im quite curios about this one.
I'd like this as well. Not that my vision is that bad but it's annoying, and my left eye feels strained.
Note to Shannon: If you do choose to consider building such a vision sub, the key goal would likely be building and/or rebuilding the eyes' muscle fibers, especially in the back of the eyes, to attain proper and/or ideal focal length.
I'm no optometrist nor ophthalmologist, but I have done a lot of research on eyes to explain to myself the nearsightedness, red-green colorblindness, and light sensitivity that I have.
Fuck yeah this would be a awesome sub to run, cant stand these contacts argh
agreed a hundred percent and if possible throw in 20/20 hearing too. I Played drums fer years and years and theres partial hearing loss in the right ear or both ? do different programs one fer sight and the other for hearing improvement,etc