So when I first discovered Indigo Mind labs I purchased LTU 5G. I then read that EPRHA may help me clear some issues and started to use that instead. I then recently purchased V2 and have continued to use that.
I was going to purchase another copy of EPRHA V2 for a friend to use but then remembered I already have LTU and they could use that instead. My question: is it OK for a friend to use LTU subliminal that I purchased?
Its not being used and I only plan on using it once they have finished with it and I'm done with EPRHA in 6-12 months.
If you used it and got a benefit from it, the AP code will get activated.
If you did not use it and give it to somebody else and erase all the copies you had, you should be fine.
(04-18-2016, 07:33 AM)AriGold Wrote: [ -> ]If you used it and got a benefit from it, the AP code will get activated.
If you did not use it and give it to somebody else and erase all the copies you had, you should be fine.
So I cannot use LTU once they have finished with it?
I am not sure "finished" is the right word. Let's say they started it, listened to it for 10 days and benefited from it. Then it is already "theirs" and you have to buy yourself your own copy.
But maybe my information upon that topic is not correct. Anyone knows anything different?
(04-18-2016, 08:05 AM)AriGold Wrote: [ -> ]I am not sure "finished" is the right word. Let's say they started it, listened to it for 10 days and benefited from it. Then it is already "theirs" and you have to buy yourself your own copy.
But maybe my information upon that topic is not correct. Anyone knows anything different?
Thanks Arigold, yeah but good to have this confirmed. There always the free subs.
I guess with that reasoning AP will kick in as soon as someone else benefits from the same sub? Be tricky if your listing in a house with relatives / partners / friends?
You can download it four times so you could have once for your friend, ance for you and still 3 more just in case. They make sure to give backup copies in your account!
(04-18-2016, 09:35 AM)M1dn1ghtM@dness Wrote: [ -> ]You can download it four times so you could have once for your friend, ance for you and still 3 more just in case. They make sure to give backup copies in your account!
Thanks M1dn1ghtM@dnes but unfortunately its not that simple. If one purchased copy is used at the same time by two different people with their knowledge (and to benefit from the sub) then technically its piracy and a 2nd copy would need to be purchased.
What I'm suggesting is: can a sub i have purchased by used by a friend while im not using it - but I plan to use in the future. We would not be doing it at the same time.
If you didn't use LTU you can give it to your friend and delete your copy. If you want to use it at a later time you will have to repurchase.
oh maybe I'm not understanding for me i got my copy and i can download 4 more of the same cd if i want so really i have 5 cd's 1 now and 4 more i can get any time and it's all the same. I won't have to buy again until i lose all my redownloads and then i will have to buy it again to get another one but i won't lose this copy ever so i will always have 4 extra i could never use but they will be htere if i need somehow. if it's only 1 copy left i dont know if it can go on a cd or through a usb i never tried it i dont have friends that talk about this stuffs.
Quote:You can download it four times so you could have once for your friend, ance for you and still 3 more just in case. They make sure to give backup copies in your account!
No, the antipiracy code will kick in then.
(04-18-2016, 12:02 PM)M1dn1ghtM@dness Wrote: [ -> ]oh maybe I'm not understanding for me i got my copy and i can download 4 more of the same cd if i want so really i have 5 cd's 1 now and 4 more i can get any time and it's all the same. I won't have to buy again until i lose all my redownloads and then i will have to buy it again to get another one but i won't lose this copy ever so i will always have 4 extra i could never use but they will be htere if i need somehow. if it's only 1 copy left i dont know if it can go on a cd or through a usb i never tried it i dont have friends that talk about this stuffs.
You can download it five times. It's not five licenses. It's in case you need to re-download it. But you pay for your copy, and you are allowed to use your own copy. If you want someone else to use it, you have to either delete all of your copies and give them the only one left, or you have to use it in a way that allows them exposure while you're using it for yourself.
Only one copy was paid for. Only one copy is allowed. You can make backups, but the copy you paid for is yours, and you can give it away completely or keep it. You can't do both.
ok maybe i dont understand what is being said
Is there something you'd like explained more?