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It sounds like you have some clearing to do before DAOS is going to stick.
(08-18-2014, 07:58 PM)maniac360 Wrote: [ -> ]is it your first sub? did you resist the other subs too?

No. I've run a couple of subs back in 2013 and now I realized I am in a loop

Success > feeling in doubt > stopped > running another sub

Truth be told I am not even finished running OAA 4G. Shame on me. Shame.

(08-18-2014, 08:42 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]It sounds like you have some clearing to do before DAOS is going to stick.

Should I run OGSF? OAA 4G include OGSF I might run it again along with DAOS.

Even though I need some clearing I do get results, damn, what if I am already cleared?

Lolololol Big Grin
You should go for EPHRA, it's free and 5g technology, there is OGSF in it of course.
Then you can listen to DAOS, it will stick better after that.
Of course OAA won't hurt either but Ephra seems better to deal with blocks. Read the last testimonies and you will fall in love with this sub Wink.

Doing 2 sub in the same time will divide your energy by 2. Not a good choice when you are obviously resisting something.
(08-19-2014, 04:16 AM)maniac360 Wrote: [ -> ]You should go for EPHRA, it's free and 5g technology, there is OGSF in it of course.
Then you can listen to DAOS, it will stick better after that.
Of course OAA won't hurt either but Ephra seems better to deal with blocks.

I have done it, before, yeah it's great 5G with premium techs. But dude, I have started this journey -DAOS- and I must finish this, like it or not.

No more jumping subs, no more.
In that case stick with it.

update : From I have just read in your journal you didn't do it for at least a month. So it's no surprise you didn't get the result from Ephra.
Keep going with DAOS 4G.

I'll be joining the DAOS journey this Sunday (24 August). You'll have some extra morale support with another person doing it at the same time!!
Yes yes!

Thanks for all of your concern, to me, heh, I seems worthless Undecided

Thing is what I am experiencing right now is
1. Adapting to new environment. I now live alone, here, with no knowledge of who's who and not really fond with the road. I have no friends yet, and that IS suck! I am social extroverted human being, nobody to talk nor chat to are fucking depressing.

No, social app like BlackBerry Messenger, Line and such isn't social interaction. Not for me.

2. I am confused of what I want. Looking back, I realized, I still don't know what I want. Truly fucked up. Sigh.

August 19, 2014 - starting 21:30 DAOS, again. No stopping, until at least 30 days.

I'll be restarting my mental work (masturbation), doing my experiment and sharing it with you, folks Wink

Whew, back on the road guys. Road of self improvement.
Day 1

Gya gya gya ...
I am having fun today.

Jog for a while in the morning with couple of home workouts. Damn, I'm so awesome!

Bit of rough in socialization today, used a bit of "wrong" words. Well whatever lol

Tomorrow is day 2, time ta sleep.

EDIT: My subliminal playlist is 3 hours of OAA 4G and the rest is DAOS 4G
Officially Day 5

......Nothing to report Dodgy

Hope this will works faster Smile


This evening I MUST go out to buy some home materials and invited to eat for free Big Grin

I do get get tired and weak as I am doing 18 hours fasting (won't do it again Sad ) But I can maintain my state. Damn, AMAZING. I look to myself in the mirror and my eyes are deep. I talk, I walk slowly and surely. I take as much space I need and people responded.

Everybody in the mall that met eyes with my are friendly, either I smile at them or vice versa. Its just "it".

When I go to the restaurant there are handful of people and my gangs (all girls). I speak to them in a very alpha manner and they responded well. They introduced themselves and I responded by handing my hands, shaking my hands just like a friggin business man. LOLOLOL...

The most alpha in their group talk to me, and one of my girls talk to me "Sit in the middle, just like a boss" heh, you know it.

In the group I only talk to their leader, I can humor them and he (the leader) enjoyed it. The others are talking about me, my hobbies and stuff. I heard it, lol, I just smirk and talk to the leader. We are both leader. Its just awesome.

Awesome night. Thanks !!! Big Grin
Week 1 Dodgy

Meh Dodgy

I am banging my head with DAOS masked trickling stream through speaker everyday with more than 10 hours of exposure.

Day 9

I am overwhelmed today. Its like anything I do is meh Dodgy or OK-only. My presence is deteriorating.

Positively I look as today to take control of my state. This is OK- day. Not really bad but not OK.


Sigh Sad

Time to crash and starting tomorrow I'll keep in check of how many hours I get Wink

*Staying positive
Any plan/tools to get into a better state you're using? I hope you're not just trusting the "will of the universe/sub" to do it for you...
(08-28-2014, 04:07 PM)SargeMaximus Wrote: [ -> ]Any plan/tools to get into a better state you're using? I hope you're not just trusting the "will of the universe/sub" to do it for you...

I am doing something and if I got better I'll share it. I only share things that are works for me.

I don't know what timezone it is in this forum but today August 30 2014 is 11 days of DAOS.

I am running this thing alone and the thing that I notice is my voice is becoming sexier. Any external experience is vague or I am not aware of those things. Regardless I can't give any credit right now except the voice.
(08-29-2014, 04:25 PM)AlphaMind Wrote: [ -> ]I am doing something and if I got better I'll share it. I only share things that are works for me.

Yeah me too.
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