(11-06-2015, 12:09 PM)Survivor Wrote: [ -> ]-Shannon, thank you. To be honest however, I expected more from you.The truth of the matter is, no matter how we frame it, short guys are at a disadvantage compared to tall guys.
Argue for your limitations, and they are yours.
Therefore, speak for yourself. I don't have trouble with taller women if and when I find one who is worth my time and interest.
Quote:You said'I don't need any particular woman', but what if you want her? I am sure you have got situations where you were attracted to beautful women, but they disqualified you because of your height.And at the end of the day we can all frame it as 'I DON'T need her' and 'she is swallow' but if you don't have her and wanted to have her even though you didn't need her, you didn't achieve your it.
Me wanting a woman does not get her far with me. Your saying that tells me that you really don't understand what it is to be approaching women from the point of view of not needing them.
As for being disqualified because of my height, unless she disqualified me before I ever talked to her, or she never told me that... I have no recollection of ever being disqualified because I am "only" 5'7" tall.
If I am interested in a woman enough to approach, I generally will let her show me who she is and how she thinks and acts before I do much. I'm rather particular about who I will approach and spend time on and with, when it comes to females because I have high standards, and most women are not worth my time or effort. Most women these days, tall, medium or short, either have the wrong mindset, an attitude that turns me off, or don't understand what self respect and self worth is, which also turns me off. So I'll observe her or talk with her for a little while before I decide what I want to do. Usually I do not pursue the ones I consider because they don't meet my standards.
If, however, she does meet my standards, and she is tall, I don't have trouble with her because of that. I usually either ignore that completely in dealing with her, or I'll comment on how attractive it makes her to me if I think that she'll understand it and appreciate it in the way I mean it, and respond positively to it as the compliment it is. But as I have had to tell a lot of my photographic models before they worked with me... don't try to tell me how suitable you are for this, because that's my choice. Likewise, deciding for her what she thinks just because you are insecure is going to sink your ship before you ever leave drydock. Go out there and try, and let her decide what she thinks. And if you want her and she doesn't want you, try to change her mind. But in the end... being needless means she can walk away and you are unphased. You didn't need her. And there are plenty more where she came from.
Quote:Ok let me be specific: You mentioned Tom Cruise.How many successful ladies man do we have that are short? Tom Cruise, Justin Bieber ...... and whoever you mentioned but one thing they all have in common is FameMoneyStatus. Aren't girls swallow? So.. can a short guy become a ladies man?
Sure, why not?
Quote:Can a short guy handle the huge incongruency between his height and confidence?
Spoken as if all short guys have this issue. They don't. If you do, perhaps you should change the confidence level you have?
Quote:Between the incongrunce of kissing a tall girl?
How is that incongruous? I have kissed women much taller than me. If she wants to kiss, believe me, she'll make it happen. One nice way to do that is... sit down or lay down to do it. If she's a giraffe and you're a midget, it might be an issue. But in no case I ever encountered did it slow me down or even cross my mind when I kissed a taller woman.
Quote:After all, how are you gonna kiss her if you both stand ?
"Get down here and kiss me, woman!" Make her laugh about it. That displays confidence and makes her more attracted because it's not just confidence, it's humor. Laugh at yourself, stop taking little things like height so seriously. Look at the midget on game of Thrones. He gets laid like a rock star!
Quote:How are you going to dance,
I presume you do have two arms and two legs, right? So... grab her and dance according to how the music dictates you dance. Her being taller won't stop her if she likes you. But you being filled with insecurities like this will not make her like you!
Quote:how are you going to be dominant?
In 2014, I dated a woman who was 3 inches taller than me. In 2015 I dated a woman an inch taller than me. In both cases, I was and am dominant. How? Because I put on shoes with 12 inch thick soles. And if you believe that one, I have a great price on the moon for you.
Dominance is not about height. It's about self perception and attitude. Period.
Quote:Answer me this. After all, it is an. incongruency to be short and confident, it's like being a kid who is a man and women don't like incongruencies.
So now we get to the root of the issue. The above is a limiting belief that is faulty and FALSE. Confidence has nothing to do with height. Confidence has to do with what you believe to be true. As long as you believe that short + confident = incongruent, you will never be confident until you grow tall. The minute you rewrite that faulty thinking, you can transcend that. And I know it's false because every "short" guy I know who is confident has no trouble with ladies, and believe me, nobody smells incongruence like a woman. They can smell it miles away.
Quote:.Shannon I don't want to be transcendant alpha, I want to be .another type of .Alpha
There are two types of alpha. Genuine alphas, and guys who want to think they are alpha, but really are not. The transcendent alpha is the genuine alpha. And you don't want to be the real alpha, but the other kind, so surely, AM is wrong for you if you want to be a guy who wants to think he's alpha, but not really be one.
Quote:And I want to be a ladies man..I want more than that.I want more than 'I don't need her' and 'she is swallow'. So consider this as well.
You want to be a ladies man. Okay, what is your definition of a ladies man? A man who needs ladies to be fulfilled and happy?
You want more than "I don't need her" and "she is shallow"? It sounds like you want less. Significantly less. It sounds like you're coming from a point of view of, "I'm afraid to not need a woman because then how will I ever get one? And if I admit to myself and call her out on being shallow and disqualify her, I'll never get a woman!" And that, my friend, is fear based thinking that results from having a beta mindset based in weakness and limiting thinking. You will NEVER get a woman worth having thinking like that.
In other words, you're trying to reject becoming a real alpha because right now you're terrified of losing your chance to get a woman by becoming one, and instead you want to be the kind of alpha who really is an asshole, not an alpha. He's not really strong, he's usually just aggressive and sometimes abusive. He dominates and leads with fear more often than not. You know what kind of woman those guys end up with?
- Inexperienced
- Stupid
- Shallow
- Victim mindset
- Emotionally unhealthy
- and Drama Queen
You're afraid of becoming what potential you have for your best self because your beta fears are telling you that it's not how to attract women. That's why you don't have women! To get more of what you have, do more of what you have been doing!
If you want more women, stop needing them. Stop looking to them for your happiness. Stop looking to them for your self image. Stop looking to them for your sense of self worth, or self security, or how good you look, or whether or not you're good enough, or any of that. A woman can be a companion, and she can be a lover and many other things, but she will never be mommy. Unless, of course, she is emotionally unhealthy and gets off on dominating weak men and playing mommy to them!
Ladies man means you don't need her, you have options, and you won't have options with your current set of beliefs. They are faulty, false and very limiting.
If you want more of what you have... keep those beliefs. If you want to get what you're asking for... go run EPRA for six months and then do AM6 again a couple times.