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Stage 7 day 15

I am now feeling the effects of releasing from negativity, both from outside sources and within, and letting go of guilt / shame / fear. I see negativity as something almost external to be examined and I now notice obvious instances where there is no more fear / guilt. It’s pretty crazy, actually.

In the past 6 months I’ve had an ebbing feeling of dread when I wake up, that if I didn’t wake up right that moment the rest of the day was screwed. But it had no basis because I was productive regardless. Now I don’t feel that feeling upon waking AT ALL… meaning that some deep change has shifted so that I can get up peacefully. I considered this the difference between going to work because your life depended on it versus going to work because you like work. It actually makes quite a bit of difference, and I like the change.

I feel like longer term adjustments are being made now. All the effects are more subtle rather than blatant with some sort of resistance kicking up or some type of positive tangible effect. It’s like the cement being poured out for a large building; the foundation needs to be set before the building can go up. But it needs to be a really strong foundation.

Since I am continually evolving, branding myself, and adapting to provide better services to my customers there’s really no stop to the growth. I think of this in the same way that Shannon always comes out with something new regarding the technologies within his subs. There wouldn’t be a 5G or 4G without some research and innovation, and that’s the driving force behind a really good business. You find out what works and make that 10x better. Then you eventually make that new model 10x better… so on and so forth and until your competitors don’t really have an answer for your services.

I have my current services in like version 1.5 mode right this moment, and it’s selling like crazy. I can only imagine what versions 2.0, 3.0 etc might look like. Or even who I’ll be working with, what I’ll be doing, what new clients I’ll have at that point, and what new things I’ll have to learn.

That last part is a bit funny because I NEED to learn photoshop waaaay more so I can stop outsourcing buying graphics… but I’ve just been too busy lol But that is definitely something I have to invest more time into, because I have all the tutorials but I need to sit down and actually learn them.

Speaking of level 7 in particular I feel that full assimilation of the sub will happen in 30 – 90 days from starting. I recall when using LTU that 2 months was enough to feel the full effects, so I’m giving level 7 of BASE 90 days to really straighten me out.

The motivation has come back quite a bit and I’ve already started planning some pretty interesting projects going forward. As long as I’m growing there’s always going to be progress.
Stage 7 day 18

This is a funny update because it's actually just an amendment of my day 15 post. That had been such a good day that I sort of glossed over the resistance that is kicking up. When i reread my post just now I laughed out loud because it's actually not true that I don't feel resistance right now.

In the first 5 days of usage I got minor cuts and bruises from moving stuff around in my house. Some of those cuts weren't so minor though (at least they didn't feel minor, at first) and I almost never get dinged up like that. This is from stuff like hitting my leg on the side of a table or trying to carry a heavy box only to get my arms cut up on glass that poked out from its edges. Really 'random' stuff.

The next level of resistance is my forced reassessment of my business. I felt really uneasy and discomforted knowing that I didn't quite hit my January goal (which was 5 figures monthly, though I'm close) and so I felt compelled do some heavy brainstorming sessions wherein i spoke to a few friends who make quite a bit more than i do.

One of my customers that pretty much bought all my products/services in late January is now claiming amnesia or some crap (obviously bullshit) and so he did a chargeback on his credit card for quite a few of my services which he previously supposedly had great results with. This sort of thing happens about 1 out of every 200 - 300 customers - or so I'm told by my friends - and it's just part of growing my business in our industry. That doesn't mean I'm not pissed as hell that the customer did that, or that he's no longer willing to communicate with me to sort things out professionally. Nah, he just wants his money back. But the trouble is that paypal already knows about my services and recognizes that the buyer has to communicate at least a little bit in order to be recognized as a legit buyer dispute. Who knows what happens, but I attribute this craziness at least in part to lvl 7 just because it's so darn random.

The next evolution of my services is coming, or some new networking connection will happen, or something big that going to push me along even further is coming. I can just feel it. I'm yearning for something deeper and bigger to push my business up but I can't put my finger on it. I just have a strong feeling it's coming very soon and it will be surprising / amazing.
Stage 7 day 26

I have taken a far more long term vision oriented view of my business now. It looks like the month has generally been a little less profit than last month - which isn’t a problem because there was a serious amount of brainstorming done this month and not a lot of client outreach (which creates sales).

Going more toward the second business quarter (April and onward) I have a mental image of where I want my coaching program to go, and it’s a pretty solid plan if everything works out. Things can obviously change, but if the core idea holds solid we’re talking about a tiny segment of my business that has the potential to make a serious bit of money. It’s the idea of HIME in effect: high impact minimal effort. As long as my service quality is high there’s no reason why the work behind the scenes can’t be made more efficient. Like I said, as long as the core idea holds up, things are looking up for the rest of the year based upon that one third sliver of my business.

I am also expanding out my outreach to Youtube, which might sound a bit odd because I have a very niche oriented service rather than a product. But that’s where the cleverness in marketing comes in. As long as my videos are high quality content (which they are) I can sell certain things on there sort of ‘indirectly’ and still brand myself as an authority in the IM space in general with relatively minimal effort. HIME rears its head again for another potential portion of my business.

In small tests the YT stuff has already yielded some ROI, and since the traffic is free (no advertising since I’m making the videos myself) the ROI can be seen as infinite. Just scale and brand myself more and turn this little side project into a thriving machine. This can happen; it just takes a bit of time.

I don’t know what part of BASE is doing it, but I’m definitely mentally painting a long term big picture view of my business now and by doing that the small stuff seems rather trivial. This means I’m generally less worried about the stuff that would have bothered me if this had been just 3 – 4 months ago. My business and brainstorming is distracting from random BS that comes up, and I like that a lot. I would dwell on that BS in the past, and it appears I’m mentally evolving to disconnect from that negativity; the negativity from outside and within.

Since there is no stage 8 to be forced to switch to, March should be especially interesting since it’s the first month of being on a single stage for over 32 days. Let me light a firecracker on this thing called results in my business and see how high this sucker can go Wink
How much time and effort on average do you spend producing your YT content, and is it just one time or is it on a regular basis? I ask because even though you say it's effective and by doing it all yourself the ROI is insane I wonder if you feel your time can be better spent on another aspect of your business instead and eventually outsource this bit to someone "inexpensive but competent" down the line.
(02-21-2016, 10:33 AM)apollolux Wrote: [ -> ]How much time and effort on average do you spend producing your YT content, and is it just one time or is it on a regular basis? I ask because even though you say it's effective and by doing it all yourself the ROI is insane I wonder if you feel your time can be better spent on another aspect of your business instead and eventually outsource this bit to someone "inexpensive but competent" down the line.

I like doing it, so I'm going to make it a regular thing. The content is sort of like marketing evolution; what works now based upon testing / tweaking and what do some people do based on theory that's really honestly poo poo (but they don't realize it).

So the content is something i like doing. I was even thinking about doing a recording of me talking to one of my business friends. Our conversations are always so example oriented where we're both talking about our businesses in such a rough and gritty nothing-held-back sort of way that I think it would do amazingly well for the relevant audience.

A few hours per day spent on a video that will bring me perpetual traffic isn't very much of a time investment. If each video needed continual work, then maybe I'd rethink it. But the time investment is almost nothing for me.

It will be great for branding as well as I'm already building a list from my current videos and the engagement with my subscribers is already pretty solid. And this is with me doing it as a minuscule little side project. If i devoted some real time to it there's no telling where things will be in 6+ months down the line.

I've been studying YT for quite a while, and I used to rank videos pretty easily in my SEO business in the past. So I sort of have my own little advantage for getting my videos in front of the right people, so to speak.

The one part of my business I might seriously outsource sooner than later is my traffic business. I only spend a 1 - 2 hours daily on it right now, and the rest is researching how to make my current systems better.

I want to focus on YT for a few reasons. Those subscribers / clients can be funneled into my higher programs where i show them how to properly use different business systems. Such as creating a system that can effectively use my traffic = they become a long term traffic client.

So there's a lot of different ways to look at this where i win out for a very minimal time investment. It will take time, yes. It will take tedious research to get solid content in place, yes. But I'm looking down the line right now at the long term benefits, and they look incredibly attractive right now.
Stage 7 day 34

This month was a lot more emotionally taxing than I expected. I suspect this is heavy resistance from this particular stage that arose during the second half of the month. This was a lot of tension, angst, frustration etc even when things were going pretty well, so it must be a lot of subconscious resistance picking up.

What was curious is that I initially attributed the feelings to one of those down cycles I sometimes have. It’s kind of funny how I can almost forget that resistance comes up when using these subs. I’ve literally been on BASE for over 7 months now and there’s still deep stuff coming up. I guess this is similar to what other 6 stage subs are like; even after a full cycle of use there can still be deep seated issues to resolve (must be even worse for BAMM – though possibly more enlightening).

Even though this current phase kind of sucks because I feel a lot of potential not being actualized right now, I see it as a huge arrow slowly behind pulled back. When released all the energy springs forward and it will be hard to stop my momentum. That’s how I see it, anyway. Who knows how accurate that image is. But I do feel big things coming and even crazier evolutions just around the corner. Which corner is that? I have no idea, but it’s coming up soon.
Stage 7 day 44

I'm projecting now that it will be the end of April, at minimum, before this current cycle of heavy resistance wears off. It feels incredibly unique because i feel positive, like I'm going the right direction with everything, but smaller things tend to be off or go wrong, but I know internally that everything will be fine.

Reflecting now, I suppose i could have rerun the whole program again, stages 1 - 6, over this next 6 month period, but that would have meant slower assimilation. So right now I'm really where i should be in terms of growth and diving into the subterranean caves of my psyche with all the crap that's being pulled up. I will definitely be a notably different person even a month from now, so the end of April (which is roughly 3 months on stage 7) should mean quite the emotional and mental upheaval.

The resistance I feel now is more in tune with stuff i should have let go when i was a single digit of age. But of course back then you can't really know how to let go of stuff like that, so you just push it to the back of your mind. Yeah, it's been pretty deep lately.

I know it will be 1000% worth the effort once BASE is fully assimilated and I can move onto better things (Ultimate Writer, for example), but I am starting to see why i might not actually recommend BASE 5G to friends and family right now.

For one, it's freaking intense. Once you hit the first few roadblocks it's unsettling and you *hope* that's all there is. But obviously that can't be all that there is. That was literally just one hurdle you experienced, no matter how unsettling, there will be many many many others and with more reality shaking and emotionally taxing effects.

All of that can sound horrible, because most people avoid the crap out of that sort of experience just so they can be 'ok' and get by during the day and work week. But what if that enormous upheaval is required so that you can get ahead to your bigger goals later on? What if this is a check point to see if you're ready for the seriously good stuff down the road? That's how I see the resistance stuff. You never really know how much you have enough you're meeting it face to face, but once you're over the hill who's to say it wasn't worth it?

Now more than ever I also see why so many people don't make it in general. Doesn't matter what the goal is, most can't persist through the obscene amounts of pain at certain stages to grow that thick skin so future challenges aren't nearly as bad. If your goals are big, expect smooth mountains to climb with zero grip and footholds. How the hell are you supposed to get over the mountain if you can't find a grip? You make them. This is called making your own path, because you're the first one to make this particular journey. Your ass is going to be bruised and cut up like crazy, but when you look back it will be your success that brought you over the mountain.

The more i work with people the more i see how many don't want to work on x or y in their lives or business, and they are therefore stuck. Just completely, not moving anywhere, stuck. And that's why i suppose I'm different. I move even when things are fine. I find where my systems can be made better and I do the work to make it better. I deal with the crap so that later on i can enjoy the good. Simple, almost painfully simple, but most people simply don't want to deal with the negative. Doesn't matter what it is. And 99% of the time, that's why they're stuck.

Perhaps i should recommend EPRHA 2.0 to some of these people, but then again even with minor resistance they're likely to stop using it once the first speed bump is felt. *Sigh* I can't force them to listen just like i can't force them to do any work. But when you realize that you can't change others things change from being frustrating to suddenly being incredibly illuminating / freeing. I suppose that's just part of all this growth stuff then, huh?
That reads less like an entry into a journal but instead more like a fiery motivational speech. Inspiring, man!
Stage 1 Round 2 Day 10

As you can see I have chosen to switch away from using stage 7 to re-running the whole of BASE from stage 1. The second month of stage 7 had me feeling worn out and jaded by the usage of a single stage for longer than 32 days, so really my only option was to rerun the whole things over again.

One thing that should be noted with my usage of BASE is that my goals are pretty darn huge. I am aiming at roughly $40k a month in profit from any combination of businesses and income, but that’s still a pretty high goal generally speaking. I’ve only achieved a tiny bit less than a quarter of that goal in monthly income, and though it’s pretty good in itself, my aim is still for higher and better.

What I have found particularly for the month of March and now into April is that I have to restructure the ‘spiritual’ technologies I use to achieve each goal. I asked and the universe has provided me with what I think is the next level of manifestation technologies that I didn’t have access to before.

To be brief, I was reading a lot into spirituality and metaphysics (like I always am, I might add) but I was led to a bit of spell work and magick that I haven’t really explored before. This might seem a bit ‘out there in terms of practicality, but I assure you my main objective is business evolution and ascension, so everything right now is fully aligned to my goal of bigger income and greater personal / spiritual evolution. [edited as per rule 4] so much as it is about evolving myself into the best possible version of myself that I can be. In that version of myself, I believe I can achieve even my highest income goals.

Right now I am experimenting with a few new meditations and ways of looking at reality so that I can stretch the limits of what I initially thought was possible. I am experimenting with a sort of reality bending and twisting so that I can almost literally (well, spiritually – via other dimensions) reach out and communicate with myself as the future me having achieved the goals I’m envisioning right now.

Something crazy yet peculiar I’ve found with my new meditation practices is that I see reality as more of a dreamlike state. It feels weird as hell but I need to keep on with it until I feel a sort of tangible result. In this way I’m sort of transitioning to see more of what’s literally right in front of me, but in other dimensions that I wouldn’t normally pick up on. The objective of me doing this, by the way, is actually that I activate more of my pineal gland (which is associated with connecting with higher dimensions and the soul) so that I can enhance a general psychic ability. If I can effectively tune into that frequency of myself, hot damn, that’s a whole new world of possibility I can use for both spiritual evolution and business. Especially business, as I see myself venturing into new models and industries that suit my talents better.

Sooooo…there’s actually a whole world of fun to be realized. I just need to get there, both in evolving myself and in picking up on the opportunities that I know will be popping up soon. Generally speaking business is good as it has been BUT I am not looking for good or great. I am aiming at exceptional and mind bending growth. Living without growth is boring, and though my business is pretty good as it is, it’s not exceptional yet, and that’s an area I seriously think I can bring the whole operation to within this year.

Regarding BASE specifically, I think I have assimilated far more of it than I initially realized. Success isn’t what I thought it would be, and monetary growth isn’t what I thought it would feel like. It’s all a journey of progress and learning. Somehow I think I was looking at achieving major goals within a set timeframe, but all that goes out the window when things change, and quite literally I must change to adapt to my surroundings. So success is more like aligning myself with continual growth despite heavy changes to my industry and environment. And monetary growth is a continual process of realizing how much more value I can give to my industry. There’s no ending to either the growth or the perceived success, but that’s what truly successful business achieves over time. As the added value is given to the market on a consistent basis growth and monetary gain are a sort of side effect.

Don’t get into business because you want to make money. Get into business because you want to make a lasting impact; something that seriously makes an impact on the world and the people / clients you deal with on a daily basis. From a deep examination of myself and many others, this seems to be deeply true.

I’m not even remotely to the goals I’ve set my eyes on from the beginning, but of course all this is a journey. And a journey must be taken one step at a time.
Stage 2 Round 2 Day 2

April was a solid 5 figure month, so hooray for that. My industry is getting shaken up like crazy right now and the men are being separated from the boys (so to speak) since a lot of the hobbyist players are getting taken out by lack of profit and the serious people (like me *cough*) are being tested to see who can really last.

The battles of April have also made me realize that though I am good at my traffic business, and I have many many many happy clients…it’s just not my passion. Writing is my passion, and I have decided to venture into the world of copywriting which I will do in tandem with growing my publishing business on kindle.

This literally means another uphill climb, learning an entirely new industry and mastering that, but the passion and potential for big profits is all there 100%. So I think it’s generally a fit for long term growth. Time will tell if it works out.

It’s actually hard to determine how BASE affects me now. I can tell that I’m far more resilient and work oriented than this time last year. It’s like I’m a totally different person from the ground up, honestly. But in terms of growth from last month, I suppose my ability to work with setbacks has been upgraded somewhat. I spoke with many of my business friends who are jumping ship in my current industry and are looking at something – literally anything else – to help keep their incomes stable.

The crazy thing is that I don’t necessarily feel the sting of these “problems” that a lot of my peers are facing. I mean, I see them from an outside perspective, but I don’t have them myself. So I can’t tell if I’m just mega-resilient like never before, or that I’ve just been smart and avoided all the challenges others have been drowning in. Or could it be that I’m both resilient AND smart…? Who knows, but I’m somewhat bored with the traffic biz even though the money is alright.

I have refrained from posting my site because it might be seen as self promotion (I don’t think anyone here is my industry, so I don’t consider this self promotion) but I think it might be useful for others to see the site that has made me all my $$$$:

Whatever your opinions are of my site, that darn thing brought me in average of $350 - $400 revenue PER DAY in April. My industry is internet marketing and biz opp related-ish, but I work 90% with other internet marketers who just want to get their products and services converting better. To be clear, I only provide the traffic for my customers, I don’t recruit or anything like that. I literally just send them site visitors and that is it. My job is done. Whether or not those people buy or sign up to whatever is not my problem lol BUT…I do get to charge more for my traffic due to the fact that my visitors tend to convert into sales for my clients.

So now you all can see what I do. Please don’t let the simplicity of the site fool you; there’s a lot of moving pieces to my business but I have simplified everything to the point where I can work as little as a few minutes a day and still have a thriving beast of a business. Could I scale what I have into the high heavens? Yep. Do I necessarily want to? I’m really not sure at this point.

Hopefully getting into copywriting turns into something exciting where I can be genuinely fulfilled by my work. I took my traffic biz from zero to hero in about 8 full months while using BASE. Let’s see where the next cycle brings me.
I'm envious
Except for a couple of spelling and formatting errors, I'm impressed that a site of such a late 90s design is as successful a doorway to your success as it is. Kudos, heavysm!
(05-02-2016, 10:28 PM)apollolux Wrote: [ -> ]Except for a couple of spelling and formatting errors, I'm impressed that a site of such a late 90s design is as successful a doorway to your success as it is. Kudos, heavysm!

That site was more of a coding problem than anything else. I didn't care to check for spelling, grammar etc since the main issue was getting people to buy at all. I literally sat for about 10 hours trying to figure everything out; linking everything to paypal, making sure checkout worked well, and torturing myself with photoshop to get the extremely basic graphics to look alright. Thankfully it did the job.
Hey, you are extremely inspiring. If i wanted to start learning what you do, where do i start?!?!
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