Hey guys!
My first sub was AM5, then I did AM6. Bought BASE 2.0 couple of months ago, to start after a month of rest from AM6. Two months have passed since AM6 but I still haven't started. I keep putting it off.
I guess I feel resistance to starting BASE 2.1. Is this an ego defense-mechanism I'm feeling? I have gotten the impression that Alpha goes byebye when you start BASE, and I'd surely conciously miss that so maybe the subconcious feels the same?
So part of me wants to start BASE today, as I am planning on starting my own company within the next year or so. However, another part of me keeps procrastinating. Procrastination is winning sofar.
Fear of change? Most likely.
Any of you felt resistance BEFORE starting a sub?
I wonder about where this stuff is coming from, and if I'd face the resistance of lore when I finally do start BASE?
After reading many journals... it would seem that your situation is unique. Most of the journal authors are eager to listen to the next subliminal on their list. Some constantly rotate because they are listening to their intuition. Or they listen to two or more because they aren't patient enough to follow instructions.
Gotcha, honestly ask yourself. Did you do enough runs of AM6? Some guys are doing 2 or 3 runs, I believe Shannon did 5 runs of AM6 before he started BAMM. Did you get the results you wanted from AM6? This may be the reason you are hesitating to start BASE 2.1.
Another year or so, before you start your own company? You have plenty of time to do another run of AM6, if you feel you should.
You own BASE 2.1, maybe you are hesitating because you are having second thoughts about starting your own company? Gotcha, be honest with yourself.
I own AM6 and have ran it once so far, while being an entrepreneur. A lot of it has been very helpful in the business world, not just for myself and with women. Shannon has ran earlier versions of the AM program for a total of 5 times. It has stuck with him still while running BAMM 2.0 since that came out.
BASE 2.1 is an excellent sub. Maybe you aren't scared of the sub, maybe you have a fear of success and/or a fear of failure. Maybe both and that's why you are paralyzed, Shannon calls that a "feedback loop" I believe. Nothing to fear if you do it right and start small and practical and scale up over time, while having something of value that others would like. A lot of people fail either by having something people don't want or is too expensive compared to competitors, or don't market properly.
Being your own boss is the most amazing feeling ever. The money is awesome, the freedom is too. You have in front of you one of the best tools ever to accomplish success, BASE 2.1. GET ON IT.
(10-20-2015, 08:22 PM)4Kingdoms Wrote: [ -> ]After reading many journals... it would seem that your situation is unique.
Cool! Guess I'm special afterall
(10-20-2015, 08:22 PM)4Kingdoms Wrote: [ -> ]Gotcha, honestly ask yourself. Did you do enough runs of AM6?
That is always the question. Running AM6 again is certainly an option I have concidered, and am still concidering.
(10-20-2015, 08:22 PM)4Kingdoms Wrote: [ -> ]Another year or so, before you start your own company? You have plenty of time to do another run of AM6, if you feel you should.
As I have developed during the last year, I am banging my head against the wall at my current job. I really feel both the want and need to start up and do my own thing. But you are right, there is always time for one more AM6 run. Thanks for your input!
Catman Wrote:I own AM6 and have ran it once so far, while being an entrepreneur. A lot of it has been very helpful in the business world, not just for myself and with women.
I did AM5 mostly out of curiosity and was both surprised and impressed by the impact. So much so that I just had to get AM6. Getting women has never been a problem for me, but AM improved my life in many other ways.
For the last couple of months though, I've felt frustrated. Like I have outgrown my current job (/life) and I'm definitly done having a boss. I don't know if this is from AM, but I didn't feel this way before. It's like my mind is pushing me to man up and do my own thing but at the same time it's pulling the handbrake. Hence my confusion and the reason for this thread.
Catman Wrote:Maybe you aren't scared of the sub, maybe you have a fear of success and/or a fear of failure. Maybe both and that's why you are paralyzed, Shannon calls that a "feedback loop" I believe.
I believe you may be on to something there Catman. Thanks for the insight!
BASE will build on what AM creates. It won't take away the alpha-ness; it's actually designed to use it if you've done AM6, and help perpetuate it. But it will focus you in a different direction.
If you're afraid of losing the alpha-ness and this is causing a serious resistance, you're not alpha yet. Needs more run time.