06-27-2014, 05:15 AM
So I don't usually post asking about this stuff, but in this case I feel the need to get some opinions.
I posted in my journal about some conflict I had with a friend, we've had a little conflict in the past and another friend was talking about it saying 'battle of the alphas' and I asked him what he thought and he said it seems like he acts like this because in a way i'm a threat to this guy. When he first come into the group I remember he made some comment about me being second in charge in the group (my other friend who is the alpha would be the first).
He gets drunk and we kind of butt heads, one night he wanted a wrestle and I said okay and it nearly ended up in a real fight until I stopped it knowing what was about to happen. Then recently he was drunk and dropped his pants and was acting like he was bumming my head and I hate that and I decided to show him not to do it by doing something he doesn't like so I mooned him when he was laying on the floor, he cracked it and dragged me across the room and put me in a headlock and I grabbed his leg and was going to wrestle but didn't want to wreck my friends lounge, then he let go and paraded around trying to put on a big 'im angry and tough' act.
Then a few weeks later I tagged him in something funny on facebook and he deleted me which pissed me off and I confronted him about that and the thing when he overreacted and put me in a headlock.
I basically said he can't take jokes well and if he can't handle it then don't do stuff like he did first, and that it's a bit harsh that he deleted me because we usually have the same sense of humor and that i'd rather him tell me something like "can you not tag me in stuff like that on facebook cos my family or whoever might see" (that's what I gathered the point was). He wasn't saying much and tried to put the angry act on again but I followed him and just said I was trying to talk to him, in the end I said "i've said what I wanted to say" and left the gym as I was done with my workout.
Today I seen him and he said he wanted to chat and we had a civil chat about it, he first said "we don't have the same sense of humor" (later I realized we do only when he is drunk, and i've hung around him the most when he's drunk).
And the other thing he said which was strange and the thing that I mostly want opinions on..
He said that when we're out in a group that I always try to take over/take control and butt in.. and it sounded like he doesn't like that. I said to him being honest "I actually think i'm shy in groups" and told him that I feel uncomfortable in bigger groups and I don't mean to do it and maybe that's why. I now regret saying that after thinking, hoping he won't use it against me.
But for the last few hours since talking to him i've been thinking about what he said about me always trying to take control and that if he gets me thinking this it would be perfect for him to increase his status over me in the group which it seems he has been trying to do all of this time. From what i've seen he hasn't done any of this stuff with the others as they obviously aren't a threat to him like I am for some reason and he doesn't to the leader/alpha of the group since he is probably too high in status.
So i'm wondering if maybe he has a point to what he said, because I actually don't think i'm like that too much, I actually think I need to do stuff like interrupt more so i'm not ignored like I feel like I am sometimes.
The more I think about it the more it does seem he wanted to tell me that so he could try to get higher in the group if he makes me insecure about it, which makes me regret being so open and vulnerable saying sometimes in groups i'm uncomfortable. I'm working on being more open and vulnerable, but I still always think it's going to be used against me which is maybe my own insecurity.
Then the other half of me thinks maybe if people do think i'm doing that it could be one reason I sometimes push people away.
Anyway if that makes sense, it would be interesting to hear your take on this.. with all the changes i've made I feel like i've mostly lost this friendship group especially since confronting this guy.. but I may still hang around them a little bit in the future.
I posted in my journal about some conflict I had with a friend, we've had a little conflict in the past and another friend was talking about it saying 'battle of the alphas' and I asked him what he thought and he said it seems like he acts like this because in a way i'm a threat to this guy. When he first come into the group I remember he made some comment about me being second in charge in the group (my other friend who is the alpha would be the first).
He gets drunk and we kind of butt heads, one night he wanted a wrestle and I said okay and it nearly ended up in a real fight until I stopped it knowing what was about to happen. Then recently he was drunk and dropped his pants and was acting like he was bumming my head and I hate that and I decided to show him not to do it by doing something he doesn't like so I mooned him when he was laying on the floor, he cracked it and dragged me across the room and put me in a headlock and I grabbed his leg and was going to wrestle but didn't want to wreck my friends lounge, then he let go and paraded around trying to put on a big 'im angry and tough' act.
Then a few weeks later I tagged him in something funny on facebook and he deleted me which pissed me off and I confronted him about that and the thing when he overreacted and put me in a headlock.
I basically said he can't take jokes well and if he can't handle it then don't do stuff like he did first, and that it's a bit harsh that he deleted me because we usually have the same sense of humor and that i'd rather him tell me something like "can you not tag me in stuff like that on facebook cos my family or whoever might see" (that's what I gathered the point was). He wasn't saying much and tried to put the angry act on again but I followed him and just said I was trying to talk to him, in the end I said "i've said what I wanted to say" and left the gym as I was done with my workout.
Today I seen him and he said he wanted to chat and we had a civil chat about it, he first said "we don't have the same sense of humor" (later I realized we do only when he is drunk, and i've hung around him the most when he's drunk).
And the other thing he said which was strange and the thing that I mostly want opinions on..
He said that when we're out in a group that I always try to take over/take control and butt in.. and it sounded like he doesn't like that. I said to him being honest "I actually think i'm shy in groups" and told him that I feel uncomfortable in bigger groups and I don't mean to do it and maybe that's why. I now regret saying that after thinking, hoping he won't use it against me.
But for the last few hours since talking to him i've been thinking about what he said about me always trying to take control and that if he gets me thinking this it would be perfect for him to increase his status over me in the group which it seems he has been trying to do all of this time. From what i've seen he hasn't done any of this stuff with the others as they obviously aren't a threat to him like I am for some reason and he doesn't to the leader/alpha of the group since he is probably too high in status.
So i'm wondering if maybe he has a point to what he said, because I actually don't think i'm like that too much, I actually think I need to do stuff like interrupt more so i'm not ignored like I feel like I am sometimes.
The more I think about it the more it does seem he wanted to tell me that so he could try to get higher in the group if he makes me insecure about it, which makes me regret being so open and vulnerable saying sometimes in groups i'm uncomfortable. I'm working on being more open and vulnerable, but I still always think it's going to be used against me which is maybe my own insecurity.
Then the other half of me thinks maybe if people do think i'm doing that it could be one reason I sometimes push people away.
Anyway if that makes sense, it would be interesting to hear your take on this.. with all the changes i've made I feel like i've mostly lost this friendship group especially since confronting this guy.. but I may still hang around them a little bit in the future.