Quote:I see Shannon's going to focus on improving an already existing Breast Enlargement sub instead of providing us with a PE sub. Disappointing for men.
"I don't see too many guys going through this sort of risk over a small penis"
Hanging weights from your penis, spending 10K plus on surgeries, etc. isn't risk?
You won't hear about this from many men because it's so embarrassing to talk about. More men commit suicide than women, but less men talk about it. Just because something isn't out in the mainstream doesn't mean it doesn't take place. Having a small penis is a massive hindrance and all the inner game in the world can't overcome it. Surely someone who is as well versed in human psychology as yourself would understand the debilitating effects on confidence for someone who feels inadequate sexually and it's completely beyond their means to do anything about it?
Breast Enlargement - I wouldn't say focus. I'm going to be working on it slowly in the background.
Hanging weights from your penis vs having surgery: Not that much risk.
As for surgeries for penis enlargement, never heard of this. And saying that's because it's embarrassing doesn't make sense, because if this were a common occurrence, you guys would all be mentioning it as an option you had thought about or wished for.
Suicide among men is considered by most men as a sign of weakness, and therefore "unmanly" - which is half of why there's not much talk about it. The other half of the reason is that when a man decides to commit suicide, he's a lot more likely to succeed, because men don't "try" to commit suicide (which is often actually a plea for help and attention to suffering that the person is experiencing, not generally a genuine desire to die). Men do it and succeed, because usually they are not interested in help, they actually and genuinely want to die. This really doesn't have anything to do with men's suicide unless the man happens to believe something ridiculous like this:
Quote:Having a small penis is a massive hindrance and all the inner game in the world can't overcome it.
Yes, it's a hindrance, but a lot of things can overcome it. Women aren't just interested in your penis size, guys. They actually consider things like:
- How tall you are.
- How muscular you are.
- How successful you are financially.
- How successful you are in general.
- How funny you are.
- How much they like you.
- How attracted they are to you for reasons they can't explain.
- How much you make them FEEL things they want and need to feel.
- How much sexual pleasure they get from sex with you.
- How considerate you are.
- How kind you are.
- How good a father you might make.
- How good a husband you might make.
- How good a boyfriend you might make.
- How high your social status is.
- How much self confidence, self reslect and self esteem you have.
- How much potential you have to be even more wealthy, successful, powerful, famous in the future than you are now.
- How powerful you are.
- How famous you are.
- How much your life's goals align with hers.
- How well you kiss.
- How well you understand her.
- How well you communicate with her.
- How dominant you are to and with her.
- How needy or needless you are.
- How smart you are.
- How much her friends and family like you and respect you.
- How much you share common interests.
- How healthy you are mentally, emotionally, physically, sexually.
- How much you want what she wants regarding children.
- How educated you are.
- How honest you are.
- And on, and on, and on.
Men, on the other hand, and especially men under about 32 years old, primarily tend to consider what a woman looks like and how readily and frequently she will give it up.
He's looking for sex, and she's looking for a relationship. Women don't think like men, and any woman who laughs at your small penis can be won over by confidently demonstrating to her that it doesn't matter how small it is, because you can still give her pleasure and have value in enough other ways.
Quote:Also, I know men (including myself) who like small breasts on a woman. Their insecurities are unfounded. Show me a woman who would choose a small (as in less than average) penis over an average one?
I happen to also like small breasts on a woman. I happen to like almost all sizes of breasts on a woman, actually, because I see that all different sizes are attractive in their own way. And yes, their insecurities are unfounded in some ways. But it is also true that a woman with larger breasts will:
- Get more attention from men, and more positive and sexual attention from men.
- Get more respect from other women.
- Get more on average in tips and income.
- Have more opportunities in life.
- Have more sex in life.
- Have more options sexually and romantically.
- Have more friends.
- Be considered higher value socially and sexually.
- etc. etc.
Now this may also be true in large part for men also, but a man's penis is not on display 24/7.
Quote:I think it's important to say again that a PE sub, although it could be used by everyone, I imagine would be most appreciated by those in the 4" and below range just to bring them up to average rather than those 6" above who want to go into bigger territory.
Quote:Of course, if you think it's not possible to do this with your subs then that's entirely different, but as the only person capable of producing such tech, if you decide not to do it then there's no one else who can.
I am almost certainly capable of doing this. In fact I become more and more capable of doing this every day, as I understand more and my 6G research continues. That is not the issue. The issue is that we don't want the negative impact to this store. If and when we have an adult-only store, then having a penis enlargement sub would not be a problem. Given how long, and how vocally, and how vehemently you guys have argued for this, I understand there is a demand for it. So let's just say that BE 5.5/6G is going to probably be a trial run for the tech to do PE, because I'm pretty sure we will have a separate adult store eventually. The issue is that right now, Andrew is not doing well health-wise and his ability to work is very much hampered by that fact.
Also consider that the type of tissue is different, and I may need to use different techniques to cause it to grow. But as long as this store and this company don't suffer as a result, I don't have an issue building this - as long as I can actually make it work. So it is a possibility in the future.
Quote:"Guys saying size doesnt matter either have a small penis or believe what unhonest women say."
I think most of the guys saying it doesn't matter are at least average in size and don't know what they are talking about.
The women I have talked to who have dated men with very small penises all seem to agree that the issue isn't that it's small, it's that he's trying hard to hide from the fact that it is so small, and that she therefore can't feel much or anything during sex... if he is then only interested in his own orgasm on top of that, sex for her becomes a rather one sided affair with little to no incentive for her to participate. This is why I keep saying, there are other ways to deal.