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@ Jeff: it's rather hard to say at this point.
Most of my dreams have women in them. In real life, I tend to be a little more flirty than usual. Most of the dreams that I'm continuing to have are just downright bizarre with a bit of sexuality thrown in at times.
I've been out of town for the last few days. I went to a salsa club in Houston called Club Tropicana which had a ridiculously loud PA system so whatever any woman said to me while dancing, I couldn't understand. I got to dance with a few down there and had a bit of fun, and show my sister and her husband how to dance salsa.
I've had a few looks from women while I was there but I was with my sis and her hubby so not much happened. I really can't expect too much from a sub that's only been playing for about 2 weeks Wink .
Since I'm still "new" around my sister and her husband, I was a bit tense, and I was out of their house with them every day, another thing I wasn't really used to (my comfort zone got pushed so that's a good thing!).
I bantered with a Hooters girl there at the Shenandoah location (while sis was away). She was rather shy and I could tell she was a bit nervous, like every time she said "yeah" it sounded like a little dog barking Wink.
My sister is what you would call an "alpha female". Whatever she has to say, she will definitely say it. She's been through a hell of a lot during her growing up but whatever happened made her into a strong woman. Her husband is rather laid back like me and somewhat quiet. She loves to talk. Despite me and her being polar opposites when it comes to being introvert / extrovert (and being born on the same day!), we had fun.
Finally had a good day! My sexual energy has also took a spike up and feel more comfortable with the spike compared to last year when running AOS; felt the same but felt uncomfortable with it. I eye gamed an attractive doctor in her 30's (I think, lol) she was on her phone talking and she would look right at me and smile as we locked eyes (several times). Women today have been far more flirty towards me which means to me that the sub is finally beginning to kick in (3 weeks in, it should, LOL). I wrote some "naughty" affirmations when I was writing in my SM journal on my computer (separate from this one due to the fact I would have to censor 3/4ths of the content!)
naughty affirmations forthcoming!!! Big Grin

It is my desire and my will to have sex with beautiful women who also want and desire sex!
I deserve to have sex with as many beautiful women as possible.

That's a couple that I came up with. If they come close to matching what's in the script, that's purely coincidental.
(05-02-2011, 08:12 PM)ronatello Wrote: [ -> ]Finally had a good day! My sexual energy has also took a spike up and feel more comfortable with the spike compared to last year when running AOS; felt the same but felt uncomfortable with it. I eye gamed an attractive doctor in her 30's (I think, lol) she was on her phone talking and she would look right at me and smile as we locked eyes (several times). Women today have been far more flirty towards me which means to me that the sub is finally beginning to kick in (3 weeks in, it should, LOL). I wrote some "naughty" affirmations when I was writing in my SM journal on my computer (separate from this one due to the fact I would have to censor 3/4ths of the content!)
naughty affirmations forthcoming!!! Big Grin

It is my desire and my will to have sex with beautiful women who also want and desire sex!
I deserve to have sex with as many beautiful women as possible.

That's a couple that I came up with. If they come close to matching what's in the script, that's purely coincidental.

On the contrary, it's your subconscious mind regurgitating the subliminal script to your conscious mind when what you come up with matches the script. No coincidence at all - proof that subliminals work. Smile
(05-02-2011, 08:12 PM)ronatello Wrote: [ -> ]Finally had a good day! My sexual energy has also took a spike up and feel more comfortable with the spike compared to last year when running AOS; felt the same but felt uncomfortable with it. I eye gamed an attractive doctor in her 30's (I think, lol) she was on her phone talking and she would look right at me and smile as we locked eyes (several times). Women today have been far more flirty towards me which means to me that the sub is finally beginning to kick in (3 weeks in, it should, LOL). I wrote some "naughty" affirmations when I was writing in my SM journal on my computer (separate from this one due to the fact I would have to censor 3/4ths of the content!)
naughty affirmations forthcoming!!! Big Grin

It is my desire and my will to have sex with beautiful women who also want and desire sex!
I deserve to have sex with as many beautiful women as possible.
yes you do my friend, yes you doSmile
Hell yeah you do and you will...
lol thanks, guys! Well since the way to Little Rock is flooded (freeway under water!), I decided to stay close to home today so no dirty salsa dancing tonight Sad. My apt. needs a desperate cleaning so I decided to to that so it won't look like an EF-3 twister ransacked the place Smile. It's one thing that I don't like doing is cleaning but it's gotta get done sometime, right?
Aside from that, I keep visualizing sex off and on. And my sex drive is on the uptick. With this being stage 1, I wonder what stage 2 brings since it works on that to a stronger degree. Also, I'm slightly less aloof and less stoic than I was a month and a half ago so that's good, IMO.
And like Cortez wrote about, I'm wanting more company from women (being around them, etc.) but not needy about it.
That's awesome to hear, ron! I'm actually feeling like that now.
@ Spiral: yeah it's cool and I hope it builds up like 10x more or something! lol

Just got back from working out in the gym. A guy was in there working out but he wouldn't even look at me as I entered and worked out on the elliptical. No "hi how are you doing" or anything. But it's alright since I'm in alignment with attracting women, not men Wink. Funny thing was that he was muscled up, 3 times as much as me and it looked like he was trying to impress me with him grunting and huffing and puffing as he did his workout. I'm sure that's normal for him to do that... some guys do but I just wanted to point it out anyway. But he just acted rather strange, like he would go in and out the side door like every 5 minutes, walk in front of my elliptical going to and fro the weight stations and then walk behind me when I was working out (which made me a bit uneasy but I brushed it off). Then he takes his shirt off and towels himself off with it and then leaves. WTF is up with that? lol
If he was trying to impress me it didn't work. FAIL! haha!
Then a girl walks in who was rather shy at first. We exchanged names and eyed each other up for a bit (me being social and all, lol) and she asks if she can watch the TV in front of me (there are 3 treadmills and she chooses the one in front of me, due to the fact the TV on the right was on a music station -- I didn't turn that tv on but it was on when I got in there). After I worked out, I got my stuff and said my goodbye and she smiled and we locked eyes for a bit and I left (rather risky since her treadmill was moving!). She was running the treadmill so I left her to continue her workout. Perhaps we'll cross paths again!
Things are picking up just a little more, including my sex drive. One that I need to learn is how to properly channel the energy that bubbles up. Porn is still a minor problem and I do realize if I want to succeed with women and being great, then it must stop. If SM negates viewing of porn, then I must be resisting or something.
Aside from that, my eye game is getting better... making more of a conscious effort to improve it (per the notes, eye seduction gets worked on in stage 2 and thereafter) but I also find myself automatically looking beautiful women right in their eyes at times, when I'm in the mood. Eye game is getting markedly better, especially starting about a week ago; it was off when I started SM. I'm smiling more and when I do hit eye contact with women, they're smiling.
I'm bantering more than usual (verbal flirting skills are notably improved). Although I feel they can use more improvement. I tend to verbally flirt more with people that I know vs. complete strangers.
One thing that I definitely want manifested is FWB's Smile so as Cory says, put the intention out there and will return.
Since I'm running 35 days per stage, my last day for stage 1 will be next Saturday, which I will write a recap on what went down with stage 1.
My hangups with wearing my short running shorts out when going to the apt. gym, etc. seems to be pretty much over... about 95% Smile I feel much more comfortable wearing them than I did several weeks ago so it's also apparent that SM is working on my self image and what not. If anything, I'm about to order 3 more pairs so I won't be without any pairs during the week. My old shorts will be tossed out since they look quite ratty.
And I also find myself wanting to spend more time being exposed to the subliminals, much like I did when starting Alpha Male last year... wanting to improve myself, writing in my offline journals, and allow myself to "regroup" before sending out the next wave.
SM deals with focusing on achieving sexual release through physical sex with real women, instead of turning to porn, but that comes after stage 1 - can't do everything in one stage now!
Right! And I understand that. For the meantime, I'll just have to make conscious efforts to control the urges. And also a conscious effort to improve eye game even more Smile
I had a good day today despite being tired most of the day. I'm about to start stage 2 in a couple of days so I'm writing a recap this Saturday that I have culled from my offline notes. I will detail that on Saturday.
But today I'm noticing that I'm beginning to get far more comfortable with my body.. I had a button up shirt unbuttoned one button lower than normal and it didn't bother me Smile ahh FINALLY! And of course I'm far more comfortable wearing those short running shorts now than I was 2 weeks ago.
Well today I had to grab a few things at the grocery store and definitely didn't want to shop at the Wal-Mart which was only 3/4 miles away from me. So... I drove across town to another grocery store since the vibe there is much better. A pretty brunette checked me out and before I get up towards her to be rung up, she looks at me and smiles. I notice her dark brown eyes and smile back. Then it's my turn to be checked out and she talks first, then more talk ensued and she asks where I work (since I mentioned it's my day off). I told her and then she asks what do I do and I told her "stripper". I pause and then I tell her what I really do. She laughs and said I was funny, while smiling and looking right at me. I then tell her a blonde joke which ensues even more laughter. I'm sure I made her day Smile
When I'm in the mood, I love to banter and tease. And I do loads of that when I'm working as well. And a bit of hugging too. I've hit some rough patches a few days ago but nothing I can't handle. I just told myself it's resistance to the subs since they're holding me down and pummeling me! Big Grin
Now I'm ready to attract some FWB's into my life!
And right on time, too. lol
And as promised, my recap of stage 1.
Per my notes:
  • Noticed in general that people open me up more. Even when my mood wasn't the greatest, I still had them do that.
  • More dreams containing women. Not all are sexual, though.
  • At the onset of stage 1, I was going through self image issues. Issues have cleared up for the most part by the end and I'm wanting to flaunt it more often (but not from neediness though)
  • I had a dream early on in stage 1 (1st week) where me and a girl were talking; she said something about kissing and I said something cocky back and she grew closer to me and we kissed for lke 3 seconds. Then she commented on how hot that was! Now that was an awesome dream!
  • Another racy dream followed several nights later during the 2nd week. Slightly increased desire to banter.
  • Reached a bit of a plateau about 3 weeks in. Effects leveled off somewhat but also noticed that I'm hitting eye contact with women more often.
  • Sex drive / arousal inching up. Felt a bit at the first of stage but builds up significantly from the middle of week 3 onwards.
  • Even though eye game isn't covered in stage 1 per the pdf notes, it is getting better. Perhaps because I'm making more of a conscious effort to improve it! Smile
Per notes on the pdf file that comes with sex magnet:
1. Normalization and foundation building. This stage is trying to make every man who uses it equal, balanced and solid in terms of self esteem, self respect, self image, sexual confidence, sexual stamina and sexual performance minimums. This allows the rest of the program a stable, predictable basis from which to begin and continue making changes.
A. self esteem: improving, with some minor wavering at times
B. self image: improved significantly, esp from week 4 onwards. More accepting of myself.
C. sexual confidence: regarding eye game and flirting, that has took a slight turn up.
D. Sexual stamina and performance: nothing to report on that I can think of...
2. Introduction of goal materials and manifestation efforts.
While not everything will be available for you to start with in Stage 1, those things that can be introduced towards making you more capable and comfortable with socializing and attracting beautiful women for sexual
purposes are presented. Furthermore, the beginning of the manifestation sequences begins here, although it is not yet a major focus.

With that being said, I'm getting more women opening me up, or saying "hi" than in the past. Nothing wild and crazy to report on yet.
However, I did get 2 friend requests from a couple of female salsa dancers.
Had an off day a few days ago and made the mistake of fighting off a bad mood (which uses up even more mental energy).
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