I'm taking the time to write a detailed post for this as this is a rare area with women where I'm an expert at. It isn't in a good way as I suffered a lot for it, but if I can help one other guy with this post, then that will bring a smile to my face...
Been there before, friend...BELIEVE ME...
For me, it was like: you feel vindictive/resentful because to you/your mind...you're being such an awesome guy to her, so naturally she should choose YOU in return for all this good treatment. Even though it's just because you like her and want something from her, not because you're "such a nice guy" and really care about her, as really, it's more about you and what you want. Do you treat every random stranger the exact same way as you treat her? If not, why not? Because you like her and want something from her, so everything you do comes with invisible, implied, reciprocal contracts attached. So, when she doesn't reciprocate, either because you've never told her how you feel because you were scared she'd probably say no as you could tell she already didn't seem to like you as much as you liked her, or because she already knows as you've made it obvious and awkward and she makes it clear she isn't interested but keeps you around for validation sake or to have an emotional sounding board or male friend, you feel ripped off. And you should, as it's a one-way street and total BS to accept. Hence the vindictive/resentful feelings naturally developing over time. I've done the same thing, over and over and over and over...
AM6 fixed that for me. My old onenitis I haven't even SPOKEN to in a long time. Since before I started subs lol, can I still call her my onenitis legally then? Haha. Maybe I'll call her soon, ironically I started this whole sub journey to finally get her and be together blah blah blah, I've written about her a couple times in my journal when asked how/why I got started with subs. I can virtually guarantee you I was way more obbsessed with her than you are with yours. If AM6 can get rid of my onenitis tendency of obbssesing over a girl and blowing my chances about 10-11 times in my life, it can do it for you too. Moving on, I know you mentioned a cost issue so for now then, AM6 is out. I will say EHPRA is a great choice, especially for this kind of situation. It will probably work a lot on this kind of behaviour and feelings, and more. It's a wonderful sub, probably one of Shannon's best, alongside ASC 5G IMO. ASC 5G was my first sub and gave me the first results to show me this stuff wasn't nonsense. I miss it's confidence in fact. And he gives away both for free, I still smile at that, incredible gesture...
Anyway, here's a resource that I've learned a great deal from and it's distilled, no nonsense red pill information. May be a bit jarring for the first while, but even if it seems untrue and nonsense, at least a part of you will agree with it and it will make more and more real talk sense over time. Read this article, then do a search on the site for "onenitis" and read EVERY article in one sitting. I mean it. ONE. Let it all sink in, it'll make sense to you and you'll understand alot more about the situation and what to do.
Check it out, it will help you understand this feeling of yours and get you to take a step back from this girl. Not forever don't worry, but if you are to have ANY future with her, you need to take a step back, and develop yourself a bit for your own sanity. THEN you will be able to turn up the attraction a bit, but only once your mind is right. Otherwise, if you don't fix this before making your move, you'll blow it and probably ruin whatever connection is there between you. I've done that too...over and over and over...