Hey Guys,
I need everyone's help. i am what you would call a newbie. Would like different viewpoints if possible. let me first say that i didnt purchase cory skyy's magnetic mindset... its no longer being sold from what i am aware of... does anyone know of any way to get this? anyway, I had been doing affirmations even without the MM and getting tremendous results. More confidence, feeling good, being able to approach women with no issues. I was becoming a ladies man. Then i started the subs and it was mentioned not to do both at the same time which i have not been.
Now my confidence seems shot, i no longer speak to girls anymore... I feel like i lost my confidence although i have seen good things with the subs... aura of sexinesss and BIATBW 7.1... Just tonight i had two pretty nice looking girls stand right by me but they did not make eye contact... and it seemed like they were waiting for me to make a move which i didnt... Can i still do the affirmations and listen to at least the biatbw 7.1? i feel like since i have stopped the affirmations i have digressed terribly. i am not approaching any women even though it appears there is interest. the othe r night I locked eyes with this girl who really wanted me... we locked eyes for about 2 to 3 times and i did nothing... so i really think the subs are working but i have no confidence anymore it seems.
i should mention that most of the time spent listening to subs was thru speaker on my droid 2.0 phone. andrew mentioned that this might not be good for the masked version or ultrasonic version. anyone have experience on this? when i was doing the affirmations i was meeting girls every night and getting some numbers but not much more. i have only been listening to aura of sexiness for about a week... and the other one for now about 5 days but most of listening was done thru speaker phone so maybe this was not good.
here are the main affirmations i use:
im a sexy mother fcker
women want to fck me everywhere i go
women love me everywhere i go
i am confident
i am fearless
i am the prize, women come to me
i am a really cool guy, people like me
i approach women or let women come to me
women want to have sex with me everywhere i go
women approach me everywhere i go
sorry for the long post but really need some help on this.
one more thing on this... would the biatbw sexual sub be better? it seems that women are not really aggressive but i have listened to this less than a week. the first time i used it, after 2 hours, it was amazing... at work... i was being treated differently and getting all kinds of smiles and stares from women at work.. which usually never happens... i was listneing to it with earbuds thru my work pc... it seems women are interested but they are not very aggressive... they are not approaching me per say but they are getting very close to me... is that approaching?
I did those affirmations for a while too, but found it too much to do hours of that stuff a day, it took me a few hours to do everything mentioned, you shouldn't have to spend all that time just to be confident.
Cory says you have to do them all your life, I think that is retarded.
And the other thing 5 days isn't very long, give it a few months to really see the results i'd say.
I haven't tried that subliminal though, i'm doing the alpha set and definately notice a difference in confidence, it takes time though.
Welcome Mokwls i have a Droid X and i can say that the speakers on it are pretty bad i would suggest getting speakers like it says in the instructions. 20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz
I have used Corys MM program, your pretty much doing it with out buying it. The way the affirmations are used in his method give you a layer of confidence i would say in the conscious mind. Using them continuously for years will eventually help change your programing. Using Shannons subs from this site go straight to your sub conscious by passing the conscious filter.
When i used Corys method i would say i had fake confidence on the verge of arrogance. A very ugly thing to appear. I didn't feel natural at all and ended up with resentment and major downfalls when things didn't work out.
As Ben said it takes longer then 5 days to get results. Keep using them and don't quit.
@ Mikwvls: those speakers on the phone are NOT up to the task. Just buy a decent pair of computer speakers (listen to them first to see if they have a crisp top end. If they sound muffled, skip!) and plug them into your phone's headphone jack. Or get a cable that has the 1/8" plug in one end to RCA plugs at the other end and play through your stereo.
The subs will NOT give you overnight results. And like Cory's affirmations, you will more than likely resist or reject them at first.
Quote: When i used Corys method i would say i had fake confidence on the verge of arrogance. A very ugly thing to appear. I didn't feel natural at all and ended up with resentment and major downfalls when things didn't work out.
True to me as well. I did get some results but something seemed quite off. And when you do an affirmation and have it NOT work, then you start questioning the whole thing. I do realize that you have to be in the moment in order for them to work properly (theta state). My problem is very seldom did I get in that state (probably because I was trying too hard, lol).
Just play the subs.
And I definitely recommend running ASC right off the bat. You want confidence? RUN THAT!
Quote: one more thing on this... would the Become Irresistibly Attractive To Beautiful Women sexual sub be better?
It worked for me some... to me it seems like more of a "slow burn" sub. It has to be used for a minimum of 32 days and preferably longer (90+ days).
Quote: it seems women are interested but they are not very aggressive... they are not approaching me per say but they are getting very close to me... is that approaching?
That is an
indirect approach. If they are coming around that close, just take the next step (if you're attracted to them) tap them on the shoulder if they aren't facing you and say "hey" or something. It can't hurt.
Women aren't supposed to be approaching the man - at least, in their minds. Women in our society are taught that being to bold makes them a _________ (choose your word here). So they do what they can to make it easy for you to open, and they signal you in their language, which is somewhat "under the radar" as far as men are concerned. You need to work on talking to them... not waiting for them to talk to you. A friendly "Hi there, what's your name?" works amazingly well, as long as you can start a conversation afterwards.
As for the "regression", that's not uncommon when you switch from one producer's programming method to another. Different scripting techniques may clash, and it's sort of like driving a boat in one direction, then killing the motor, switching it for a different one, and starting it up again. It takes some time to get back up some speed.
And of course, yes, do take advantage of the free program for self confidence.
Thanks all who have replied... Thanks alot.
Shannon, but isn't the BIATBW sub supposed to make the girl aggressive towards you? Wouldn't this mean aggressive in approaching or would this be something else. This is what I thought in reading some of the scripts... Maybe I misread this... or maybe this is a different definition. Also, any of the above affirmations contradict with AOS or BIATBW? BTW - I have been using the ASC and it has really helped. Last night was at a bar and speaking to a couple I met... and got a bit immersed in conversation... and girls were coming up to where I was standing left and right... so I can see where this might be working. Also, I have been using AOS. So right now I am using ASC, BIATBW, and AOS... I will let you know of any further results... thanks all
Even when a sub is designed to make women aggressive toward you, you have to remember that her version of aggressive is rarely the same as a man's version of aggressive. I know a lot of women for whom "aggressively approaching a man" means coming over to where he is and standing near him, so he can open her. The programs are designed to attract those women who will respond in the manner that a man would consider aggressive, but "womanspeak" and "manspeak" are not always the same. You'll still need to learn to recognize womanspeak, and understand it. Womanspeak is very subtle in comparison to manspeak. You may also have to still make a move to finish her "aggressive approach". It will depend on the woman.
I answered the rest here:
hey Shannon, thanks for your reply... another question...
Is there any issue with using the aforementioned affirmations with the AOS, BIATBW, and ASC? I know what you say about how the subconscious might react to certain words... but since I have used these recordings very successfully in the past wanted to make sure there would be no conflict. Guess I could try this was ASC and BIATBW... but wanted your input on any conflict... Because these recorded affirmations really helped me before I knew about these subs ... Just to let everyone know the power of subs is incredible. The very first time I used these was with Tony Robbins personal power... There were I think 3 sub tapes. I listened to one of them (i think dealing with financial success/freedom) and became a top seller in the security business when I was doing this... I did phone sales and was listening to the subs in one ear while speaking on to the customer with the other. It was amazing how I did when I listened to these while working. These are very successful in case there are any doubters... Shannon, its great what you are doing on these. I am seeing daily results with these... but it just needs to be a process I guess...
I don't think there should be any conflict.