Ever since I was a kid I had difficulty memorising and understanding stuff..I was beaten by teachers and was bullied by many classmates...
Meanwhile I was addicted to masturbation but thanks to Shannon I have used the SM-4G to control this addiction. What I have realized that fapping was not the main reason for my messed up life but it did play a part.. Now That I dont escape from fapping anymore I can see how messed up my life really is...
Idk what my problem is cause I have lived with these for so long that I am starting to think that this is me..
I hardly go to college.
I dont socialise with people and avoid hanging out with friends.
I feel low in day and alert and awake at night and have problem sleeping. Even if I sleep at 10 I always wake up at 1-2 am and will go back to sleep at 7 am and will wake up at 1 am....
I have problem concentrating when i study. Millions of craps goes thru my mind.
My memory is fucked up. I cant remember what happened yesterday..
Never in my life did I do drug and stuff like that.....But My Dad mocked me alot and use to beat me . When ever I would make any new friends he would mock my friends and say i should stay away from them. Cause they wrnt like class.toppers or something.....
Sometimes I hate him..what he did to me...now I dont even listen to him when he talks to me....
I am going to a psychiatrist/Neurologist tomorrow...Will tell him all my problems....
Tell me guys what sub should I use to fix my life..? I am a total mess.
(02-15-2016, 01:01 AM)Wahyu Wrote: [ -> ]Do you have ADD/ADHD?
I was never diagnosed with one but as long as I remember I always had difficulty learning and concentration. I once told my father that I think I might have ADHD or ADD...All he said that its just an excuse and nothing else.
I remember I took an Herbal medicine called" Himalaya Mentat /Mindcare". I felt like Newton. But then I guess my body build tolerance in 90 days and after that that med never worked on me ever again...
I open my book and I know I can do it but the DAMN! focus is not there...I have tried everything and failed..I lost my precious years cause of this problem...My dad just think that I am lazy and thats all...
I feel so stressed that I cant study...But I cant do anything about it.
I wouldn't actually recommend AM6 straight away because I feel like it would be intense for you with these issues.
I'd start gentler maybe with EPRHA.
I am really grateful to Shannon. His sub opened up my eyes. But Sometimes I think its too late.
I am 24 already. I still have 2 years before I graduate from college..What am I gonna do with my life.
Sometimes when I force myself to study under stress. I feel as if I am gonna puke!! I start feeling sick..Why does that happen? Is my Subconscious really that much fucked up?
(02-15-2016, 01:25 AM)zainuu163 Wrote: [ -> ] (02-15-2016, 01:01 AM)Wahyu Wrote: [ -> ]Do you have ADD/ADHD?
I was never diagnosed with one but as long as I remember I always had difficulty learning and concentration. I once told my father that I think I might have ADHD or ADD...All he said that its just an excuse and nothing else.
I remember I took an Herbal medicine called" Himalaya Mentat /Mindcare". I felt like Newton. But then I guess my body build tolerance in 90 days and after that that med never worked on me ever again...
I open my book and I know I can do it but the DAMN! focus is not there...I have tried everything and failed..I lost my precious years cause of this problem...My dad just think that I am lazy and thats all...
I feel so stressed that I cant study...But I cant do anything about it.
You may not fully have ADD/ADHD disorder. But you may have some of the factors that shape ADD/ADHD disorder. For ex: sub attention type disorder.
I suspect ADD / ADHD has to do with the trauma in the past while still a small child. At one stage in AM6, I know that I did have a sub-type attention disorder. However it was not fully able to say I have ADHD.
I'm pretty sure EPHRA will help.
It's not too late mate, you're young. You'll be fine.
I have been running OGSF 5G for a little over 2 weeks now. It's already helped me a lot. I am more confident, less worried about the future and feeling much better about family issues. Go and read my journal if you want to know specifics.
I highly recommend this program for emotional healing
I would recommend EPRHA as well. You have issues to sort out and it should clear up a lot of things that will help you feel better, especially about your situation with your dad. Alternatively, you can get EPRHA 2.0 which apparently will be out soon.
Go with ASC after that should help you a lot as well. You may not recognise how confidence (or lack thereof) may be holding you back. I know that is the case for me. EPRHA and ASC are both relevant to your situation and are both free, as you may already know.
Don't worry man, 24 is still a very young age. I reckon that within 6-10 months of running these subs, depending on how much time you need, you will be in a much better place.
Yeah. Do not feel too late to change lives. Some of my friends are married, almost all of them already had a boyfriend or girlfrend. My progress is still very far behind when compared with them. But it's okay.
I have favorite quote:
Quote:The magical thing about life, though, is... every second of every day, we have another chance to change our lives by changing what we do and choose.
regarding the poor memory and overall tiredness. How do you eat normally? I have personally found that those two factors above are a sign that you may lack some essential component in your diet.
Everybody is rather different in this regard though. Anyway I have seen that some small additions to your diet can have tremendous effects on wakefulness and memory retention.
Keep your hope alive, man!
Quote:Yeah it can be rough. If he wants he can run EPHRA I just personally like to jump into things.
It was rough for me even though i'd done a ton of work on traumas and other stuff. I just think with issues like getting beaten as a child and such it probably should start gentler first.
I recommend stress relief over eprha. It's underestimate subs but brings a lot of change to life.
I would recommend EHPRA until EHPRA 2.0 comes out. Then run with that for six months.
I have a couple of favorite quotes myself.
Quote:What ever would we do with ourselves if something did not stand in our way? - H. G. Wells
and my all time favorite:
Quote:No man ever became great except through many and great mistakes. - William E. Gladstone
I'd say EPRHA.you probably (or even almost certainly) have PTSD (post traumatic stress). try a psychologist who has expertise in that, in particular EMDR.