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I'm noticing I'm seeing people I've never seen before in my immediate vicinity. The others haven't fallen away yet, but new people are constantly entering into my view. I just noticed this in the last day. However, like I said, this is a subject that has fascinated me for a long time. I just wish there was a way to more fully explore it. And another part of the reason that I got interested in this subject again--that has nothing to do with subs--is that I was looking over both versions of the Neverwhere rpg (both free on It's a game based on Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere. It really got me wondering what fascinating stuff we miss all day long because our realities are filtered through our beliefs.

I also noticed that, even though I was having a lack of faith, I have become more "aggressive" in that I will make these subs work for me regardless. It's hard to explain. It's more like I'm going to become what I know and think are on the subs no matter what. No matter if the people around me right now will ever respond to my new self. I'm taking that as yet another sign that the subs are having their effects on me.
(03-30-2010, 06:53 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-28-2010, 12:47 PM)Clamshell Wrote: [ -> ]But it boils down to money. Anyway, I'm going with the idea that if those beliefs are coming to the surface like they are, then they are getting cleaned out. After all, it's only the first week. However, I might just buy Develop an Aura of Sexiness soon and add it to the other two subs I'm using.

I understand the price concern. I'm not trying to sell you on the custom, since I don't have time to build any more until the current batch are done regardless, I'm just saying that sounds like it would be the best option. We have several other options that would also be good. I'm sure you'll find them. Wink

I understand. And if I find I do have the money, I will make sure I order some very interesting subs beyond what you already offer. In fact, I might just sit down some time this week and write out all the things that I would like to put into a series of subs. I'm not kidding about wanting to make major changes in my life! Of course that depends on a change in fortune, which I'm going to work on after I get the whole attractiveness to sexy women thing taken care of. In fact, I will buy the subs I was planning on buying, real soon, just to have them when the time is right.

Btw, after walking around outside for a bit today, I'm noticing that women are responding to me better than they have in the last few months (they are friendlier and initiate comments to me). And I am amazed at the new faces (who must have been around for some time) I'm seeing in the last couple of days.
I have been observing the effects of subliminals on my life and am always amazed at how big an impact they have. They have brought people into my life who became major players, who I will never forget and who are still playing roles that grow with each encounter. The tapestry is still being woven, even though I haven't been using the MUWAS sub for over a year and a half now. And it's not the only one to bring interesting results... I have also met important people through the Become A Successful Entrepreneur sub, the Manifest Your Perfect Lover sub, and Attract Your Perfect Naturally Redheaded Lover subs. I can see my ideal soul mate is going to make an appearance in my life within the next year as well, and I have found several customs I made for myself effective in meeting people as well, including one of my favorite fine art models. I am currently drawing three other people into my life using experimental subliminals too.

Again, no need for faith. They work. It's hard to believe at first, I know, but with enough time you'll start to just relax and let them have their effect. One week is nothing. I have been using them for years and I have some amazing stories to tell - some so amazing nobody would believe them.
(03-31-2010, 02:25 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]I have been using them for years and I have some amazing stories to tell - some so amazing nobody would believe them.

That's too bad. I, for one, would love to hear them.

Your sincerity in the effectiveness of your products really inspire me to keep going.

Anyway, I'm contemplating on getting some stereo equipment, maybe even a new mp3 player as well, so that I can "listen" to the subs a lot more than I'm able to at this time. I want to see major results in a month's time...but I'll continue for as long as it takes to ensure I get good results. After all, I like sleeping when they are on. And the erotic things I think of when I'm just laying in bed while they're on are fun, as well.
(04-01-2010, 10:42 AM)Clamshell Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-31-2010, 02:25 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]I have been using them for years and I have some amazing stories to tell - some so amazing nobody would believe them.

That's too bad. I, for one, would love to hear them.

Your sincerity in the effectiveness of your products really inspire me to keep going.

Anyway, I'm contemplating on getting some stereo equipment, maybe even a new mp3 player as well, so that I can "listen" to the subs a lot more than I'm able to at this time. I want to see major results in a month's time...but I'll continue for as long as it takes to ensure I get good results. After all, I like sleeping when they are on. And the erotic things I think of when I'm just laying in bed while they're on are fun, as well.

I would not dare put my name on them if they didn't work. Andrew would not be my business partner if they hadn't proven themselves to him, too. I didn't start this business to make money; I started it to be able to make a living helping people improve their lives.

One story I can tell you is how I created the first attraction subliminal based on about 17 years of research into how magick works. I had been doing various experiments with making things happen and realized that in the end, it wasn't some mysterious thing, it was simply the active manipulation of energy coupled with programming the subconscious mind to direct that energy. So, I theorized, if I created a subliminal that was properly worded, I should be able to trigger the same results, except it would be passive. It takes me about two weeks to achieve my goals using active techniques; I figured it would take 4 weeks to do it passively.

The first title I made, as an experiment, was "Attract Your Perfect Lover". I figured it would be hard to miss that and what a reward if it worked!

It took 4 months - not 4 weeks; but it worked. I ended up attracting a woman I never would have guessed would be my perfect lover. I had been dating a natural redhead up to that point, and have always had a "thing" for pale skin freckles and natural red or platinum blonde hair. Enter this new girl - we'll call her "B". She was black Jamaican!

Now I have nothing against black people or Jamaicans, but I typically go for a very specific look and personality, and most black women I have met don't have both. B didn't have the look, but she was an exotic and hauntingly beautiful girl which intrigued me because working as a photographer, I have grown jaded and bored with cookie cutter "beauty". Exotic women catch my eye a lot more easily. B was nothing short of Playboy material and she modeled for me for quite a few sessions. Well, without making this too long a story, we became quickly embroiled in the most powerful, erotic, sexual, lust-filled relationship I have ever had, and probably ever will have. But it wasn't all sex - it was also the most major romance I have had so far also. And when I say I attracted my "perfect lover" - it is impossible for me to describe how good the sex was. Literally, if you have not had your perfect lover, you just cannot understand this. Think orgasms so good they caused out of body experiences and physical paralysis. Frequently. Literally.

On top of that, she was the first and only woman I have ever met who could keep up with me sexually. No matter how much I wanted it, she was there with me. And unlike some of my past lovers, she was no dead fish - she could beat me to the finish line a few times over in a race, if you get my drift - and keep going for hours. There were days we spent literally every waking hour indulging in our sexual desires. There were also days when she never got to work because she was having too much fun! lol

Anyway, this story also has a down side. I made the mistake of focusing entirely on sex with the subliminal, so we understood each other and matched each other's needs and desires perfectly in the area of sex, but we were not very compatible otherwise. We couldn't communicate half the time to save our lives when it came to spoken words, and it took me years to get her to be honest, faithful and sober. (I'm not entirely sure I ever got her to really be faithful.) None of these negatives made me happy of course. When I finally got her there, we had had so many problems that we had to split up, and she ended up marrying someone else. It took her marrying him to get me to stop trying to make it work, though - she was most definitely some sort of soul mate for me.

But it didn't stop with her. When I attracted her into my life, she was not the only one who showed up. I also attracted two other women, who all wanted to be with me badly enough that they were willing to share. It didn't take long for me to conclude that more than one woman at a time is too much hassle, but for a while there I had three girlfriends at once, all of whom knew each other in person, all of whom knew they were dating me, all of whom were sleeping with me knowing the others were also, and two of whom were submissive. Literally, my wish was their command. It was amazing to take a shower with two beautiful women and have them wash me and then fall asleep with one on each of my shoulders.

But again, not all positive. There is no way that three women are going to get along together under those circumstances for long unless the man has resources I did not have. I also wasn't really interested in having multiple girlfriends. The time soon came for me to choose one, because the hassle of trying to make the whole thing work wasn't worth it.

All this from the Attract Your Perfect Lover program and four months of play while I slept. Try that on for "hard to believe".

For some interesting erotic thoughts try playing the Poetry of the Silent Eros subs sometime. Wink

Well, I'm certainly going to keep playing the subs I bought! I can't wait to see what effects they have on my life.
I don't claim that will happen to everyone. I happened to be going through a rather interesting period of my life at that time, as you can see...but that is the kind of things that can happen.
Come to think of it, I was also using the Alpha Male training at the time... which explains why I had the nerve to take on three at once. I wouldn't have tried that before I had used the Alpha training.
I wish it were possible to do more than three programs at a time. You've pretty much sold me on the Alpha Male subs, but I want to be attractive to sexy women, first. Then I want to get on the road to making my millions.

I bought Think Like a Millionaire and Manifest Unlimited Wealth, Abundance and Success. From the description of the latter, it seems that it's more of an add-on to Ultra Success, which I'm already using. Could those two be used with Alpha Male?

My plans for the future are to use the subs I'm already using until I'm getting solid results, over all. Then I want to get into the subs mentioned above in this post, until I achieve consistently solid results. Then I want to go back into the subs I'm already using in the hopes that you will have Manifest Your Sexual Fantasies released.

Since it's been almost two weeks since I started the subs, I thought I'd mention that I'm seeing more and more people I've never noticed before. My sexual confidence seems to be rising, for some reason. In fact, I think I look slightly more attractive when I look at myself in the mirror. And it's only been one week since I've started the Develop an Aura of Sexiness sub. In fact, I'm feeling a little more sexier in the last week.

No women are hitting on me, just yet (it's only been two weeks), but they seem to be noticing me more. I even think, in the last day or two, that I'm seeing sexier women around!

However, I'm still seeing some people I can't wait to leave my life. but I know the subs are working.

I can't wait to receive the speaker that I ordered (that I spoke about in a Troubleshooting thread, yesterday) so I can play my subs a lot more often.
Women are subtle creatures. They speak with subtle "words" and expect the man to initiate most of the time. Circumstances must be unusual for a woman to be blatant about her interest or attraction and desires. You have to know how to "speak" her language (body language) to be able to understand what she is telling you. Trust me they will ALWAYS tell you what they want. It's up to you to know how to "hear" them.

So - do you understand woman language well enough to know when she's interested?

MUWAS is not an add-on to Ultra Success. They are complimentary but MUWAS is the more "primary" of the two - the heavyweight. They're designed to work well together, or on their own.

You can use them with Alpha Male set, but if you do that I suggest playing them 8 hours each 24/7.
There's probably no way I would be able to play a sub 24/7. However, if I was to change from Ultra Success to MUWAS using the programs I'm already using, would I still see results, fast? The reason I ask is that I want to start making money along with getting sexier and having great success.

I know when a woman is not interested, that much is certain.
Quote:I know when a woman is not interested, that much is certain.

or rather you think you know.

Often I'll get a hunch, a gut feeling, that a women is interested. Like Shannon said, women send subtle signs. Body language books would tell me I'm picking up on these subtle signs subconsciously, hence the gut feeling. Perhaps though I get this feeling because I assume everyone I meet is attracted unless something suggests otherwise. My default belief is - and has always been - that a lot of people are attracted to me (very weirdly so considering some of my previous beliefs). So is it my subconscious mind reading subtle signs or my subconscious mind just filtering and warping reality through it's belief system? Probably a bit of both. They're probably both interconnected anyway. Chicken and the Egg sort of thing. Ideally I'd like to be able to trust my gut a little more, but I don't know how I'd go about doing that. I may eventually see Shannon about creating a custom 'read body language' subliminal or something.

Anyway, I hope you see the point I'm trying to make. Although we seemingly have completely opposing issues here, it's actually exactly the same thing at play.
Point taken. And you are probably right. I sometimes wonder if I'm reading things correctly, or not.

You could put in the suggested titles: Increase Intuition.
Is MUWAS a good substitution for Ultra Success? Will I lose any benefits if I switch from Ultra Success to MUWAS?
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