Sex magnet should cause the focus of sexual/mamanifestin/steering energy
and mindset into the reality of the physical seduction/getting together process,
meaning meet-flirt/talk with underlying attraction/-follow up/get way to see eachother again-kiss and makeout-foreplay-sex or meet-talk-sex lol
maybe also girls always like u at least a little bit more than u like because of ur massive abundance,
And pursue getting physical in a safe but aggressive way
also I think a focus on being present and accepting/appreciative of the moment bu being light/playful and acting on ur integrity and desires would help as well
Yes. Sexual Escalation should be effortless. some women make the effort to seduce you. Lead to sex meaning lead the woman to situations which allow for sex to be possible and where it happens all of the time effortlessly. put in some words for Charisma in there and remember Seize the Day.
Also if in a venue where sex is possible during the right circumstances... then it can happen. this would be by choice. Not all of us want to have sex in a bathroom or the woods or graveyard or back room of grocery store or vip room in a club or etc But for those of us want things like this to happen.. it's good to put something in the sub to manifest things like this. This is actually related to a Seize the Day kind of attitude.
Seize the day and zen attitude or at least a focus on being comftorable, accepting, and apprecitiative of the moment still. Seize the day does not seem to cover this and it amplified
negative experiences way out of proportion as well for me and what I've read for some others.
Maybe zen Attitude, and Peace Serenity and Tranquility. That may do the trick
I think the ideal direction for a "sex magnet" would be to focus on developing your aura, body language, attitude and presentation etc to that of a gigolo of sorts. You want to adopt the frame that sex is something that is even more for her pleasure than yours. That kino escalation ranging from an innocent touch of the shoulder up to and including intercourse are rewards for her to earn.
It's easier to close if the woman wants you more than you want her. And the easiest way to get her to want you is to have the frame that the sex itself is something valuable to her. Essentially flipping the script from trying to convince the girl that you have sufficient S "survival" value that she should share her R "replication" value to a frame where you are the one with the sexual/replication value and she should be the one spending money on you.
A sex magnet is different from good boyfriend/husband material. IMO it's more about being the kind of guy that radiates a vibe that he is a source of sexual pleasure and triggering instinctive perceptions of a source of good healthy genes.
Like from the evolutionary standpoint that women will seek out provider males that are good husband/father material to support her and her children but will seek out virile aggressive and good looking males to have brief encounters with...meaning the provider male is being cuckolded into raising another mans offspring. Now I'm not suggesting actually impregnating married women or father children left and right, but that the program should be designed to give off the vibe of a man who's value is more sexual/genetic than anything else. Sorta like being the Instant Jerk "None man" instead of the Instant Gentleman "Rone man".
If you adopt the frame that sex with you is something so good and so valuable that women should be showering you with gifts and doing favors for you...essentially treating you the way most men treat attractive women, and that frame is so unshakable and solid that others naturally fall into that frame, then the encounters should come quite easily and often.
I'm not sure if it's ok to specifically mention certain pua products but it's like the reverse supplication ladder in the Vin Dicarlo products S-cubed and Dominant Sexual Power.
I think both the vibes of Instant Jerk and Instant Gentleman merged together into one make for the ultimate sex magnet.
Ye I agree, sex magnet is def not pure instint jerk, more chemichal romance mx149(I think) with A314 oil base lol
Im also not familiar with the reverse supplication ladder, from vin I know the kino
and compliance ladder, s cubed, dominant sexual power, and unfortunetly all of pandoras box lol
But none of that does anything if ur coming from the wrong place, the most usefull from dicarlos stuff
would def be intention with unbreakable dominant focus, on what u want/what ur doing , that leads to pure expression 100% spontaneous and in the moment. But let's be honest, if I think back to the easiest, most fun, most rewarding, best meet to sex I ever had, I was not neccasarily kinoing, or getting compliance, or even having her chase me, I was just real, having fun, willing to listen and share, and honest where I wanted things to go, and I would bet for all of u it was the same. I hope that sex magnet can produce that effect regularly. I just don't really know what goes into it lol but that's what this thread is all about.
Hmmm this is interesting:
-Ongoing manifestation of women coming into my life
-Conscious amount of women desired to be attracted
-Perfect FWBs'
-Amazing sex life (lasting longer [able to go all night long and in to the morning 8) ] increased sex drive, increased sexuality, and great sexual partners)
-Subconsciously attract women into my life *effortlessly*
-Insane hot connection with beautiful, amazing, and fun women everywhere I go.
-Able to go out with no intentions and at the end of the night have pure choice of which women I want.
-Have every woman turning heads when they hear my name or see me
That's all I have for now
Haha, this is turning into quite the project, Shannon.
I need to post WildFlower's idea here about feeling better about one's appearance. Self-acceptance of how you look and more sexually comfortable with your body and appearance.
And since these sets are more inclined to those who have finished the Alpha set, I think it would be a great idea to kind of build off Alpha a little. At least, in a sexual dominant type of way. Having confidence and dominance to lead beautiful girls into some sort of sexual fantasy. And just down-right honest about your sexual intentions.
Not sure if this was said already, but women without STD's has to be part of the script/manifestations. Becoming an awesome alpha and sex magnet would not be good if one of us caught HIV/AIDS and or others nasty stds.
This would be ideal. we'll have to get Shannon's take on this.
but I think what would be a good substitution is something in the scripts along the lines of always being safe and using a condom no matter the circumstances. The sex magnet will always be in a position where he wants sex to happen or not. either the woman is seducing him or he has the opportunity to seduce the woman effortlessly. Either way it would be good for manifestations of high quality women who take care of themselves and are smart in their lives and relationships. Basically I would like to see sex magnet manifest women who aren't sluts or sex fiends.
But if at all possible lets do the std thing in the script. I live in a college town and the college was just rated the highest percentage rate of the girls that attend have stds. Highest in the state. So I would like to have my fair share of high quality women.
I also would like to see similar to Woman Magnet, a fun, happy outlook on life.
Okay, guys... that makes for 13 pages of typed base script. I have included most of what's here, leaving out only a few things where they were already covered, or they did not fit or mesh with something more important in the script.
It's going to be vastly different than anything else, and the focus on sex is undeniable. This script is so big and so intricate that it's going to take me a while to weave it properly.
(03-14-2011, 02:35 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Okay, guys... that makes for 13 pages of typed base script. I have included most of what's here, leaving out only a few things where they were already covered, or they did not fit or mesh with something more important in the script.
It's going to be vastly different than anything else, and the focus on sex is undeniable. This script is so big and so intricate that it's going to take me a while to weave it properly.
I'm curious about something (cause that would be new lol). With all the reading I've done about the subconscious, it seems to be very simplistic. Why can't scripts be made to just say for instance, I am a sex magnet, over and over? Why is it important to be so wordy, scripting so many differant statements based on the same thing?