Hey guys just received a kindle voucher worth Rs. 200. Say $3.
Any suggestion for ebook??
P. S : already have secret, power of your subconscious mind by Joseph Murphy, monk who sold his Ferrari, alchemist.
Those are free and some drugs.
But seems good.
Any other options to buy??
Mastery by George Leonard
These are few good books regarding mindsets and actions :
Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less – by Greg McKeown
The Art of Taking Action: Lessons from Japanese Psychology by Gregg Krech
Mastery by Robert Green and Mastery by George Leonard
The 50th law by Robert Green and 50 cent
The Art of Mental Training - A Guide to Performance Excellence by DZ Gonzalez
The Champion's Mind: How Great Athletes Think, Train, and Thrive by Jif Afremeow
48th laws of Power by Robert Green
Mindfulness for Dummies by Shams Aldina
In short nothing matters if you just stuck in mental masterbation of thinking instead of taking action
there are many other books I have planned on reading but these books should be fine to create a frame around your thoughts and actions.
EDIT: I missed one of the most important books on critical thinking which helps me to be less cognitive biased and be more alpha on my thought process Think Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahenman.
I just finished reading "Mode One" by Alan Roger Currie. It teaches you and motivates you to be your true honest authentic self with women and in general. I highly recommend it.
I read a book called 'Human Givens - The New Approach to Emotional Health and Clear Thinking' recently. I really liked it and it gave some new perspectives on healing and our human needs.