(12-30-2014, 03:47 PM)LeoistheSun Wrote: [ -> ]I know haha.
Im still thinking about the definition of a Real Man, as your last post stated above.
I do not have an answer I feel. I think I should just roll with whatever happens.
By the way per the instructions....
I calibrated my desktop speakers at 100% Windows media player and about 20% of max on speakers. I get about -27db at source (on one of the speakers Left and Right) and almost -40db on center speakers.
Where I sit it is approx -50 to -40db.
Is this good enough?
What should the -db be at at your ears?
I noticed also that I no longer get depressed when I see a hottie. I feel much better. Honestly though. I kinda made myself feel depressed. I would dig up those emotions and marinate in them... pretty sucky!
Im as free as a bird now. And this bird you cannot change.
It's fine at that volume.
Thanks Adam225. I think I am okay again on the ultrasonics. I heard no static after I moved the cables away from the power cords. Makes sense now. I think I had EMF interference.
Got a good 8hrs of ultrasonics last night. Hopefully the volume was also correct too!
DAY 6 of 192...
NO dreams to report only observations.
So where do I start, I had many mini-epiphanies today starting off with New Years.
Think about it what do most 20 somethings all the way to 50 year olds do on New Years thats socially accepted?
Drink and get drunk.
I was invited to 3 different parties last night.
-One that my employer stet up
-One that was an after-party after the one above
-One that my sister invited me to (that ended up only having 10 people there- so I was told)
I was considering going. Earlier that day I felt good about myself. That I would go and have no expectation of anything. I didn't care about getting a woman or not.
I had to set up a register for the other party that my employer hosted for Homeowners, Hotel Guests and rich people only. I was not invited to this party. As mentioned above, I work at a Ski-Resort. So these other parties cater to the rich. (not that I care)
As everything was being set up, I encountered a co-worker in another department who after chatting with him- revealed to me that the woman that I had an interest for (mentioned in previous post- about the gondola) was going to his house after work.
Didn't make me mad, in-fact I hoped for the best for him- and actually I hope he pounded that pu*** that night.
***Note here that my previous self would have got hugely bent-out-of-shape and would have become depressed and retreated inside himself***
I realized a couple things from that interaction.
--Never to get bent out of shape over a girl. Any girl. (More on this later but: I have been reading Blackdragon 2.0 book. I honestly wouldn't give a damn if I was married and she was banging someone on the side. Ill just do the same).
--New Years eve parties are all about getting f-ked up so you hopefully have a chance with some girl. (I talked to another co-worker, and based on his vibe- that's what I got from him) Some people are better at hiding their true intentions than others but I think ALL Beta-Males think this way when going out. ***That they can hopefully "Score" a hot girl.
Immediately when I realized this, I decided to say f-k it to any parties. I had no interest after that. In-fact I wanted to meet up with a friend and just chill-out. ***Which is what I ended up doing. Going to the market, buying some ribs, going home, cooking them- and making myself a Moscow Mule (my favorite right now) and going to my friends."
Their we had a drink, shot off a little firework and smoked a little. (Also I had mentioned either in this thread or my EPRAH threat that I think outside of the box when I smoke).
Two things happened when I smoked:
-I was no-longer paranoid of anything. In-fact I was much more relaxed and open than I think I have ever been before.
-I felt extremely dominant body language. I felt taking up space, not in a overt- over-the-top way at all. My back was strait and I kinda gave a preening stance while seated.
I just remembered...
Before we started to watch "Always Sunny in Philadelphia" a Viagra commercial came on with a very attractive older woman. I completely phased any of the commercial out and was just imagining her going down on me- giving me this best BJ ever.
(friend made a joke about "why you watching this commercial" I just responded in a way that made me feel really good about saying "because I am imagining her naked")
I could feel that sexual energy more pronounced than before. I can totally give off a sexual energy when I want to- if the woman gives it off too. (that's how I slept with my ex in 2 to 4 hours- we both knew "it was on.")
Anyway for my last Epiphany that night, we watched "Always Sunny in Philadelphia"- the episode named The D.E.N.N.I.S. system. (Its about one of the characters giving out pick-up advice)
Wow, I see social-programming now so differently now. As I was watching I couldn't stop laughing. These poor guys were being given the worst pick-up advice imaginable. And just to think that Beta-Males think this is how you pick up women or Attract them. It was like all the bad advice men give was DISTILLED AND SHOWN ALL IN ONE EPISODE.
Why do I think this? Well, I laughed about 3-4x more during the episode than my friend. That told me that he was not getting the Epiphanies about society and how men are taught about women.
The next two episodes after that were basically the same. These 3 guys on the show are just all AFC's and beta-males. It was actually painful to watch. Failing shit-tests and just being a pussy is somehow considered cool in society.
Forgot to add, only on page 10 of Blackdragon's 2.0 book. I think it is seriously good stuff. I read that before I came up with the idea of not going to the New Years Eve party. And it just "clicked" inside of me that minute.
Sometimes I wonder if I am getting the max-benefit from Ultrasonics. I figured out how to play them without hearing any static. Sometimes though I feel the urge to check with Frequensee to see if its working.
Got 10 hours of Ultrasonics last night too. 2am-12pm.
After only 6 days do I see results like this... all I can think is holy-shit. I cant wait for day 100 or day 192!!!!
Resistance is almost non-existent to me. I read about how alot of people who do AM6 go through ups and downs. I feel much different. My mind is open and ready for change.
Leaps and bounds!
(01-01-2015, 01:24 PM)LeoistheSun Wrote: [ -> ]DAY 6 of 192...
NO dreams to report only observations.
So where do I start, I had many mini-epiphanies today starting off with New Years.
Think about it what do most 20 somethings all the way to 50 year olds do on New Years thats socially accepted?
Drink and get drunk.
I was invited to 3 different parties last night.
-One that my employer stet up
-One that was an after-party after the one above
-One that my sister invited me to (that ended up only having 10 people there- so I was told)
I was considering going. Earlier that day I felt good about myself. That I would go and have no expectation of anything. I didn't care about getting a woman or not.
I had to set up a register for the other party that my employer hosted for Homeowners, Hotel Guests and rich people only. I was not invited to this party. As mentioned above, I work at a Ski-Resort. So these other parties cater to the rich. (not that I care)
As everything was being set up, I encountered a co-worker in another department who after chatting with him- revealed to me that the woman that I had an interest for (mentioned in previous post- about the gondola) was going to his house after work.
Didn't make me mad, in-fact I hoped for the best for him- and actually I hope he pounded that pu*** that night.
***Note here that my previous self would have got hugely bent-out-of-shape and would have become depressed and retreated inside himself***
I realized a couple things from that interaction.
--Never to get bent out of shape over a girl. Any girl. (More on this later but: I have been reading Blackdragon 2.0 book. I honestly wouldn't give a damn if I was married and she was banging someone on the side. Ill just do the same).
--New Years eve parties are all about getting f-ked up so you hopefully have a chance with some girl. (I talked to another co-worker, and based on his vibe- that's what I got from him) Some people are better at hiding their true intentions than others but I think ALL Beta-Males think this way when going out. ***That they can hopefully "Score" a hot girl.
Immediately when I realized this, I decided to say f-k it to any parties. I had no interest after that. In-fact I wanted to meet up with a friend and just chill-out. ***Which is what I ended up doing. Going to the market, buying some ribs, going home, cooking them- and making myself a Moscow Mule (my favorite right now) and going to my friends."
Their we had a drink, shot off a little firework and smoked a little. (Also I had mentioned either in this thread or my EPRAH threat that I think outside of the box when I smoke).
Two things happened when I smoked:
-I was no-longer paranoid of anything. In-fact I was much more relaxed and open than I think I have ever been before.
-I felt extremely dominant body language. I felt taking up space, not in a overt- over-the-top way at all. My back was strait and I kinda gave a preening stance while seated.
I just remembered...
Before we started to watch "Always Sunny in Philadelphia" a Viagra commercial came on with a very attractive older woman. I completely phased any of the commercial out and was just imagining her going down on me- giving me this best BJ ever.
(friend made a joke about "why you watching this commercial" I just responded in a way that made me feel really good about saying "because I am imagining her naked")
I could feel that sexual energy more pronounced than before. I can totally give off a sexual energy when I want to- if the woman gives it off too. (that's how I slept with my ex in 2 to 4 hours- we both knew "it was on.")
Anyway for my last Epiphany that night, we watched "Always Sunny in Philadelphia"- the episode named The D.E.N.N.I.S. system. (Its about one of the characters giving out pick-up advice)
Wow, I see social-programming now so differently now. As I was watching I couldn't stop laughing. These poor guys were being given the worst pick-up advice imaginable. And just to think that Beta-Males think this is how you pick up women or Attract them. It was like all the bad advice men give was DISTILLED AND SHOWN ALL IN ONE EPISODE.
Why do I think this? Well, I laughed about 3-4x more during the episode than my friend. That told me that he was not getting the Epiphanies about society and how men are taught about women.
The next two episodes after that were basically the same. These 3 guys on the show are just all AFC's and beta-males. It was actually painful to watch. Failing shit-tests and just being a pussy is somehow considered cool in society.
Forgot to add, only on page 10 of Blackdragon's 2.0 book. I think it is seriously good stuff. I read that before I came up with the idea of not going to the New Years Eve party. And it just "clicked" inside of me that minute.
Sometimes I wonder if I am getting the max-benefit from Ultrasonics. I figured out how to play them without hearing any static. Sometimes though I feel the urge to check with Frequensee to see if its working.
Got 10 hours of Ultrasonics last night too. 2am-12pm.
After only 6 days do I see results like this... all I can think is holy-shit. I cant wait for day 100 or day 192!!!!
Resistance is almost non-existent to me. I read about how alot of people who do AM6 go through ups and downs. I feel much different. My mind is open and ready for change.
Leaps and bounds!
Yea I've yet to get any major resistances from AM6 as well. So far the changes have been very welcoming, along with other manifestations.
Tonight is day 12 of 192.
Just thinking about my last post and I would have to say- I have changed.
Pennies. Nickles.
Soon it will add up to 1 dollar. Then another and another. I guess some of you are a benjamin away from me maybe.
I will catsup soon!!
Made a commitment to stop giving into pleasures. I cant wait to be on stage 3 and be so focused etc. since I have not choked the chicken.
Thinking about other things too. I find it hard to find myself motivated to study for test to advance my career. Other things I have my heart set on. Always felt I would do something great; lead something great. I want to start a business, in a technology idea I have- Im just not sure how to do it. Where to go for help.
Anyway that's all for now.
Going to try to try meditation. I may have a couple more dreams to make/ obsticles to clear and then I think stage 1 has done its complete job.
Cant wait to start getting annoyed with others bs. Sounds so much fun. Becoming a true alpha!
What exactly do you do? Is it in Technology.
Yeah. Computers. Working on networks. I want to use my creativity and experience to build something unique.
I dropped out 2 computer related courses, one in University, another with a recruitment specilist company. Technology still amazes me and always will, its just like magic, the human imagination is the only limit,.
This is an amazing speech.
I will watch that
Just doing a quick post here.
I suppose resistance comes in all forms and sizes. Ones that are difficult (headaches, panic attacks, depression) and others that are... more seductive (extreme random frisky-ness, where your mind seems to go just about anywhere).
I didnt have any dreams tonight that were significant.
Only loneliness and depression then becoming very horny. haha
Still in stage 1 of AM6. Slowly getting to the place where women don't elicit negative emotions from me, where I am not depressed if I am alone, and where my urges are more under control.
Little side fact: My parents used to be in Scientology. I used to go in for "Auditing." I remember learning that the closer you get to the source of your memory (the one that makes you do unconscious crap that is... a bad belief...) the more present in its emotions it becomes.
While meditating (or trying to) yesterday morning, my mind posed the question "lets move on to stage 2." It sounded like a good idea. After all I havent felt any real resistance. Since I did do 36 days of EPRAH.
Anyway. Food for thought.
Something to look back on, when I am having a difficult time...
Lately I have not been giving thanks. For everything.
-The beautiful place that I live in
-That I have a job that pays well
-For a dog that loves me dearly and I her
-That I have more than one job currently (web design)
-That I am in a country when I am free
-That I have a family that loves me dearly
-That I have a vehicle in great mechanical order
-That where I am, food is cheap and beer plentiful
-That I have every tool that I need that is for my success
-That I have these subliminals that when I agree and choose to do so; make huge leaps in changes
I have been feeling negative lately. Realising this, means that I can change to a positive mindset and see the minute changes. Like I said: Pennies. Soon it will be a Benjamin.
This is the secret I think to positive change with anyone. Thankfully I have noticed this now. I still have 20 days left on stage 1.
Give thanks!
Sound off!
**One other thing: Never doubt ones ability to accomplish something, great!**
Had a dream last night, went something like this...
Basically I got fired for showing too much skin at work. haha got written up twice about it.
Showered in the mens room, and when I got out of the mens room I was just wearing a towel and because my ankles were showing- I got fired...
Wonder what that means.
(01-09-2015, 07:14 AM)LeoistheSun Wrote: [ -> ]Had a dream last night, went something like this...
Basically I got fired for showing too much skin at work. haha got written up twice about it.
Showered in the mens room, and when I got out of the mens room I was just wearing a towel and because my ankles were showing- I got fired...
Wonder what that means.
Don't go to Saudi Arabia!

Some updates. . . . . .
Currently on idk day something. Week 3 (day 17 of 192?)
** Wanted to point this out**
I have listened to primarily ultrasonics for the past 2 weeks. I honestly have not felt many internal changes- despite my posts. Recently I have started doing masked- exclusively. I have felt much more effects from this.
I have been reading posts here, primarily from people who have been (more than 2+ here) past AM6. Despite this I feel that the actions they make can sometimes be beta. -if that makes sense
Also on that point, I used to think that I was not good with women, despite sleeping with around 2 of them so far. However I have been giving myself more credit. I feel now that I am much better than I thought I was. For me my inner game is good, or getting much better. I seem to have a disconnect with the actions that I take. I am still trying to find my happy-medium. When to engage actions and persistence.
Another thing, back 5 months ago (way before this), their was an attractive woman who I knew at the liquor store here in town. Shes cute. Has glasses, and a funny personality. I remember then asking her out (if I remember correctly) and nothing ever materialized from this. Recently however, this particular liquor store is on the way home, and I have stopped in for a beer- sometimes making a chit or chat.
Later asked if she wanted to enjoy some pizza at my fav joint her in town, and she eagerly obliged (and I mean eagerly). After I started these subs, I felt more picky than I did before. Noticeably my vibe.
That old vibe being desperation. New vibe: Being picky/Challenge.
We have not meet up yet as we both have 50hr work-weeks, but seems very eager in text- and I also have not texted her that much. Since we haven't met formally- we have had maybe 5-10 texts over the course of two weeks.
Shes cute- but I don't care what happens either way.
I feel much more in control.
All I need now is motivation to see my goals through and to study!!!