?
I have no doubt there is much truth to this.
Row, row, row your boat...
(02-23-2017, 06:55 PM)ALI6NMENT Wrote: [ -> ] (02-23-2017, 05:26 PM)RTBoss Wrote: [ -> ] (02-23-2017, 05:18 PM)ALI6NMENT Wrote: [ -> ]Who is to say our life is not the real dream?
I have no doubt there is much truth to this.
Row, row, row your boat...
Truth, based on what you believe right now, in your current reality?
Truth based on current limited scientific evidence?
Truth based on what you can taste, smell, touch, hear, see in response to the electrical signals in your brain?
Truth is in the eye of the beholder, so what do you mean?
It's just my personal belief system - when it's all over, said, and done, I believe we'll realize what we are can't be contained in bodies, and that when we are beyond time, there will never have been time at all, thus everything we are experiencing is an illusion of sorts.
I'm not a big Bible-thumper, but in the book of Genesis, Adam falls asleep in the Garden of Eden. Never does it say he woke up. Everything that came thereafter was but a dream.
That being said, I'm not trying to get into a philosophical discussion about it (they never end), so that's probably all I have to say on the matter.
One thing that "Inception" got right was how much faster time goes in a dream than it does while we are awake.
What if a sub allowed Inception like influence on others? That'd be like a fricken superpower!
(02-24-2017, 12:05 AM)ALI6NMENT Wrote: [ -> ]To be able to plant a foreign idea inside someone's subconscious mind and make then believe it is their own. They must (at some level) consent or have an agreement (known or unknown) for that idea to be implanted in the first place.
I don't think it is so easy to mind control, manipulate a person unless at some level they are in agreement with it. Look at how people resist subliminals with goals they actually want! ...imagine a subliminal called Alpha Serial Killer 5.5G, people would resist that too unless they had no resistance to it and wanted the goals of the program.
About consent and free will...
(02-23-2017, 04:06 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not yet finished implementing the actual sub-modules for ASS/ART. But the overall "system" is implemented for all of that stuff, in which to build them.
I'm not removing aspects of free will. I'm making it harder and harder for self sabotage and resistance to prevent you-as-a-whole from having free will.
If you had no free will, them I would not need to make the script persuasive in nature. I could simply issue commands. But commands always fail because there is free will.
What I am doing is giving persuasive suggestions that capitalize on and build on their gains and success to achieve greater and greater success.
Where there is conflict between two parts of the personality or awareness, I am creating a situation in which there is clear dominance on the part of those aspects that favor the program. I am also working to change the conflict to cooperation. But through the process, you always have free will.
The most dangerous thing I could ever do would be to try to take away another person's free will. That is diametrically opposed to my morals, and I will never do that. But it is always an option to educate, grow, adjust, improve and re-frame things.
The part of you that is resisting is doing so because I have not removed your free will. But his argument is not accurate in terms of your current reality. When we get him to understand that, and adjust his point of view to match your current reality, then things will change and you will still be safe even though you allow sex into your life.
See what I am talking about?
With regards to Shannons's subs "taking away free will". Even they do make it impossible for the user to choose not to execute, the user chose to run it in the first place.
So the user chose to give up their choice of not cooperating with the sub, but it's still a choice.
(02-23-2017, 11:30 PM)maxx55 Wrote: [ -> ]What if a sub allowed Inception like influence on others? That'd be like a fricken superpower!
Depends whos hands the power is in!
(02-23-2017, 02:55 PM)RTBoss Wrote: [ -> ]I don't have the answers to your questions, but I DO know that I would LOVE a subliminal that trains us to have fully lucid dreams like the 4th or 5th level (whichever) of subconscious in the movie (where the perception of time becomes such that you can experience living what feels like 10+ years in a few hours, then wake up to your normal life). It would feel like you get to live a much longer life, not to mention you could practically do anything you desire.
But, then again, I'd just want to sleep all the time and never get anything accomplished, lol.
I would say this would enable us to finally feel fulfilled. To really do whatever it is that we want in life. It would also be an interesting playground to think about whatever you need t think about to accomplish a real life task. I would totally kill for a sub from shannon that does what you're talking about. The levels down thing seems a bit intimidating but I'm perfectly fine with being 1 level down and being lucid. If the feature would ever exist in the future, I think it would be an interesting addon to any other sub. That way you could really get into your subconscious and make the changes necessary to be congruent with the rest of the sub. Like.... "AM7! now comes with 'lucid' enabled tracks. In your download, you will see all the normal tracks, hybrid, ultrasonic, trickling stream, but also versions of each with lucid enabled modules!"