if these manifests really can work how about for free a sub that quickly manifests 500 so we can afford to buy any sub on here then? give me manifest 500 for free and when it manifest then i can buy base 5g for the 500 okay or does manifest really work or not or if it is real it should be a free manifest 500 sub so we can afford a 500 sub here so i can use manifest 500 and then when it manifested i can buy base 5g okay? I want the money sub okay I have to buy my mom a house okay?
This is starting to get out of hand, by creating a new thread about wanting a new money subliminal. We get the point that you want a money subliminal but seriously stop creating new threads about money. You are on the boarder line of spamming.
MidnightMadness, Spiritman is right.. you've expressed that you want a money subliminal but creating countless threads reminding us of that in all different ways isn't going to get it made faster.
Also Shannon is working on other things, such as maximum healing speed, 6g research so has alot on his list of things to do.