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Hey Shannon, what I had in mind is not I personally visit you and learn how you script the subs. It's terribly inefficient, and you can't possibly do it for every one of your customers who request for it. What I had in mind was for an agency, maybe a government agency to do that instead. The agency would have to be well experienced in subliminal audio and also non profit, in the sense they will not attempt to create their own products or sell the knowledge to anyone. Basically an agency whose certification we can trust. But I guess we really can't trust anyone to not have any agenda.

I appreciate the warning regarding affirmations. I will have to think about this more.
That's never going to happen
(03-20-2015, 08:36 AM)sub_curious Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Shannon, what I had in mind is not I personally visit you and learn how you script the subs. It's terribly inefficient, and you can't possibly do it for every one of your customers who request for it. What I had in mind was for an agency, maybe a government agency to do that instead. The agency would have to be well experienced in subliminal audio and also non profit, in the sense they will not attempt to create their own products or sell the knowledge to anyone. Basically an agency whose certification we can trust. But I guess we really can't trust anyone to not have any agenda.

I appreciate the warning regarding affirmations. I will have to think about this more.

I was, of course, not being literal about having you come learn scripting from me. I was pointing out how unreasonable the desire is to see how I do what I do, if I am going to maintain my trade secrets.

The only agency that can do what you are talking about is an imaginary one. The government is not there to solve everyone's problems, and they don't. They tend to create new ones as they expand and grow. Creating such an agency requires not only that we have people who know as much as or more than the subliminals creators about subliminals creation, but that there is no hidden agenda.

Do you really think the government is going to form any sort of agency without a hidden agenda? I'm sure you're aware that the government was one of the first to have their hands on the technology I use (masked and later ultrasonic subliminals), right? And that they have used these technologies as weapons of war? Yes? And that is the extent to which they have interest in subliminals: war and controlling the populace.

Now my question to you is, why do you want the government to tell people like me what we can and cannot do, when I'm trying to help people with it and they're trying to control and manipulate people and fight wars with it? I don't think you understand how government works these days.

Certification is just a statement from one person to another that something is true. Just because you happen to be a medical doctor, for example, does not make you infallible. Doctors certifying something does not make it true. It makes it true that they think it's true, which, if you pay attention to the number of lawsuits we have going against doctors on any given day, is not always so accurate.

And a "certifying body" is just a group of people stating that you can trust them to be telling the truth. Who certified them? And who certified them? Certification must originate from an un-certified source. So why, when I present you with all this evidence, don't you accept my certification, and instead ask for someone who is not going to be anywhere near as transparent to "certify" my products when it is very likely that:

A) They are not as knowledgeable as I am on the subject, and
B) They either certified themselves or were "certified" by someone who was, and
C) They're not going to be as transparent as I am being, and
D) It's just going to invent a new excuse to force people like me to pay fees for this "certification" and whatnot, which does not solve the problem or do anything but tell you exactly what I am already telling you.

You're going to have to think for yourself on this one, I'm afraid.
I personally would never want the government involved in my self development efforts. They don't want people to think for themselves and to become powerful so they would just sabotage it.
Point taken, Shannon. There's no one who would have no hidden agenda, including (or especially) the government. You are right, I cannot trust anyone to screen the subs out for me because everyone has an agenda, or can have an agenda eventually because absolute power corrupts absolutely. So short of visiting your office and all that, which is impossible, we have no way of knowing for sure exactly what we are putting in our minds. Trust in the subliminal scripter is still mandatory.

Sadly I will not be using the subliminals. I wish all the sub users here all the best. I hope you know the risk you are taking, if you haven't thought about it. Shannon, for your customers' sake, I hope you don't misuse the tremendous power you have over your customers' minds.
(03-27-2015, 06:04 AM)sub_curious Wrote: [ -> ]Point taken, Shannon. There's no one who would have no hidden agenda, including (or especially) the government. You are right, I cannot trust anyone to screen the subs out for me because everyone has an agenda, or can have an agenda eventually because absolute power corrupts absolutely. So short of visiting your office and all that, which is impossible, we have no way of knowing for sure exactly what we are putting in our minds. Trust in the subliminal scripter is still mandatory.

Sadly I will not be using the subliminals. I wish all the sub users here all the best. I hope you know the risk you are taking, if you haven't thought about it. Shannon, for your customers' sake, I hope you don't misuse the tremendous power you have over your customers' minds.

Thanks Dude, that's warm good bye. :-)

Hope you the best too. Good luck. Wink
(03-27-2015, 06:04 AM)sub_curious Wrote: [ -> ]Point taken, Shannon. There's no one who would have no hidden agenda, including (or especially) the government. You are right, I cannot trust anyone to screen the subs out for me because everyone has an agenda, or can have an agenda eventually because absolute power corrupts absolutely. So short of visiting your office and all that, which is impossible, we have no way of knowing for sure exactly what we are putting in our minds. Trust in the subliminal scripter is still mandatory.

Sadly I will not be using the subliminals. I wish all the sub users here all the best. I hope you know the risk you are taking, if you haven't thought about it. Shannon, for your customers' sake, I hope you don't misuse the tremendous power you have over your customers' minds.

And by not misusing it, I stand out from the crowd. If I was misusing it, time would be my enemy, because eventually that would have to be discovered. But because I am not misusing it, time is my friend, and can only prove that I am not misusing it.

Sad that you assume that everyone will have a hidden agenda. While that may be true of multi-party entities such as corporations and governments, who are made up of many people and whose level and probability of corruption is typically multiplied by the number of people making them up, one person acting under his or her own will can and with reasonable regularity will act according to a code of ethics and wisdom that prevents such abuses. This is one of the few good things about a monarchy as a form of government: if you get a good king or queen, they have the power to prevent corruption that may be the norm elsewise.

Common sense (and history) tells us that eventually the truth always comes out. If you want to succeed in the long run, therefore, you must always align yourself with the truth. Any other course of action will eventually bring you down. Our business model is one of long term success. That is why we can happily place our customers' best interests in front of making a profit, by creating programs that are better, more powerful and more effective at the cost of forcing the user to only use that one program for a period of time (sometimes months or even years at a time). That is why we have free programs that we offer, which can and do get used for 6+ months before people decide to buy anything at all. We understand that by having our customers' best interests at heart, and remaining reliable over time, we will earn a reputation for being not only the best, but our customers will come back for more. Even if not this week, or this month, or even this year.

This business model is wholly and completely contradictory to being dishonest, because time reveals all truths. And if the truth is not what you said it was, you kill yourself.

Best wishes, sub_curious.
(03-12-2015, 02:25 AM)sub_curious Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Sub users!!

I am interested in using the AM6 subs, but I have one major concern. I am currently reading Brian Tracy's book Maximum Achievement, and in that book he warns against using subliminal messages, because you simply do not know what is the message, and that many sold subliminals are found to contain no message at all, i.e. a scam. I find this to be a valid point. While I have no doubt that AM6 does contain messages, how do I know there are no bad messages in there? For example, the publisher can include messages like "You need to keep buying stuff from us if you want to be happy" and we won't even know we are getting such messages straight into our subconscious.

I apologise in advance if anyone is offended, especially Shannon. I have no intention to offend anyone or make any suggestions. I myself am very interested in using these subs as there are so many great transformation stories in the journals. However I do find this concern to be valid. What I am hoping for is someone can enlighten me on how I can know for sure that this sub is safe to use. I know Shannon does not publish the script of AM6 because they contain trade secrets. Anyway we cannot hear the messages, so we wouldn't know for sure whether the messages published are what we are really hearing. So is there any guarantee for the safety of this product? For e.g. it has been thoroughly vetted by some government agency? This is my mind I'm talking about, stuff like this is life changing, I do not want to take any unnecessary gambles.

If this has been covered in a thread somewhere before, then I apologise. Thank you and I really hope there is a good answer for this that will set my mind at ease so that I can use the sub.


That's why I get subs from this site and no other site. There's no need to add stuff saying "buy my subs to be happy" because these subs work so well I will keep buying them anyways. You don't need to worry about it because if the subs work, there's no reason to add stuff like that, and if they don't work, something like that wouldn't affect you anyways. I trust this company, and will always, and only get subs from this company.

I think other companies are safe to use too, but I don't think they are effective, and I don't trust their abilities to word things properly. If stuff isn't worded properly you could do a money sub and end up stealing, doing some shady illegal crap, manifesting it in ways that harm you or others, you could do alpha type subs and develop a huge ego and turn into a total douche bag asshole, you could do attraction subs and end up being a total creep or rapist, or sex offender. The tiniest thing can make a huge difference like something could be "I now manifest into my life tons of money as fast as possible, and I do anything and everything I can to become rich as fast as possible" and another could be "I now safely manifest all the money I need in legal ways that keep everyone involved safe and happy" They may both get you the money you want but the first way it could come in ways you don't want, and that's why they say be careful what you wish for, and it seems to me Shannon is extremely careful in the way he words things to make sure we stay safe, and anyone else that could be involved in the things we do.

It's weird Brian Tracy said to stay away from subs because I thought I saw a few years ago him and Bob Proctor and a few other of those voodoo money hippy gurus were planning on selling subliminal cd's. Maybe I'm remembering wrong. Anyways I wouldn't worry about using any sub on this site. I'm confident that these are the real deal, and safe for everyone involved.
BTW Anthony Robbins uses subliminal audio, and I'll trust and value his teachings, advice, and way of life over Brian Tracy's any day no question.
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