Subliminal Talk

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Honestly, the sub can do well enough on it's own, it's designed to be used alone. It doesn't need help, besides upping the hours to help more repetitions of the script be made. You don't need to find the fear or belief causing trouble, that's EHPRA's job. Actually, Shannon has purposely been vague on multi stage program's descriptions and single stage program's descriptions because knowing too much can let your conscious mind actually interefere with the intricate process and mess things up. "Too many cooks in the kitchen" as they say. These are built to "fire and forget" and let it work through clearing out all the garbage. In your case, stopping this program is the worst thing you can do as it's obvious it's chewing on something big. Up the hours as much as you can, that's the only way you can help EHPRA work, and push ahead.

I've spent a lot of time to help you because I didn't want you to hastily quit a great program and shortchange yourself. EHPRA is massively beneficial, and it has a huge following for a reason. It's so well loved, and so powerful, a truncated version of it was built into AM6 once Shannon discovered how vital it is! Also, it's one of the most technologically advanced subs Shannon has. Only two programs have Slipstream technology to defeat resistance, AM6 and EHPRA! Now it's up to you to push ahead through this resistance of lethargy which is the most common form of resistance mind you, get as many hours as you can, to let EHPRA work on you as much as possible, for at least 192 days. Keep a detailed daily journal like I do, it helps you see the massive progress made. If you don't do that, it'll be hard to tell a difference as the sub will change you slowly over time and it will be almost imperceivable to you, trust me. It's designed to do that to defeat resistance as smoothly as possible. So you must document everything everyday, thoughts, daydreams, night dreams, interactions with people etc., to show yourself you're making progress and to help keep you motivated to get hours in daily. EHPRA also has a technology called the Naturaliser, which makes progress and change very hard to see unless you document your daily doings. It's incredibly powerful.

I think that's about it really, lest this become another wall-o-text of mine lol. It should be clear by now there's massive benefit to EHPRA and continuing on. Let us know how you're doing from time to time with it! Big Grin
I'm fond of your "walls-o-text," CatMan; to me it means you read my posts and you're willing to put in the effort to write and encourage, and I appreciate it.

I keep a daily journal and my weekly posts here are essentially summaries of it, minus some details. I don't currently feel my workout habits nor libido changes are of interest to those who read my journal and are thinking about offering advice, but if you recommend adding more detailed info for readers I'll certainly consider it.
Thank you, I appreciate your words deeply.

You don't have to document daily online if you don't wish to. I don't. I provide a brief summary over time when important things happen I feel others will benefit from. I document in MASSIVE detail offline daily in incredible detail. That's what I was suggesting you do. Thoughts, interactions with others, day dreams, night dreams, interpretations of dreams (this one is fun, seeing your mind interacting with the script!), the works, document it ALL in huge detail each day. Document daily hours listened to, be as precise as possible with it all. That will help show you over time just how much you are changing. I had a habit vanish that lasted me 20 vanished right in front of my eyes, and I didn't even realise until I saw a journal of someone else talking about the same thing. Then I clued in and realised I "HAD" that habit too...then it clicked, I couldn't believe it..."HAD". The Naturaliser wiped it out and killed off all reference to it and all right under my nose. That's why it's so important to document to show yourself you're changing.
I'm adding 2 hours of listening today and at least for the next 9 days plan to listen for 14 hours a day (up from 12 hrs/day). It will be very difficult for me to do 14 hours/day after that for any sub, but we'll see what happens.
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