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Last night I walk with my friend, and damn! He use a very nice blazer. You can tell him and I use the best clothes Big Grin

After he goes home I walk around the food area. Accidentally I see a cashier girl and boy she is cute!!

Here comes the Approach Anxiety, whatever. At first I go inside and buy some snack, she smile at me the moment I open the mini market's door. Aura dude Wink

After buying a snack I go out, eat it while doing countless of self-talk. I spent 15 minutes to beat that shit and then I goes inside, again, by a total fluke she walks out the cashier and I said

M: Hey, may I know your name?
She : Yeah, S****
M: *****, I wanted to introduce myself at first but I got anxiety, lol (ah fuck it, just be honest and straightforward)
S: *laughing W8, let me drink first
M: Sure, what time do you off?
S: Now *giggling
M: *Hot damn mumbo jumbo, thanks God Wink Let me w8 for you
S: Sure *smiling

The talk went OK, I just go at her straight forward. I walk her home (call it instant date hahahaha Big Grin )

When I know that last night will be her last day at the store I immediately said "Woah, lucky that I get to introduce myself". She shows visible sign of attraction and w8ing for my physical escalation, but, this is my first time approach without wingmen so I just doing it in OK level.

Got a couple of pic, and one thing that I realize I have sooooo many to improve in this thing.

Right after that incident I went home and contemplating of what shit I must done and what shit I must fix. It will get better.
Inspiring stuff.
@ AlphaMind:

How long did it take you to notice results with DAOS?

I've pretty much just finished Day 9 (about to go to bed) and haven't noticed anything.

Literally every woman has ignored me / shown no interest in me (and I've been in the vicinity of 100s since starting DAOS).
(09-01-2014, 04:28 AM)MasterEnki Wrote: [ -> ]@ AlphaMind:

How long did it take you to notice results with DAOS?

I've pretty much just finished Day 9 (about to go to bed) and haven't noticed anything.

Literally every woman has ignored me / shown no interest in me (and I've been in the vicinity of 100s since starting DAOS).

Now I am in Day 13 and yes I don't notice any shit. I'd say remarkable shits aren't happening right now, but now I can spark events to become amazing.

Things that are happening out of the blue is some girls want to take selfies with me, opened up with me and stuff. I think those things aren't really from DAOS as I am the leader and well known in my class.

Regardless I just keep playing it and doing crazy experimental shits. I don't care anymore whether it is from DAOS or my experiences from things I'm doing, but I am enjoying it.
Quote:AlphaMind Wrote:
Now I am in Day 13 and yes I don't notice any shit. I'd say remarkable shits aren't happening right now, but now I can spark events to become amazing.

Things that are happening out of the blue is some girls want to take selfies with me, opened up with me and stuff. I think those things aren't really from DAOS as I am the leader and well known in my class.

We are coming from different situations,

The only girls that I know are my friends relatives and the girls that I work with.

Every person that I know well are male.

Also, my friends got married at a young age, so I don't have anyone to go out with at night (so I don't go out at night). Though, to be fair, night culture isn't my thing anyway.

My goal at the moment is to get the attention / interest of, at least some, women.

Quote:AlphaMind Wrote:
Regardless I just keep playing it and doing crazy experimental shits. I don't care anymore whether it is from DAOS or my experiences from things I'm doing, but I am enjoying it.

I'm focusing on DAOS, without anything else - At least until I am pretty sure that I get actual results from using subs.

All the other subs, I was doing visualisation, tapping, etc. at the same time, so I don't know what gave me results.
Day 15 - September 3, 2014

I am overwhelmed by my university. Almost every group that I am in point me as the leader and even the Professor. I am honored but need to reorganize my time.

Even my class is clashed with my dance class. I am thankful for Daily Complete Formula from Ultimate Nutrition and Fasting Diet, they boost my energy.

I don't see any visible attraction from girls in my class, but they do friendly to me. Don't care, lol, I need time to do these projects =_=

I haven't neglecting my experiment though. I am still doing it what's more my psychology professor do share some life changing stuff. So awesome!!

Still doing Penis Exercises, not regularly, still noticing some positive effects Big Grin

I don't really know where is DAOS playing at here. I am just going to wait until it explodes.

Time to crash Big Grin
Day 20 - 7 September 2014

It takes time! Slowly and very tedious for a 4G to take effects in me. 20 days and I got the glimpse of what "sexy" is IN me.

I felt 70-80% comfortable in my own skin. I love seeing myself reflected in then mirror. I enjoy my time. But as I am in the new environment I don't have THAT many friends yet. I got dominance issues now. I know that I AM alpha but when I see someone who's more handsome than me I felt self-conscious.

I am averting my focus ON my own development. Yeah enjoy your dominance for a while folks, after I'm done taking care my shits I'll sit in a throne higher than yours.

AM 6.0 it is, a second run of AM series. Not now, not yet. There's still more im this DAOS. I know it. Its just too slow. I'll never buy 4Gs again.
(09-06-2014, 09:24 AM)AlphaMind Wrote: [ -> ]I am averting my focus ON my own development. Yeah enjoy your dominance for a while folks, after I'm done taking care my shits I'll sit in a throne higher than yours.

Superiority complex is always a sign of an INFERIORITY complex, which I'm sure you're aware of. However, you can't solve inferiority by trying to be superior, because you're always running from the inferiority you feel. Two sides of the same coin, you see, so ditch the coin entirely and just "BE".
(09-06-2014, 09:24 AM)AlphaMind Wrote: [ -> ]Its just too slow. I'll never buy 4Gs again.

I wouldn't say that, 4G technology isn't necessarily the problem;

rather, it seems you were lacking a proper foundation for AOS to blossom, as pointed out by the fact that you quit playing the program for one week.
(09-06-2014, 11:44 AM)LifeLabs Wrote: [ -> ]I wouldn't say that, 4G technology isn't necessarily the problem;

rather, it seems you were lacking a proper foundation for AOS to blossom, as pointed out by the fact that you quit playing the program for one week.

Might be yes, might be not. Regardless I won't use any 4Gs after this (DAOS).

(09-06-2014, 11:28 AM)SargeMaximus Wrote: [ -> ]Superiority complex is always a sign of an INFERIORITY complex, which I'm sure you're aware of. However, you can't solve inferiority by trying to be superior, because you're always running from the inferiority you feel. Two sides of the same coin, you see, so ditch the coin entirely and just "BE".

I do feel inferior and superior. I am aware of these things, but thanks for reminding me again of just BE "it".

The inferiority I felt is mostly from my body. I know that my body is 10000% better then me 3 months ago, but whenever I see a well build men I felt "down".

Thanks again for reminding me.
How's it going?

Still doing DAOS 4G?
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