I'll transcribe some of it, but I won't be doing it in imagery.
Me: I think you're going to like the chocolate fragrance #25.
Her: (11.75 hours later) I'm excited to smell it! LOL don;t think I'll be in tonight though, I got sick from my niece and nephew. :/
Me: You suck.
But I have a solution. I have created a program for making the immune system stronger and more effective. I use it for all my colds, flus, sore throats and general infections. And how are you gonna get some of my cake if you don't come in? (I had promised the staff of this restaurant a cake for the holidays.)
Her: Maybe I'll try it haha And IDK [other server] was the one asking about the cake!
Me: Well I decided to mak a chocolate lemon cake with a surprise inside, heh heh. Guess you're gonna miss this awesomeness.
Her: Man. I'm sure it's amazing. lol
Me: Well I hope you feel better as quickly as possible.
Her: Thank you so much!
Me: I'm here at [where she works]. Everyone loves the cake. And the chocolate fragrance. They can't stop smelling it.
Her: Ugh stop making me jealous
Me: I told them that the entire staff gets a piece... thought it was Saturday (when she usually works)... but I think they are gonna hog it all. lol
Me: When my shipment of 5 mL spray bottles comes in, I'll be making a 5 mL of Sakura #55 and the chocolate fragrance #25 or you and [other server] to skin test.
Her: Hahahaha its okay I'm sure it was delicious
and aww that's awesome! Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!I'll have to let you know if I get any good reactions lol
Me: I love it when I put a woman to work for me, don't pay her, and she thanks me for it. Go me! lol
Oh stop it!
Me: Get back to work, woman! *cracks whip* lol glad you like my warped sense of humor.
Her: Hahahaha Be nice!
and my sense of humor is everywhere lol
Me: Translation: "I admit to being insane." Good thing I have Google Translate with the pack for Womanese!
Her: LOL You have a great sense of humor. I like that. (Angel) & yes. I may be a little insane, but I don't let anyone know! I gotta keep up the innocent charade
Me: You're female. That kinda gives it away, don't you think? lol
Her: Hahahaha definitely not!
Me: Obviously, you are female, with that response. lol
Her: Man I can't help the naturally womanly thoughts!
Me: Translation: "Man, I am not taking responsibility for my denial. Denial is not just a river in Egypt." Love this Google Translate!
Her: I think your translator is broken.
Me: LOL Good luck with that theory! Mmmm, really enjoying this chocolate fragrance you can't smell.
Her: Hahahaha oh cut that out! Ugh I'm so jealous LOL I feel like the samples (what I gave her as the fragrance was being developed) are losing potency
Me: Well I have done something to this one that I'm hoping will stop that. If it doesn;t, there are other things I can do.
Me: Do you like the smell of fresh pipe tobacco?
Her: Hm. I'm excited to smell the difference. lol & yes! Omg that'll be so nice. With the chocolate ughhhh
Me: Heh heh heh... that's what it smells like. And amber, too.
Her: Omgggggg Damn. Wll I guess it wouldn't really mean much if I smelled it right now considering I can't use my nose hahaha
Me: Yeah, but I have no sympathy. If you were running Maximum Immune Response, that prolly wouldn't be the case. Naughty [her name].
And [her name], if you ever read this... Hi!