I terms of how sex magnet is working, decently subtle. Some days one dirty thought will make my EXTREMELY aroused. Other days just a way to kill time.
One thing I have noticed is women are much closer to me than normal. Like tonight, the fencing instructor's assistant should have been 30 ft away demonstrating, but she had another person do it, while she was almost shoulder-to-shoulder with me. And, this cute Indian girl sparked up great conversation with me throughout the night. I am attracting cute to semi-hot women currently (6-7 on my hotness scale). I want to change this to
solely absolutely gorgeous women (hard 9's and 10's, if not higher XP ). How do I go about doing this?
I am also not big on approaching people in general. I can have great conversation with anybody, as long as they are within a few meters away from me. But walking across the room, nahh. Especially if I am out and about moving like in the mall. I rather gorgeous women approach me, just because I am "That Guy" the sex magnet.
I figure the only way I will work on escalation is by going for it. No thinking, just doing.
That about covers it.
(08-23-2011, 09:33 PM)Adam Wrote: [ -> ]I terms of how sex magnet is working, decently subtle. Some days one dirty thought will make my EXTREMELY aroused. Other days just a way to kill time.
One thing I have noticed is women are much closer to me than normal. Like tonight, the fencing instructor's assistant should have been 30 ft away demonstrating, but she had another person do it, while she was almost shoulder-to-shoulder with me. And, this cute Indian girl sparked up great conversation with me throughout the night. I am attracting cute to semi-hot women currently (6-7 on my hotness scale). I want to change this to solely absolutely gorgeous women (hard 9's and 10's, if not higher XP ). How do I go about doing this? 
I am also not big on approaching people in general. I can have great conversation with anybody, as long as they are within a few meters away from me. But walking across the room, nahh. Especially if I am out and about moving like in the mall. I rather gorgeous women approach me, just because I am "That Guy" the sex magnet.
I figure the only way I will work on escalation is by going for it. No thinking, just doing.
That about covers it.
Mid-way through stage 2 I feel more like approaching and conversing with random people. It's fun and I don't seem to have any hidden agendas while doing it.
Quote:Mid-way through stage 2 I feel more like approaching and conversing with random people. It's fun and I don't seem to have any hidden agendas while doing it.
Interesting. I still do not understand how having a hidden agenda affects a situation or outcome. I've used both and get similar results. Typically, I am slightly spaced out in social situations. Where I am still listening, but not really thinking much about anything. Too much effort.
I am so angry lately and not sure why. I am under a small amount of stress. I get irritated over the smallest things. I just want to scream at the top of my lungs. I just have all these goals I want to accomplish, but I don't have the resources. Which makes me even more agitated. I know this is just a phase, but it feels like it has been going on forever.
Use that frustration to accomplish something. on't have the resources? Use it to motivate you into getting them, or figuring out how to get them.
(08-26-2011, 05:24 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Use that frustration to accomplish something. on't have the resources? Use it to motivate you into getting them, or figuring out how to get them.
As for now, I am using this energy to add +250 bands into my iTunes (Epic task). That is just the beginning of that. Plus working out. Pull-ups/chin-ups followed up with advance push ups. I can already see a difference. My stress is going down, but I am getting headaches/migraines every now and then. Not sure if due to hydration, lack of oxygen, or just emotions running rampant.
(08-27-2011, 06:57 PM)Adam Wrote: [ -> ] (08-26-2011, 05:24 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Use that frustration to accomplish something. on't have the resources? Use it to motivate you into getting them, or figuring out how to get them.
As for now, I am using this energy to add +250 bands into my iTunes (Epic task). That is just the beginning of that. Plus working out. Pull-ups/chin-ups followed up with advance push ups. I can already see a difference. My stress is going down, but I am getting headaches/migraines every now and then. Not sure if due to hydration, lack of oxygen, or just emotions running rampant.
Or hypertension, or too much blood pressure. Better be careful with that.
I was forgetting to eat and drink water. I have been to concentrated on my work and to-do lists that I forgot about my basic needs to stay alive XP
I am switching over to Happiness and Joy 4G tonight. I am going to run through it for at least a month. I don't feel I deserve to be happy. It has been eating away at me all day. I actually enjoy being depressed. This is pulling me down. I never show my true feelings in public, I hate negative attention. It makes me feel even more out of sort. I laugh every day, and people enjoy my company, but afterwards I feel terrible. I desperately want to tell somebody, but the attention is not worth it. And shrinks are the worst. I need to get out of this hole before I lose myself in it.
I feel guilty about what I did in my past and what I didn't do. There is more, but I'll keep it at that.
You quit Sex Magnet? I'm sorry to hear that man...but do what you gotta do. I've been having hard times with depression as well during stage 1 and 2 but it does seem to be letting up.
(08-31-2011, 05:17 AM)Ryan Wrote: [ -> ]You quit Sex Magnet? I'm sorry to hear that man...but do what you gotta do. I've been having hard times with depression as well during stage 1 and 2 but it does seem to be letting up.
I am actually very motivated. I have more than enough time to get back to it. I watched The Secret and took it seriously for the first time. That helped give me solid hope and motivation to where I want to go. Oddly, listening to my favorite song did even more for me (Scary Kids Scaring Kids - My Darkest Hour). I recommend checking them out.
I am going to use Happiness & Joy for at least a month or two. Then switch to Think Like a Millionaire for at least two months. After that back to sex magnet! I have a feeling the order will be ungodly for me.
Mine has been going on for years. I am technically "clinically depressed" at times, but medication and shrinks are not for me. I have to stay strong. The tunnel is finally getting light.
(08-30-2011, 06:57 PM)Adam Wrote: [ -> ]I am switching over to Happiness and Joy 4G tonight. I am going to run through it for at least a month. I don't feel I deserve to be happy. It has been eating away at me all day. I actually enjoy being depressed. This is pulling me down. I never show my true feelings in public, I hate negative attention. It makes me feel even more out of sort. I laugh every day, and people enjoy my company, but afterwards I feel terrible. I desperately want to tell somebody, but the attention is not worth it. And shrinks are the worst. I need to get out of this hole before I lose myself in it.
I feel guilty about what I did in my past and what I didn't do. There is more, but I'll keep it at that.
Guilt is a terrible thing Adam. It can consume your whole being. How about listening to the sub Forgive Yourself and Move On along with the Happiness sub? It may help some.
I think the happiness and joy will have a domino and snowball affect. Bring up the one major area I think it should reduce the pressure on the rest, then once the ball starts rolling. Profit? jk lol. If my idea doesn't work, I'll make sure to try that. Thank you for the suggestions =)