If you've seen my journal in the men's forums, you know that I'm running AM6 for the second, consecutive run. I may even do a third.
It is abundantly clear that only one 5G program can be ran at a time. I would love to do OPE but that's not happening anytime soon. PE is still a problem, and I want to be proactive about it.
I've been edging with the same discipline and progressive difficulty as my weight training. I was too easily discouraged in the past to give it a proper try.
Edging is as mental as it is physical. I'm trying to foster positive thoughts and emotions that will result in physical success. I thought it would be beneficial to write out statements i.e affirmations that specifically describe the success I want to have. Then I'll record them with enthusiasm in my own voice.
My plan is to playback the recording only when I'm practicing edging, which is 20-25 minutes 4-5 times a week.
Is that something that would conflict with AM6?
Hey man.
I've had my birthday celebrations and have also seemingly contracted a cold, so I haven't been active lately on here for a few days.
To answer your question, I'll go ahead and say it's a bad idea to run OPE during AM6. Once you start a 5G program, only one program at a time until completion. Conflicting and mixing and matching, not a good look. Now, you mention you thinking of wording statements on your own and making a recording. I don't think it'll have the repetitions to be worthwhile, especially during like 20 minutes a few times a week. And if it COULD work, it'd still be like running a multi-stage program and running a single stage at once, conflicting scripts. I just don't see any upside here.
My opinion, will be to pick either AM6 or OPE as your next sub. If the PE is bad enough, and I feel for you on that problem as it can pretty much ruin success with women, then maybe next you concentrate on OPE. Then, after at least 96 days of focusing on that, or more days, whenever you feel the problem is taken care of, go back and do AM6. That's the beauty of single stage programs, you can stop whenever you want and feel you have achieved the benefit.
Hope that helps man. I'd like to see an OPE journal here. Also an OED one, that's what I'm considering next to finish off my last bit of ED issues from no PMO of 100+ days.
If the instructions say not to use anything else at all with AM6 then why would you be able to use another program 'for just a few hours'?
(09-22-2015, 03:12 PM)CatMan Wrote: [ -> ]Hey man.
I've had my birthday celebrations and have also seemingly contracted a cold, so I haven't been active lately on here for a few days.
To answer your question, I'll go ahead and say it's a bad idea to run OPE during AM6. Once you start a 5G program, only one program at a time until completion. Conflicting and mixing and matching, not a good look. Now, you mention you thinking of wording statements on your own and making a recording. I don't think it'll have the repetitions to be worthwhile, especially during like 20 minutes a few times a week. And if it COULD work, it'd still be like running a multi-stage program and running a single stage at once, conflicting scripts. I just don't see any upside here.
My opinion, will be to pick either AM6 or OPE as your next sub. If the PE is bad enough, and I feel for you on that problem as it can pretty much ruin success with women, then maybe next you concentrate on OPE. Then, after at least 96 days of focusing on that, or more days, whenever you feel the problem is taken care of, go back and do AM6. That's the beauty of single stage programs, you can stop whenever you want and feel you have achieved the benefit.
Hope that helps man. I'd like to see an OPE journal here. Also an OED one, that's what I'm considering next to finish off my last bit of ED issues from no PMO of 100+ days.
I too would like to see an OPE 5G journal, and I plan to run it, but never did I intend to do so while running AM6.
What I like about the idea of listening to my material while I train, and
only while I train is the principle of associative conditioning. My statements will be tied to arousal and sexual activity.
I'm also fond of my statements because they speak directly to the negative self-talk that I've identified as the roots of my problem. Not only that, but some of them really energize me due to how personal and specific they are.
This is not to belittle Shannon's magic, of course. If you search the forums I was incredibly persistent about OPE being upgraded to 5G. I want OPE to fix this issue which certain experiences have led me to believe is mostly, if not entirely mental.
Of course I am devoted to AM6 at the moment, and if I have to do a third run, I think it would be epic to do so consecutively.
My recorded statements, played back only while I edge, do not even begin to approach the complexity of Shannon's technology. Like you said, there probably wouldn't be enough repetition for them to become internalized, and that's ok.
It's the external input that I'm after. It will strengthen my resolve, and support me mentally/emotionally; especially when it becomes difficult to do so internally i.e when I'm close to orgasm.
Is it really all that harmful? Shannon should weigh in on this.